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Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD)
Horizontal directional drilling (HDD) machines are steerable, trenchless drilling rigs for the
installation of pipes, conduits, and cables underground in a shallow arc. They are commonly used for
installations below waterways and roadways to avoid disturbing the ground above

Horizontal drilling machines are typically heavy-duty vehicles fitted with track drives, operator controls,
and drilling machinery. Materials used for pipes include PVC, polyethylene, polypropylene, ductile iron,
and steel. 
Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD)

There are 3 main stages involved in the construction of a directional crossing are the following

1.Rig Set up
2.Piloting (Pilot Hole)
3.Reaming and product pulling
Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD)
1.Rig Set up
- Entry pit: Approximately 1 m deep x 2 m wide x 0.5 m length at the proposed.
- Exit pit: Dig out another pit of similar dimension at the proposed exit point.
- Function: of providing the first punch and control of the overflowing drill mud.
- Place the drill rig behind the Entry pit. With the rack angle adjusted as per planned drill path, maneuver the
rig such that the drill-head now points towards the start hole.
- Secure the rig, run the mud mixing system and do system check including all electronic and
electromagnetic components and guidance system. Place the sonde and run calibration test.
Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD)
2.Piloting (Pilot Hole)
 Start mud circulation and test nozzle pressure. Bring down the drill-head close to the starting pit and
let the high pressure water jet so the first cut.

 Start penetration the ground applying constant mud flow. Once the full length of the drill-head had
entered the ground, rotational motion will now commence.

 Once a full length of drill rod has entered the ground, unscrew and attach a new drill rod. Continue
this process while the walkover locater technician detects the position and orientation of the drill-
head. The locator will be in contact communication with the driller and advises the driller for
adjustment or correction so that the drilling follows the preplanned path or to avoid obstacles

 Continue this process until the drill head emerges on the other side (exit pit)
Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD)
3. Reaming and product pulling
• Upon completion of piloting (drill-head emerges on the exit pit), remove the drill- head
and in its place install the back-reamer.

• If pre-ream is necessary (in case of big diameter tunnel), install swivel and drill rods behind
the reamer. If product pulling is to commence immediately, prepare the products in a
bundle behind the swivel.

• Back-reaming (and/or pre-reaming) starts by progressing the reamer towards the entry
side, i.e. the reamer is being pulled back to the drilling unit / rig (A reverse action from
piloting). This back-reaming process enlarges the original tunnel (pilot hole) cut by the
drill-head earlier.

• Once the reamer has reached the entry pit, it is removed together with the swivel. The
trailing drill rod will then be attached to the drill unit and reaming of a larger diameter
tunnel will now commence much the same way until the desired diameter is achieved.

• When reaming and product pulling is done simultaneously, the job is considered a success
once the reamer and the product has reached the entry pit.
Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD)
3. Reaming and product pulling

- Now the reamer, swivel and other accessories can be removed. The product pipe is then usually pulled another one meter out of the
ground to facilitate handling.
- The product pipe is now ready.
- Site cleaning will now commence.

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