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Key points
• Veins are part of a dynamic and
complex system that returns low-
nutrient deoxygenated blood to
the heart.
• Venous blood flow is dependent
on multiple factors such as
gravity, venous valves, the
cardiac and respiratory cycles,
blood volume, and the calf muscle

Source: Schwartz principle surgery edition 10 page 915

Structure of veins
• Thin-walled, highly
distensible and
• Transporter blood toward
the heart and prevent
intravascular volume
• 3 layers: intima, media,
Source: Schwartz principle surgery edition 10 page 915
• Intima is an endothelium with
basement membrane and an
elastic lamina EDRF (nitric oxide,
prostacyclin which help maintain a
nonthrombogenic surface through
inhibition of platelet aggregation)
• Media has circumferential rings of
elastic tissue and smooth muscle
which control minimal changes
about the pressure inside of the
• Adventitia is most prominent in
large veins; consist of collagen,
elastic, fibers and fibroblasts

Source: Schwartz principle surgery edition 10 page 915
Hepatic portal vein
• Generally, the hepatic portal vein
is about 8 centimeters (3 inches)
long in adults, and is located in
the upper right quadrant of the
abdomen, which originates
behind the neck of the pancreas
and is part of the hepatic portal

Portal vein
• It is formed by the
confluence of the splenic
vein and the superior
mesenteric vein. The
inferior mesenteric drains
into the splenic vein.
• The main portal vein reach
the porta hepatis before
dividing into the left and
right portal vein.

Source: Schwartz principle surgery edition 10 page 1267

Left and right portal vein

Source: Schwartz principle surgery edition 10 page 1267

Important facts
• The portal vein drains the splanchnic blood from the stomach,
pancreas, spleen, small intestine and majority of the colon to
the liver
• The pressure of portal vein is low at 3-5 mm Hg
• The portal vein is valveless

Source: Schwartz principle surgery edition 10 page 1267

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