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Speaker Reflection

By: Catie Ross

For my speaker I really wanted to make it feel like a
Research and Design retro speaker .

CAD Design
Materials & Tools
Materials Tools
● Plywood ● Band Saw
● Wood Glue ● Carvey
● 3” woofer ● Soldering Iron
● 1 ½ “ tweeter ● Phillips Screwdriver
● Solder ● Nail Gun
● Nails ● Drill Press
● Amp ● Drill
● Copper Wires ● Hot Glue Gun
● Hot Glue
● Switch
● DC Outlet
● Pig Tail
Major Steps of Making a Speaker

1. Brainstorm and research ideas

2. Design prototypes using a CAD program (SketchUP, autocad, etc)
3. Carve out peices using band saw
4. Glue peices together using wood glue
5. Drill holes for DC outlet and switch
6. Solder the wires and woofers together
7. Screw the wires into the amp
8. Glue the amp to the side of your speaker
9. Stuff your speaker with foam
10. Close up your speaker and test it with a 9-volt amp
What is the most I think the most important thing that I
learned was that you really need to
important I learned secure everything the first time
during this project? because otherwise it will start to fall
out and start to make you take stpes
What is one thing that I The only thing I would do differently is
that I would have made the speaker
wish I spent more time edges more round and made the stain
on or done differently? darker.
What part of the project ● I think that I worked on the
soldering the best because I was
did you able to get it done quickly and
do your best work on? efficiently
What was the most ● The most difficult part for me was
putting the base and the top parts
difficult part of this together because the top had all
project? of the electronics attached and
the bottom did no match the top.

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