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Submitted To Presented By:

Dr. Muktai Deb
Rajneesh chandra
Mondy et al
“Performance appraisal is a system of review and
evaluation of an individuals (or team`) performance”
Morepen Laboratories Limited (MLI) is an Indian
pharmaceutical company with its headquarters in New
Delhi; India. Morepen was established in 1984 and
went public in 1993. The company's manufactures and
sells Active .
Cummings (1973)1 in an article titled, “A Field Experimental
Study of the Effects of Two Performance Appraisal Systems”,
reported the results of a field experiment designed to test the
effects of manipulating several elements of an operative level
performance appraisal system. First, the multi purposive nature
of appraisal in formal organizations is discussed. This is
followed by a brief overview of the literature on performance
appraisal. The design and results of the study at hand are then
Methods of Collection of Data

Primary Data - Primary data is that type of data which is collected for the
first time and for the specific purpose of research. In simple words this data
does not prevail to be collected unless the need is desired for it.

Secondary data - Secondary data is the form of data which is already

present in the market and was 'collected by some other person for some
different purpose. Any form of data which is collected and used immediately
becomes data for others. The literature, related to the research topic. 1) Book
related of fundamental analysis and other fundamental analysis. 2) Journals
and periodicals for the comprehensive's opinion of eminent and Magazines
and other house journals of the intelligent writer/ author.

Employees could quit based on unfair results.

Fabricated or misleading information can affect the review

To understand the method on performance appraisal used at the organization.
To know how the employees feel towards existing system of appraisal
To determine the satisfaction level of employees towards appraisal system
To understand the methods used to train the appraisers before conducting the
According to the study, performance appraisal is a method of evaluating the behavior of employees
in the work spot, normally including both quantitative and qualitative aspects of job performance.
It is a systematic and objective way of evaluating both work-related behaviour and potential of
employees. It is a process that involves determining and communicating to an employee how the
job is done and ideally establishing a plant of improvement.
Employers must recognise that formal appraisals have a huge impact on how satisfied, motivated
and productive their employees are. I have found that with the right preparation, appraisals can be
both stimulating and performance enhancing.

To be fully satisfied and competent employees need to feel that they’re valued and are producing
good work. The formal appraisal is a great opportunity to give your employees sincere feedback,
spurring them on to work smarter and better.

It’s also an opportunity to manage employees’ promotion expectations. Those with an inflated idea
of their own abilities and role within the business will benefit from a realistic assessment of their
current worth.
The organization should make their people feel valued. To be fully satisfied and competent,
employees need to feel that they’re valued and are producing good work. The formal appraisal
is a great opportunity to give your employees sincere feedback, spurring them on to work
smarter and better.
The person conducting performance appraisal should try to resolve grievances. Often managers
are too engrossed in the day-to-day to get an insight into an employee’s frame of mind. The
appraisal is a great time to address any concerns manager or employees may have.
Appraisals can be used to help communicate the manager’s vision to team members. This is the
chance to clarify and articulate vision, ensuring that everyone is singing from the same hymn
sheet. It’s also an opportunity to manage employees’ promotion expectations. 
The organization should use the appraisal to assess employees’ weaknesses, identifying areas
which may require additional training and support. Letting the team know that you’re thinking
about their development will help instill in them an ethos of ambition, in turn driving the
business on to be more productive and inspirational.

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