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𝔄𝔩𝔢𝔵𝔦𝔞 𝔎𝔬𝔳𝔞𝔠𝔰
𝔏𝔞𝔯𝔦𝔰𝔞 𝔐𝔬𝔩𝔫𝔞𝔯
 What is spirituality?
      Spirituality is a concept with room for many perspectives, it
includes a sense of connection to something bigger than ourselves and
it involves a search for meaning in life. 

 Our inspiration:

      Came from a book that was given to us by our grandmother. This
book called 'Din tainele vietii si ale universului' by Scarlat
Demetrescu was written in 1939 and it was banned during communism.  
 Numerology and angel numbers:

           Before we dive in, we would like to mention some things

about this topic because during our research for this project we came
across these numbers repeatedly.

 Number 3:
          The number 3 carries a vibrational frequency that is
associated with self expression and creativity. It is the number of
creation and completion, associated with divinity. The vibrational
frequency of the number 3 is a sign of our alignment with powerful
spiritual forces that can help us achieve our aims. 

 Number 7:

           The number 7 combines hardworking number 4 with mystical

and creative number 3. As a result, angel number 7 carries a meaning
that both practical and mystical. Encountering angel number 7 over and
over again means that positive things are flowing freely toward you at
this time. 
 The existence of invisible worlds:

    In the nature that surrounds us there is a

diversity of etheric matters that the human body can't
sense which leads us to the question: Why can't
everyone sense these energies and matters the same?
    There isn't an actual answer to this question
(yet) but a body that can respond to the interventions
of the astral world and that can reproduce
the manifestations of the spirit needs to feel as
close to Earth as possible. A way to do that is
to avoid alcohol and meat because these 'darken' the
body and weaken the soul in front of etheric
 The bond between thoughts and spirits:

      The thought is nothing less than the act of  a

divine spark that is in all of us. This 'spark' is the
one that produces the energy that is later translated
into vibrations in the divine matter that wraps around
       These vibrations drag  out of the perispirit (the
bridge between the mind and our spirit) ideas that were
once captured  in space, photographed and  kept around
the spirit.
       The 'thought' born in someone's mind may be more
rational or more abstract depending on the knowledge that
the person has accumulated in his life. The way people
think isn't always the same because the age of their
spirits is different. A more common way of
thinkig occurs to a younger spirit whereas an abstract
way of thinking belongs to an older spirit who stands
higher in the spiritual hierarchy.
 Collective Karma:

       When all of the misdoings in a person's life

accumulate, when their thoughts and sayings have created a new
unseen world he will be overwhelmed by the weight of his sins
gathered from life to life. Those who were persuaded by the
executing spirits of the karmic laws will all be gathered in
one place, in such a situation that everyone will suddenly
die.They will all leave with the same ship that will sink, they
will all go to a theatre that will burn down but those who are
not destined to die that way will be pulled back by the
Universe (example: 1930, Arges, during Holy week a church burns
down and 110 people die)
       'For all who draw the sword will die by sword, for all
who kill by fire will die by fire. Every action has a price
wether it's good or bad.'
 Our thoughts and conclusions:

           1.The majority of the information that we have

extracted is from the book we mentioned.If you consider
getting it you might want to wait a few years because you
might get some answers to questions that we all have
about life and you will realise you are not ready for

           2.We tried to extract parts that were fairly

interesting(at least for us and hopefully for you too)
but not get into too much detail as we came across other
topics that we did not feel comfortable talking
about such as dreams and what they really mean, death,
reincarnation and many others.
 Quotes from the book:

'There will be a time when the studies of the World of

Heaven will be taught in the schools and universities of
the world.'

'From a book that originally contained over three

thousand pages, and whose content was communicated to me
over seven years, I was allowed to extract only this
part, that can be revealed to humanity in its current
state of evolution.'
 Bibliography:

~'Din tainele vietii si ale universului' -Scarlat Demetrescu

~ The Bible

~ Https://thesecretofthetarot.com/angel-numbers/

~ Our Big Minds

Pls 10 (spent 20
hours duin it)

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