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Product Overview
My product is titled “Isolated” and it follows the life of a teenage male stuck in isolation. It will
be presented mostly in a montage showing the transition of time stuck at home although set up
and climax of the video will not be a montage. It will be more comedic focused with many
relatable comedic moments since the context of the product is about someone being
quarantined, something nearly everyone in the country is relating to.
The chosen genre for my product is comedy, since I believe that it will fit the tone of montage that I am
aiming for. Although the topic is quite serious, currently millions of people are stuck at home, bored
and depressed so by choosing to make a more comedic focused product, it will hopefully cheer up and
entertain people.

The setting for the video is inside the character’s house, since it is about someone being quarantined
them being outside doesn’t make much sense.
Why This Product?
I chose to make this product for a multitude of reasons. Most people in the country are
currently locked down at home and just like in my product, are bored with little to do. I decided
to make it more comedic since being stuck at home for months can be hard for some people, so
if it is more comedic, it will be easier to cheer them up.

The unique selling point for my product is that is focuses on an once in a lifetime event, one that
the world is going through. This means that my product is something millions of people around
the globe can relate to, and provide them with some form of entertainment.
My product sends the most important message at the moment of staying home, it shows how
although you’re bored and want to go out with friends and do more than just sit in front of your TV
for three months, staying at home is the best option and even if you’re bored, to wait it out and
eventually it will go back to normal.
Who is the Product For?
My product is targeted at everyone who is stuck at home, the age or gender doesn’t matter as
much since this is something everyone in the country has to do. Because of the platform and
that I am an eighteen year old male, the product will be aimed slightly more at
millennials/generation z since they are more likely to view the video and relate to the ways to
pass fight the boredom.
My product is targeted for people quarantined, so making a product that would be better fit released
in a cinema wouldn’t work, since no one can go outside. Because of this, the product is intended to be
released online on sites like YouTube, since nearly everyone uses the site. The product is made to
entertain people is isolation so a far reaching platform like YouTube is perfect for releasing the
Project Details
The narrative of the product is that someone wakes up to find out they can’t leave the house
and it follows their now daily life of being stuck inside. As the montage progresses, the character
is getting more lazy looking, wearing less stylish clothes, doing less activities and generally being
more lazy. The days begin to look like they are merging together as the character is getting more
and more lazy and bored. Eventually, the lockdown is lifted and then character quickly goes back
to how they were at the start of the video, showing how although you’re stuck in lockdown
everything will eventually go back to normal.

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