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Faculty of Engineering and

Technical Studies


UNIT 2: Fluid Dynamics and Behaviour of
Real Fluid
Chapter 4: Application of Bernoulli and
Momentum Equations
Assoc. Prof. Dr Othman A. Karim
EBVF4103 Fluid Mechanics for Civil Engineering
Jan 2005

Subject Matter Expert/Author: Assoc. Prof. Dr Othman A. Karim (OUM) Copyright © ODL Jan 2005 Open University Malaysia
Faculty of Engineering and
Technical Studies

4.1 Application of Bernoulli Equation
4.1.1 Pitot Tube
4.1.2 Pitot Static Tube
4.1.3 Venturi Meter
4.1.4 Sharp Edge Circular Orifice
4.1.5 Nozzles
4.1.6 Flow over Notches and Weirs
Subject Matter Expert/Author: Assoc. Prof. Dr Othman A. Karim (OUM) Copyright © ODL Jan 2005 Open University Malaysia
Faculty of Engineering and
Technical Studies

• The Bernoulli equation can be applied to a great many
situations not just the pipe flow we have been considering up
to now.
• In the following sections we will see some examples of its
application to flow measurement from tanks, within pipes as
well as in open channels.

Subject Matter Expert/Author: Assoc. Prof. Dr Othman A. Karim (OUM) Copyright © ODL Jan 2005 Open University Malaysia
Faculty of Engineering and
Technical Studies

• Acknowledge practical uses of the Bernoulli and momentum
equation in the analysis of flow
• Understand how the momentum equation and principle of
conservation of momentum is used to predict forces induced
by flowing fluids
• Apply Bernoulli and Momentum Equations to solve fluid
mechanics problems

Subject Matter Expert/Author: Assoc. Prof. Dr Othman A. Karim (OUM) Copyright © ODL Jan 2005 Open University Malaysia
Faculty of Engineering and
Technical Studies

4.1 Application of Bernoulli Equation

4.1.1 Pitot tube
 A point in a fluid stream where the velocity
is reduced to zero is known as a stagnation
0 X point.
 Any non-rotating obstacle placed in the
stream produces a stagnation point next to
Figure 4.1: its upstream surface.
Streamlines passing a  The velocity at X is zero: X is a stagnation
non-rotating obstacle point.
 By Bernoulli's equation the quantity p + ½V2 + gz is constant along a streamline
for the steady frictionless flow of a fluid of constant density.
 If the velocity V at a particular point is brought to zero the pressure there is
increased from p to p + ½V2.
 For a constant-density fluid the quantity p + ½V2 is therefore known as the
stagnation pressure of that streamline while ½V2 – that part of the stagnation
pressure due to the motion – is termed the dynamic pressure.
 A manometer connected to the point X would record the stagnation pressure, and
if the static pressure p were also known ½V2 could be obtained by subtraction,
and hence V calculated. 5
Subject Matter Expert/Author: Assoc. Prof. Dr Othman A. Karim (OUM) Copyright © ODL Jan 2005 Open University Malaysia
Faculty of Engineering and
Technical Studies

Figure 4.2: Simple

Pitot Tube

A right-angled glass tube, large enough for capillary effects to be

negligible, has one end (A) facing the flow. When equilibrium is
attained the fluid at A is stationary and the pressure in the tube
exceeds that of the surrounding stream by ½V2. The liquid is forced
up the vertical part of the tube to a height :
h = p/g = ½V2/g = V2/2g
above the surrounding free surface. Measurement of h therefore
enables V to be calculated.
V  2 gh (4.3)
Subject Matter Expert/Author: Assoc. Prof. Dr Othman A. Karim (OUM) Copyright © ODL Jan 2005 Open University Malaysia
Faculty of Engineering and
Technical Studies

 Measurement of the static

pressure may be made at the
boundary of the flow, as
illustrated in (a), provided that
the axis of the piezometer is
perpendicular to the boundary
and the connection is smooth
and that the streamlines
adjacent to it are not curved
 A tube projecting into the flow
(Tube c) does not give a
satisfactory reading because the
fluid is accelerating round the Figure 4.3:
end of the tube. Piezometers
connected to a pipe
Subject Matter Expert/Author: Assoc. Prof. Dr Othman A. Karim (OUM) Copyright © ODL Jan 2005 Open University Malaysia
Faculty of Engineering and
Technical Studies

 Two piezometers, one as normal and one as a Pitot tube within the
pipe can be used in an arrangement shown below to measure
velocity of flow.
 From the expressions above,

