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HOLA (Hello)------

Team Mexico

Um E Laila
Rida Noor
Kasim Ali
How do people react to strangers? Are they
friendly? Hostile? Reserved?
• Extremely polite and friendly
• Strangers- Shake hand upon greeting
• Acquaintances- Hug and kiss each other on cheeks and
How do you express appreciation for an invitation
for dinner, or someone’s home? Should you bring
a gift, flowers? Write a thankyou note?
• White flowers considered best gift- Considered uplifting
• Female guests bring- salad or dessert
• Male guests bring- Alcohol
• Guest are expected to inform the host after they have safely reached back to home.
Are any phrases, facial expression, or hand gesture
considered rude?

Cheap something bad

• Men must not put their hands in their pockets because it is rude for the Mexicans
What topics may or may not be discussed in
social sitting? Or business gathering
Expect to answer questions about your
• personal background
• family
• life interest.
Are some of the clothing considered taboo for
one gender or the other?
Liberty in clothing choice
• Interior Mexico- Wearing shorts are not preferred for both men and
• On coastline- One can wear it.

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