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MBA 4th Semester

M Odule-2
by: Viraja
Global Information
and Market Research

Definition and Meaning of Global Marketing Information Research

• Information Technology and Business
Intelligence for Global Marketing
• Source of Marketing Information
• Formal Market Research
• Headquarters
• Control of Market Research
• The Marketing Information System as
a Strategic Asset
 Meaning :refers to the system designed for regular collection
of required data related to international markets and analysis.

 Definition According to Samuel V. Smith, “marketing

information system is an interacting, continuing future-
oriented structure of people, equipment and procedures. It is
designed to generate and process an information flow to
aid decision-making in a company’s marketing programme.” 
 The marketing information system is, thus, much broader
than marketing research. Marketing research, in fact forms a
part of marketing information system.

 • Assess the information needs
 • Develop needed information
 • Analyze information
 • Distribute information
1. Continuous System • Permanent and continuous system of collecting
information .
2. Basic Objective • To provide the right information at the right time to the
right people to help them take right decisions.
3. Computer-Based System • Uses computer, so is up-to-date and accurate
4. Future-Oriented • Provides information for solving future problems
5. Used by all levels • Used by all three levels of management
6. Sources • Collects information from both internal and external sources.
7. Collects Marketing Information • Information about consumer
competition, marketing environment, etc.
8. Helps in Decision-Making • Supplies up-to-date and accurate
information that helps take quick and right decisions
If you want a detailed explanation on marketing visit:
 Trends in the marketing environment are
picked up and analysed through the four sub
systems. The information obtained through
such analysis helps marketing managers in
their market analysis, planning,
implementation and control. Their marketing
decisions and communications then flow back
to the market.
 (i) Internal Reports System:
 It is secured through accounting system. Data on sales, inventories,
costs, cash flows, accounts receivables and payable etc.; constitute the
data generated from within the firm.

 (ii) Marketing Intelligence System:

 External marketing information in the form of marketing intelligence
system is another component of the MIS. It keeps marketing
executives well informed about the current marketing environment
and changing conditions in the market census data, market news and
reports, newspapers, trade papers, magazines, trade shows, books,
company annual reports, publication of trade associations etc.,
provide valuable sources of market intelligence. Marketing
intelligence is an organised feedback process of marketing
communications or inflows of information.
 (iii) Marketing Research System:
 Marketing research offers special information on request when marketing
executives encounter typical marketing problems demanding unique
information for solving those problems. Marketing research studies relating to
buyer behavior, product or brand preference, product or brand usage,
advertising awareness. Sales promotion, physical distribution dealer behavior,
and competition and so on.
 (iv) Analytical Marketing System:
 The analytical marketing system consists of advanced statistical procedures and
models to develop more rigorous findings from information collected by the
above three systems. Marketing information is a vital concept for corporate to
succeed in the business.
 Each type of industry and unit should have a special type of marketing
information system to cope up with the changing needs of the global
environment. Several situation are influencing the companies to adopt different
marketing strategies. MIS and marketing strategy are to be matched and
 The following corporate experiences may throw more light
on the system, which is highly beneficial for the business
houses. The increased competition has forced companies to
go for designing, producing and selling the product based
on the customer taste rather than simply selling what it can
produce. For examples, readymade garments, automobiles
and mobile phones etc are being produced according to
customers’ taste and preference.
 With liquor advertising on TV and print media being
banned and the government coming down heavily on
surrogate advertising, Mc Donell and company plans to
use internet as an options to promote and market its
various brands.
• Information Technology (IT) refers to an
organization’s processes for creating, storing,
exchanging, using, and managing information
• Management Information Systems (MIS)
provide managers and other decision makers
with a continuous flow of information about
company operations
A Component of firm’s MIS is a business
intelligence (BI) network that helps managers
make decisions
 My vision is to design, build, sell, and maintain cars.
Everything I do is directed linked to this, to urgent
need to increase turnover, margins, and brand image.
Every single investment and expense in the IT field
has to be driven by this vision of automotive
~ Jean-Pierre Corniou, Chief Information Officer
(CIO) at Renault
• Intranet
• Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
• Efficient Consumer Response System
• Electronic point of sale
New business model that helps companies
collect, store, and analyze customer data

A visitor to who buys the latest

US CD encounters CRM when he or she gets
the message “Customers who bought this title
also bought Bruce Springsteen's Working on a
Integralpart of CRM
Help fine-tune product

assortments for multiple locations

Enhance the ability of

management to respond to
changing business conditions
 An efficient, effective system that will scan
and digest published sources and technical
 Daily scanning, translating, digesting,
abstracting, and electronic input of
information into a market intelligence system
 Expanding information coverage to other

regions of the world

Personal sources
Company executives based abroad who have contact
with distributors, consumers, suppliers, and
government officials
Friends, acquaintances, professional colleagues,

consultants, and prospective employees

Direct sensory perception
Using the senses to find out firsthand what is going on
in a particular country
Is the project-specific, systematic
gathering of data in the search
scanning mode on a global basis.
Challenge is to recognize and
respond to national differences
that influence the way
information can be obtained.
 Identifying the information requirement
 Defining the problem

 Choosing a unit of analysis

 Examining data availability

 Assessing value of research

 Designing the research

 Analyzing the data

 Interpreting and presenting the findings

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