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Basic idea of DAC
• Digital-to-analog conversion (DAC), Process by which digital signals (which have a binary state) are
converted to analog signals (which theoretically have an infinite number of states). For example,
a modem converts computer digital data to analog audio-frequency signals that can be transmitted over
telephone lines.
• The output generated is not exactly digital rather it consists of various step size and hence can be called as
pseudo analog.
• Now the question arises that how to come closer to analog behavior?
• One of the feature of dac is that the output of dac should be propotional to input signal
analog output= k*digital input
• RESOLUTION: it can be defined as the smallest change in output as the result of change in digital input.It is
also equal to the reciprocal of the no of discrete steps in the full scale output of DAC, which is also equal to
the weight of LSB and is also referred to as the step is usually staircase waveform
• ACCURACY:- it is specified in terms of full scale error and linearity error which is Equal to the percentage of
converter’s full scale value .
• SETTLING TIME:- the output speed of DAC is usually specified by giving its settling time. It is the time
between the time when the digital input changes and the time the output enters the a specified error band
for the last time.
• OFFSET VOLTAGE: it is the voltage which appears at the output when no input is applied ,and hence ideally it
should be zero as this will cause error in the results and will give absurd values.
• PROPOTIONALITY:- The analog output must be in propotion to the digital input and the output staircase
waveform should be monotonically increasing from zero to full scale value.
• Instead of taking input as binary form dac can also use bcd as input each 4 bit code can range from 0000 to
1001 and so that BCD input represents values from 0 to 99.
• the relative weight of each code differs by a factor of 10
• The bits that make up the BCD code for the most significant digit have a relative weight that is 10 times that
of the corresponding bits of the LSD.
The weighted-resistor Type DAC(voltage
n the weighted resistor type DAC, each digital level is converted into an equivalent
analog voltage or current.The following figure shows the circuit diagram of the
binary weighted resistor type DAC. It consists of parallel binary weighted resistor
bank and a feedback resistor Rf.
The switch positions decides the binary word ( i.e. B1 B2B3…Bn ).
In the circuit op-amp is used as current to voltage converter.
The inverting terminal of op-amp is virtually at ground potential.
The following circuit diagram shows the basic 2 bit R-2R ladder DAC circuit using op-amp. Here only two values of resistors are required i.e.
and 2R. The number of digits per binary word is assumed to be two (i.e. n = 2). The switch positions decides the binary word ( i.e. B1B0)
The typical value of feedback resistor is Rf = 2R. The resistance R is normally selected any value between 2.5 kΩ to 10 kΩ.
The operation of the above ladder type DAC is explained with the binary word (B1B0= 01)
The above circuit can be drawn as,
The switched Current-source type DAC

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