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1.1 The human breathing mechanism
By Ms.Chang Yin Yin

1.2 The transport of oxygen in the human body

1.3 The importance of a healthy respiratory


By Ms.Chang Yin Yin



! hat is respiration?


! ur body takes in oxygen from the atmosphere

and release carbon dioxide.

! This process involves an exchange of gases is

known as breathing

By Ms.Chang Yin Yin




By Ms.Chang Yin Yin

! The passage of air in the human respiratory system:

nostril Nasal trachea bronchus bronchiole alveolus


1. Air enter the nose thought both 

  then nasal cavity.
  secretes mucus (traps bacteria and other particles)
3. Air enter   . Trachea does not collapse because it kept open
by ring of cartilage.
4. The trachea branches into a left
  and a right bronchus.
5. Each bronchus then branches into smaller tubes called


6. These tubes end in many tiny air sacs called 

7. The alveoli are surrounded by blood capillaries
8. Gaseous exchange takes place in the lungs by  

By Ms.Chang Yin Yin

3. The intercostal muscles move the ribs up and

down during breathing
10. The diaphragm lies at the base of the thoracic

By Ms.Chang Yin Yin

! ur body have two lungs and consist mainly of air space.

u     By Ms.Chang Yin Yin

! The lungs are made up of bronchioles, alveoli

and blood capillaries
! The lungs are protected by a bony structure
called the rib cage.
! A human being has 12 pairs of ribs
! The thoracic cavity houses the lungs

By Ms.Chang Yin Yin


By Ms.Chang Yin Yin

 An alveolus has the
following adaptation
to allow it to exchange
gases effectively. It
a) Has very large surface
area when compared
to its volume
b) Has walls which are
very think and elastic
c) Is surrounded by a
network of blood
d) Is moist

By Ms.Chang Yin Yin


By Ms.Chang Yin Yin


1. The process of taking in air into the lungs is
known as inhalation.

1. The process of expelling carbon dioxide from

the lungs into atmosphere is known as

By Ms.Chang Yin Yin


The external intercostal muscles contract

The rib cage moves upwards and outwards

The diaphragm contracts and flattens

The volume of the thoracic cavity increases

The air pressure in the thoracic cavity


Air from the surroundings enters the lungs


By Ms.Chang Yin Yin


The external intercostal muscles relax

The rib cage moves downwards and inwards

The diaphragm relaxes and curves upwards

The volume of the thoracic cavity decreases

The air pressure in the thoracic cavity


Air is forced out the lungs


By Ms.Chang Yin Yin


1. The transport of oxygen:
Ł ›  
Ł ›    
Ł ›  
2. xygen is carried by the blood. This system is
known as the blood circulatory system.
3. The lung provide oxygen to the blood which carries
the oxygen to all the cells that need it

By Ms.Chang Yin Yin


By Ms.Chang Yin Yin


1. In the blood, the oxygen will combine with the
haemoglobin in the red blood cells to form
2. Haemoglobin is a respiratory pigment which is
red in colour.
3. hen oxyhaemoglobin reaches the body
tissues, it decomposes to release oxygen. The
oxygen then diffuses into the cells.
4. ˜  


5. In the body cells, the oxygen is used for


By Ms.Chang Yin Yin

6. The concentration of oxygen in the alveoli is higher than

the concentration of oxygen in the capillaries.
Ñ  ˜ 

Alveoli High Low
Capillaries Low High

7. The different in oxygen concentration in these two parts

causes a diffusion of the gas through the thin, moist
walls of the alveoli and capillaries.
8. xygen diffuses from the alveoli to the capillaries.
Carbon dioxide diffuses from the capillaries to the alveoli

By Ms.Chang Yin Yin

! hy we need to keep our respiratory system
To make sure that the air we breathe in is
free of harmful substances

! hat is the examples of substances that are

harmful to our respiratory system?

Nicotine, tar, sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide

and haze

By Ms.Chang Yin Yin


! Carbon monoxide
! here can you found it? moke of vehicles

! hen carbon monoxide gets into our body, it

combines with haemoglobin at least 200 times
easier than oxygen does.

! Thus, when we breathe in carbon monoxide,

fewer red blood cells are able to carry oxygen
from our lungs to other parts of our body.

By Ms.Chang Yin Yin


! ulphur dioxide
Ł Produced during the burning of fossil fuels
Ł It irritates the air passage of the respiratory

! Haze
Ł moke particles which pollute the air

By Ms.Chang Yin Yin

! Nicotine and tar
Ł Cigarette smoke

! Nicotine
Ł Toxic drug that cause us to
get addicted of smoking

! Tar
Ł Carcinogen (substance that cause
Ł Damage healthy cells of the lungs
and turns them into cancer cells
Ł tick to the inside of the lungs
Ł As the walls of the alveoli get thicker,
it becomes more difficult for oxygen
to diffuse across the walls of the
alveoli into the surrounding blood

By Ms.Chang Yin Yin

! Bronchitis ! Asthma

By Ms.Chang Yin Yin

! Emphysema Pneumonia
Ł damage to the air
! an infection of lungs that causes the
sacs (alveoli).
small air sacs of the lungs (alveoli)
and the tissues around them to
become inflamed

By Ms.Chang Yin Yin

! Influenza
! Tuberculosis
! Lung cancer

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