Religionn - Youth Naughtiness

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Yona Theofani
Youth Naughtiness
The youth naughtiness is all
change in children (the teen
years) contrary to public order
(values ​and norms that are
mutually recognized) aimed at
people, animals and goods that
could pose harm or loss to other
parties juvenile delinquency
covers all behaviours deviating
from the norms of criminal law
committed by juveniles. Such
behaviour will harm himself and
those around him.
The Drs.B.Simanjutak, S.H.
definition of
Paul Moedikdo
according to Kartono
experts : Santrock
Drs.B.Simanjutak, S.H.

 Deeds teenagers contrary to the norms that

exist in the society in which he lives, or an
anti-social act in which it contains elements
of anti-normative.
Paul Moedikdo
All acts of an adult is a crime for children is
mischief so all that is prohibited by criminal
law, such as stealing, torturing and so on.
All acts deviation from the norm of certain
groups to cause confusion in the community.
All actions that demonstrate the need for social
The youth naughtiness
is a pathological
symptoms in
adolescents is caused
by a form of social
The youth naughtiness is a
collection of a variety of
adolescent behavior that is
unacceptable socially to criminal
action occurred.

Unlawful behavior or crimes usually

committed by adolescents aged 16-18 years;
if the act is committed by an adult will
receive legal sanction.
Types of Youth
Youth Naughtiness in schools

Youth Naughtiness outside of school (public)

Youth Naughtiness in the family environment

Youth Naughtiness in schools, Example:

 Absent from school without

 Leave school during school hours.
 Carrying weapons when schools.
 fighting with a friend.
 cheating during exams.
 degrading friend (bullying).
 stealing goods of friends and teachers.
Youth Naughtiness outside of school (public),

 Raced gang.
 Participate brawl between gangs.
 Drunken carousing.
 Consuming drugs such as narcotics and so
 free sex.
 Vandalizing public property.
Youth Naughtiness in the family environment,

 Do not listen to the advice of their parents.

 Disobey their parents.
 Violates the norms that have been agreed
with the lied to parents.
 Stealing money of parents.
Factors that causes youth
naughtiness, is divided into
two, namely :

Internal Factors

External Factors
1. Factor Personality

Personality is a dynamic organization at the individual

psychosomatic system that determines the unique way in
adjusting itself to its environment (usually called psychic
character). Adolescence is regarded as a dangerous period. In
this period, a person leaving childhood towards adulthood.
This period in its feel as an identity crisis because of the lack
of grip, while the mental personality to avoid the onset of
juvenile delinquency or deviant behavior.
2. Factors Physical Condition

These factors may include defects in terms of whether or not

physically and in terms of gender. There is a theory that
explains the link between disability with deviant action
(although this theory has not been tested both in real life).
According to this theory, a person who is undergoing physical
disabilities tend to have a sense of disappointment about the
condition of his life. The disappointment if not accompanied
by the provision of guidance will lead to the patient tends to
act violated the order of living together as a manifestation of
disappointment body condition.

3. Factors Status and Role in Society

A child who never did deviate to the applicable law, after

carrying out the process of legal sanction (out of prison),
often on his return to public status or title "ex-convict" that
society is difficult erased so that the child is back in action
deviation law because feels rejected and alienated.
1. Family Environmental Conditions

Especially in big cities in Indonesia, young people whose

parents preoccupied with business activities often
experience an inner emptiness because the direct guidance
and affection from his parents was lacking. Conditions of
parents who are more concerned than attention to his son's
career would lead to the emergence of deviant behavior
toward his son. Juvenile delinquency cases that arise in a
wealthy family is not due to lack of material needs but due
to lack of attention and affection of parents to their children.
2. Social contacts from Public Institutions or Less Good Less

If the monitoring system of social institutions of society to the

behavior patterns of young people today are less goes well,
will bring actions a deviation from the values ​and norms. For
example, young children easily tolerate actions that deviate
from the law or norms, such as drunkenness which is
considered a natural thing, action fights between young people
deemed it mediocre. Less assertive attitude in dealing with
deviant behavior action will more increase the quantity and
quality of the acts of perversion among young people.
3. Geographical conditions Natural or Physical Condition

Natural conditions arid, dry, and barren, can also cause

actions that deviate from the norm applicable rules,
especially if the individual negative mentality. For
example, did the act of theft and disturbing the public
order, or conflict motivated fight over economic interests.
4. Factors of Economic Inequality and Political

The economic gap between the rich and the poor will easily
bring social envy and jealousy of this form can realize the
acts of vandalism, theft, and robbery. Political
disintegration (including a conflict between the political
parties or the occurrence of sectarian warfare and civil war)
could affect adolescent soul which then can lead to deviant
5. Factors Socio-cultural Change that So Fast