1 2
p 2  p1  V1

1 2
gh2  gh1  V1
V  2 g  h2  h1 

Figure 4.3 : A Piezometer and a Pitot tube

Subject Matter Expert/Author: Assoc. Prof. Dr Othman A. Karim (OUM) Copyright © ODL Jan 2005 Open University Malaysia
Faculty of Engineering and
Technical Studies

4.1.2 Pitot static tube

 The tubes recording static pressure
and stagnation pressure are frequently
combined into one instrument known
as a Pitot-static tube
 The ‘static’ tube surrounds the ‘total
head’ tube and two or more small
holes are drilled radially through the
outer wall into the annular space.
 The position of these ‘static holes’ is
important. This instrument, when
connected to a suitable manometer,
may be used to measure point
velocities in pipes, channels and wind Figure 4.5: Pitot static tube
Subject Matter Expert/Author: Assoc. Prof. Dr Othman A. Karim (OUM) Copyright © ODL Jan 2005 Open University Malaysia
Faculty of Engineering and
Technical Studies

 Consider the pressures on the level of the centre line of the

Pitot tube and using the theory of the manometer,
PA = P2 + gX
PB = P1 + g(X-h) + maxgh
P2 + gX = P2 + g(X – h) + mangh
 We know that , substituting this in to the above gives

2 gh(  max   )
V1 

Subject Matter Expert/Author: Assoc. Prof. Dr Othman A. Karim (OUM) Copyright © ODL Jan 2005 Open University Malaysia
Faculty of Engineering and
Technical Studies

4.1.3 Venturi meter

 The Venturi meter is a device for
measuring discharge in a pipe.
 It consists of a rapidly converging
section, which increases the velocity
of flow and hence reduces the
 It then returns to the original
dimensions of the pipe by a gently
diverging ‘diffuser’ section. By
measuring the pressure differences
the discharge can be calculated.
Figure 4.6: A Venturi meter
 This is a particularly accurate
method of flow measurement as
energy losses are very small.
Subject Matter Expert/Author: Assoc. Prof. Dr Othman A. Karim (OUM) Copyright © ODL Jan 2005 Open University Malaysia
Faculty of Engineering and
Technical Studies

Applying Bernoulli Equation between (1) and (2), and using continuity equation
to eliminate V2 will give :
(4.4) p p

Z Z  1 2
 g
1 2 
V1   
 A1 
   1
and Qideal = V1A1  A2 
To get the actual discharge, taking into consideration of losses due to friction,
a coefficient of discharge, Cd, is introduced.

Qactual = Cd Qideal =  p  p2
2 g  1

 Z1  Z 2  (4.5)
  g 
Cd A1 2
 A1 
   1
It can be shown that the discharge can also be expressed in terms of
 A2 
manometer reading :

Q actual = (4.6)  
2 gh  man  1
C d A1   
 A1 
   1
where man = density of manometer fluid  A2 

Subject Matter Expert/Author: Assoc. Prof. Dr Othman A. Karim (OUM) Copyright © ODL Jan 2005 Open University Malaysia
Faculty of Engineering and
Technical Studies

Example 4.1
 A Venturi meter with an entrance diameter of 0.3 m
and a throat diameter of 0.2 m is used to measure the
volume of gas flowing through a pipe. The discharge
coefficient of the meter is 0.96. Assuming the specific
weight of the gas to be constant at 19.62 N/m3,
calculate the volume flowing when the pressure
difference between the entrance and the throat is
measured as 0.06 m on a water U-tube manometer.

Subject Matter Expert/Author: Assoc. Prof. Dr Othman A. Karim (OUM) Copyright © ODL Jan 2005 Open University Malaysia
Faculty of Engineering and
Technical Studies

What we know from the problem

statement :
gg = 19.62 N/m2
Cd = 0.96
d1 = 0.3m
d2 = 0.2m

Calculate Q:

V1 = Q/0.0707 V2 = Q/0.0314

Subject Matter Expert/Author: Assoc. Prof. Dr Othman A. Karim (OUM) Copyright © ODL Jan 2005 Open University Malaysia
Faculty of Engineering and
Technical Studies

For the manometer :

P1   g gz1  P2   g g ( z 2  RP )   w gRP

P1  P2  19.62( z 2  z1 )  587.423 --- (1)

For the Venturi meter :

2 2
P1 V P V
 1  z1  2  2  z 2
 g g 2g  g g 2g
--- (2)
P1  P2  19.62( z 2  z1 )  0.803V2

Combining (1) and (2) :

