Gifted and Talented: Joshua Curativo Christine Joyce Cortez

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Who is Gifted and Tale
Gifted: Having extraordinary intellectual
ability and creativity
Talented: Having exceptional skills and
ability in a specific area such as art, music,
science, and language.
1: Federal Definition

"The term Gifted and Talented, "When used

with respect to students, Children, or youth
who gives evidence of high achievement
capability in such areas as
intellectual,creative , artistic, or leadership
capacity or in specific academic fields, and
who needs services or activities not
ordinarily provided by the school in order to
fully developed those capabilities
2. New Proposed Definition of Outstanding

*Children and youth with outstanding talent

perform or show the potential for performing
at remarkably high levels of accomplishment
when compared with others their age,
experience or invironment.
*This children and youth exhibit high
performance capability in intellectual,
creative and or artistic areas, posses an
unusual leadership capacity,or Excel in
specific academic field.
3. Renzulli's three- trait definition
Renzulli's (1978) definition of giftedness is
based on an interaction among three basic
clusters of human traits:

• Above- average general abilities

• A high level of task commitment
• Creativity
What causes of Giftedness?

• Biological Factors
• Social/Environmental Factors
How to identify gifted students? Here are some
behavioural traits that children can help the
Has a good memory
• master reading skills early
• Demonstrates strong math skills
• thinks independently
• ask many questions
Information which will help the teacher identify
a students strengths and talents.
• Parents - Particularly in early identification of
gifted and talented students
• Standardised test
• identification checklist
• Rating Scale
• IQ test ( Verbal or Non-Verbal
Ability Test
• Intellegence Quotient (IQ) or
cognitive abilities scores are also
used to identify gifted and talented
students. while these test provide
information for the intellectual
domain, these test are not as a
helpful in identifying someone with
creative, leadership or other

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