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• Konsep dan Terminologi
• Transmisi data analog dan digital
• Gangguan transmisi (Impairment)
• Analisis Fourier
• Kuat sinyal (Signal Strength) dan Decibels
Sources of signal impairment
Signal carried on transmission medium affected by:

- Attenuation
- Limited Bandwidth
- Delay Distortion
- Noise
Sources of

•Signal Attenuation: Decrease in signal

amplitude as it propagates along transmission
- Consequence: Limit length of cable to be used
- Solution : Amplifiers (Repeaters) used to restore signal
to original level.
- Property : Signal attenuation increases as a function of
Possible remedies : - Non Linear amplifiers or
Attenuation (lanjutan)
•Signal Amplification ( Gain ): Increase in
signal amplitude
Contoh (Attenuation)
Contoh (Lanjutan)
Signaling Rate vs. Data Bit Rate
Limited Bandwidth
• Bandwidth of a communication /
transmission medium:
– band of sinusoidal frequency components (f1to
f2) that will
– be transmitted by the channel unattenuated

• Question: What is the effect of channel bandwidth on

transmitted signal ?
Fourier analysis
• A periodic signal is made of an infinite
series of sinusoidal frequency components
- Fundamental frequency component : same
frequency as initial periodic signal, cycles
per sec (Hz)
- Harmonics : other frequency components,
multiples of fundamental frequency.
Fourier analysis
 
v(t )  a   an cos n( 0)t   bn sin n( 0)t
n 1 n 1

• V(t) = tegangan sinyal (periodis) sebagai fungsi

• W0 = komponen frekuensi fondamental (rad/sec)
• T= 2π/W0 atau W0 = 2 πf0
Aplikasi analisis Fourier
(Untuk transmisi data)

Possible binary sequences (periodic) :

(1) 1 0 1 0 1 0 …… period = 2 bit cell intervals
(2) 1 1 0 1 1 0 ….. period = 3 bit cell intervals
(3) 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 …. period = 4 bit cell intervals
Note: (1) has shortest period, highest fundamental
component: worst-case sequence
Aplikasi analisis Fourier
(Untuk transmisi data)
Basic Binary Signal Types:
• Unipolar Signal (Return to zero, RZ)
Amplitudes : +V, 0;
Mean Signal Level = V /2
• Bipolar Signal (Non Return–To–Zero ,
Amplitudes : +V, -V;
Mean Signal Level = 0
Aplikasi analisis Fourier
(Untuk transmisi data)
Aplikasi analisis Fourier
(Untuk transmisi data)
Aplikasi analisis Fourier
(Untuk transmisi data)
General Observations:
• A periodic binary sequence is made of an
infinite series of
sinusoidal signals made of
-A fundamental frequency component, f0
-A third harmonic component , 3f0
-A fifth harmonic component , 5f0
Note: Odd harmonics only
Aplikasi analisis Fourier
(Untuk transmisi data)/Lanjutan
• The amplitude of the harmonics diminishes with
increasing frequency
• T (Signal Period) = 2*Tb (Bit Period)
Tb = T/2; 1/ Tb = 2/T = 2 * 1/T
R (bit rate) = 2 * f0 (fundamental frequency)
• When binary data signal transmitted on a
channel, only those frequency components that
are within channel bandwidth will be received
• A channel with a bandwidth :
From 0 to fundamental frequency (half the bit rate)
can often give satisfactory performance
analisis Fourier

transmisi data)

Analysis Effect of
Aplikasi analisis Fourier
(Untuk transmisi data)
Effect of Limited Bandwidth
Aplikasi analisis Fourier
(Untuk transmisi data)
Effect of Limited Bandwidth:
Contoh :
• A binary signal of R (bit rate) = 500 bps is transmitted on
a communication channel

• What is the minimum bandwidth required, assuming

(a) Fundamental frequency only
(b) Fundamental and third harmonic
(c) Fundamental,third and fifth harmonics

• Solution :
For R = 500bps, f0 = R/2 = 250 Hz
(a) 0 – 250 Hz
(b) 0 – 750 Hz
(c ) 0 – 1250 Hz
Laju transfer informasi maksimum
Untuk kanal transmisi (noiseless)
(the Nyquist Formula)

C = 2W log2M

W : bandwidth of the channel (Hz)
M: number of levels per signaling element
log2M : number of bits/signaling element
Laju transfer informasi maksimum
Data is sent over a PSTN with :
M = 8 levels /signaling element
W = 3,000 Hz
Q: What is the Nyquist maximum data transfer rate ?
C = 2W log2M
= 2*3000*log28
= 2*3000*3
= 18,000 bps
Bandwidth Efficiency of a
Transmission Channel

B = R/W = 1/(W* Tb) bps Hz-1

• The higher the bit rate relative to the available bandwidth, the higher
the bandwidth efficiency
• Typical values for B: 0.25 - 3.0bps Hz-1, (B=3.0 requires a high signal
•Another expression for bandwidth efficiency:
R = RS. m = RS log2 M
B = R/W = (R S log2 M) /W
M is number of levels per signaling element
log2 M is number of bits per signaling element
Delay Distortion
• Rate of propagation of a signal over a channel is
function of frequency of signal
• Consequence: Delay Distortion – different
frequency components arrive with different delays
• Delay distortion increases with bit rate
• Inter symbol interference : frequency components
of a bit start to interfere with a later bit
• Use of an eye diagram : oscilloscope displays all
possible signals superimposed
Delay Distortion (Lanjutan)
• Line Noise level :
Random perturbations on the line, even
when no signal present.
Consequence: Interference between
(attenuated) transmitted signal and line
(background) noise
• Signal-to noise ratio: (SNR)
SNR = 10log10(S/N) dB
S : average power in received signal (watts)
N : noise power (watts)
Noise (Lanjutan)
Theoretical data rate of a transmission channel
(Shannon – Hartley law)

C = W log2(1 + S/N) bps

W = Bandwidth (Hz).
S = Average signal power (watts)
N = Random noise power (watts)
Noise (Lanjutan)
Theoretical data rate of a transmission channel
(Shannon – Hartley law)
Given a PSTN with:
W = 3000 Hz, and
SNR = 20 dB
determine maximum theoretical data rate
SNR = 10log10(S/N)
20 = 10log10 (S/N) , untuk S/N = 102 = 100.
C = W log2(1 + S/N)
= 3000 log2(1+100)
= 19,963 bps.
Noise (Lanjutan)
• Cross Talk: Noise caused by unwanted electrical
coupling between adjacent lines

• Near – End Cross Talk (NEXT) or Self – Cross Talk:

Strong signal output from transmitter circuit interferes
with weak signal at receiver circuit
Solution: Adaptive NEXT cancellers

• Impulse Noise: Caused by external electrical activity

– impulses (lightning, impulses from old switching
Observation : Both cross talk and impulse noise are
caused by electrical activity external to transmission line

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