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1. Some mothers give infants formula from birth
2. Cow milk contains a high level of phosphate 90mg/100ml (than
human milk (20mg/100ml)
3. Increased absorption of phosphate may occur> increased plasma
levels of phosphate and consequent depression of serum calcium
4. Hypocalcemia may be symptomless or result in tetany
5. Symptoms begin about the 4 – 10/7 of life
• Anorexia
• Irritability
• Tetany
• Frank convulsions
6. Serum calcium < 1.75mmol/litre and plasma inorganic phosphate >
7. Treatment 1ml of 10 % calcium gluconate slowly
8. Hypomagnesemia may occur and require treatment
a. Severe infantile hypercalcemia
b. Abnormal facies ; mental retardation
c. Cardiac abnormalities
i. Stenosis of the pulmonary arteries
ii. Stenosis of the ascending aorta
iii. Coarctation of the aorta

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