Technological developments in various fields, especially

in the technology of communications and entertainment
that accelerate the flow of incoming foreign culture will
greatly influence the behavior patterns of children
becomes less good, the more the child is not ready for the
mental and moral, or religious insight is still low so it is
easy to do matters things that deviate from the order of
the values ​and norms.
6. The lack of understanding of the religious

In family life, lack of religious guidance also be one factor in the

occurrence of juvenile delinquency. In moral development, religion has a
very important role because of the moral values ​that come from religion
remained unchanged due to the change of time and place.
Moral or religious guidance for adolescents through the household
needs to be done since childhood according to age for each child born not
understand what is right and what is wrong, also do not understand where
the boundaries of moral conditions in the environment. Therefore moral
guidance at the outset conducted in households with training, advice that
is considered good.
An understanding of religion should be done since I was little,
through both parents by providing guidance on moral and religious
guidance, so that later after their teen could sort out good and bad deeds
they want to do something every day.
How to prevent Youth Naughtiness (juvenile delinquency)
in the light of religion:
 Participate in various religious activities, such as
religious studies.
 Approaching themselves to God with much prayer.
 Pray together with friends and family.
 Teach the basic rules in the various religions from an
early age, so that we can know what the right behavior
and the behavior is not true, based on the rules of each
rule every religion.
 Doing the positive activities such as charity, help people,
and other positive activities.
 Given the guidance on moral and religious guidance
early on.
Efforts to tackle youth naughtiness

• Preventive Actions
Enterprises prevention of juvenile delinquency
in general can be done in the following ways:
– Recognize and know the general characteristics
and typical teenager
– Knowing the difficulties that are commonly
experienced by teenagers. The difficulties which
are usually the cause of the onset of an outlet in
the form of delinquency.
Efforts to promote a teenager can be done through:

o Strengthen adolescent mental attitude to be able to resolve the

problems it faces.
o Providing education not only in the addition of knowledge and
skills but the mental and personal education through the
teaching of religion, manners and etiquette.
o Providing the means and create an atmosphere that is optimal
for the sake of personal growth is reasonable.
o Give advice in general in the hope can be useful.
o Strengthen the motivation or encouragement for good behavior
and stimulate good social relations.
o Holding a discussion group with the opportunity express the
views and opinions of the youth and provide positive guidance.
o Improve the state of the environment, social conditions of
families and communities where jobs are scarce delinquency.
• Repressive Measures

Enterprises crack breach social norms and moral

can be done by holding penalties against any act of
infringement. With the strict sanctions juvenile
offender, it is expected that later the perpetrator of
the "deterrent" and not doing things that diverge
again. Therefore, follow-up should be enforced
through criminal or direct punishment for those
who commit crimes indiscriminately.
• Measures Curative and Rehabilitation
These actions were taken after the other preventive measures
implemented and deemed necessary to change the behavior of the juvenile
offenders by providing more education. Education in particular is repeated
through coaching are often handled by a special institution or individual
who is an expert in this field. Internal solution for a teenager in controlling
youth naughtiness, among others:
The youth naughtiness covers all behavior that deviates from the norms of
criminal law committed by juveniles. Such behavior will harm himself and those
around him. The background factors occurrence of youth naughtiness can be
classified into internal factors and external factors. Internal factors such as the
crisis of identity and self-control is weak. While external factors such as a lack of
attention from parents; lack of understanding of the religious; the influence of
the surrounding environment and the influence of western culture and
relationships with peers, and educational facilities. To overcome Teenagers
should be able to get as much as possible the figure of adults who have
outgrown adolescence well also those who managed to repair it self after a
previous failed at this stage. Their motivation from family, teachers, and peers
are things that can be done is also able to cope with youth naughtiness.

The solution in the face of delinquency can be divided into three, namely:
1. Preventive action, action to anticipate the occurrence of youth
2. Repressive measures, which give strict punishment to the perpetrators of
youth naughtiness.
3. Measures curative and rehabilitation, namely changing the behavior of the
teens offenders by providing more education.
• Parents
It is suggested to parents to be able to maintain a warm relationship in the
family through mutual respect, understanding, and full of mercy and do not
fight in front of children. And gives guidance on how to get along. Parents
have to be friends, so that children can open and children can make their
parents as a true friend.
• The school
Party recommended that schools can help students to recognize the potential
of the students. So as to improve students' self-concept, as well as to minimize
the use of words or attitudes that can lower self-concept of students.
• The Government
Need for action from the government to oversee the actions of teenagers in
Indonesia to be involved in juvenile delinquency.
• General public
For the general public should participate in order to prevent it. If seeing things
that are not appropriated by adults immediately report it to local law
enforcement to be given counseling and guidance.
• Teenagers
Most important fact is how teens can position itself as a teenager is good and
right according to the demands and norms in society. So that we can be a good
teenager and so that we can create a successful state and nation.

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