0.803V2  587.423
V2 ideal  27.047 m / s
 0.2 
Q ideal  27.047      0.85 m / s

 2 
Q  C d Qideal  0.96  0.85  0.816 m 3 / s
Subject Matter Expert/Author: Assoc. Prof. Dr Othman A. Karim (OUM) Copyright © ODL Jan 2005 Open University Malaysia
Faculty of Engineering and
Technical Studies

4.1.4 Sharp edge circular orifice



 Consider a large tank, containing an ideal fluid, having a small sharp-

edged circular orifice in one side.
 If the head, h, causing flow through the orifice of diameter d is constant
(h>>d), Bernoulli equation may be applied between two points, (1) on the
surface of the fluid in the tank and (2) in the jet of fluid just outside the
orifice. Hence :
2 2
P1 V1 P2 V2
 h    0  losses
g 2 g g 2 g
Subject Matter Expert/Author: Assoc. Prof. Dr Othman A. Karim (OUM) Copyright © ODL Jan 2005 Open University Malaysia
Faculty of Engineering and
Technical Studies

 Now P1 = Patm and as the jet in unconfined, P2 = Patm. If the flow is

steady, the surface in the tank remains stationary and V1  0 (z2=0,
z1=h) and ignoring losses we get :
 z1  z 2  h

or the velocity through the orifice,

V2  2 gh (4.7)

This result is known as Toricelli’s equation.

Assuming no loses, ideal fluid, V constant across jet at (2), the
discharge through the orifice is
Q  A0 V2
Subject Matter Expert/Author: Assoc. Prof. Dr Othman A. Karim (OUM) Copyright © ODL Jan 2005 Open University Malaysia
Faculty of Engineering and
Technical Studies

where A0 is the area of the orifice

Q  A0 2 gh

For the flow of a real fluid, the velocity is less than that given by
eq. 4.7 because of frictional effects and so the actual velocity V2a, is
obtained by introducing a modifying coefficient, Cv, the coefficient
of velocity:

V2 a  Cv 2 gh (4.8)

actual velocity
Cv  (typically about 0.97)
theoretical velocity
Subject Matter Expert/Author: Assoc. Prof. Dr Othman A. Karim (OUM) Copyright © ODL Jan 2005 Open University Malaysia
Faculty of Engineering and
Technical Studies

Vena contracta


P = Patm


Figure 4.8: The formation of vena contracta

As a real fluid cannot turn round a sharp bend, the jet

continues to contract for a short distance downstream (about
one half of the orifice diameter) and the flow becomes
parallel at a point known as the vena contracta (Latin :
contracting vein).
Subject Matter Expert/Author: Assoc. Prof. Dr Othman A. Karim (OUM) Copyright © ODL Jan 2005 Open University Malaysia
Faculty of Engineering and
Technical Studies

The area of discharge is thus less than the orifice area and a
coefficient of contraction, Cc, must be introduced.
area of jet at vena contracta
Cc 
area of orifice
Hence the actual discharge is :

Qa  C c A0 C v 2 gh (typically about 0.65)

or introducing a coefficient of discharge, Cd, where :

actual discharge
Cd  (typically 0.63)
theoretical discharge

Qa  C d A0 2 gh (4.9)

Cd = Cc . Cv (4.10)
Subject Matter Expert/Author: Assoc. Prof. Dr Othman A. Karim (OUM) Copyright © ODL Jan 2005 Open University Malaysia
Faculty of Engineering and
Technical Studies

4.1.5 Nozzles

within nozzle
Figure 4.9: Contraction within a nozzle

 In a nozzle, the flow contracts gradually to the outlet and hence the area
of the jet is equal to the outlet area of the nozzle.
i.e. Cc = 1.0
therefore Cd = Cv
 Taking a datum at the nozzle, Torricelli’s equation gives the total energy
head in the system as it assumes an ideal fluid and hence no loss of
energy, i.e. theoretical head :
ht  (4.11)
Subject Matter Expert/Author: Assoc. Prof. Dr Othman A. Karim (OUM) Copyright © ODL Jan 2005 Open University Malaysia
Faculty of Engineering and
Technical Studies

But the actual velocity is :

V2a = C v V2
and the actual energy in the jet is :
ha  2a
as P2 and z2 are zero
Therefore the actual energy head is :
2 2
Cv V2 (4.12)
ha 
And the loss of energy head, hf , in the nozzle due to friction is :
2 2
hf  ht  ha   v 2
2g 2g

theoretical actual
V 2
 2 (1  C v )
hf  (1  Cv ) ht
2 (4.13)
Subject Matter Expert/Author: Assoc. Prof. Dr Othman A. Karim (OUM) Copyright © ODL Jan 2005 Open University Malaysia
Faculty of Engineering and
Technical Studies

4.1.6 Flow over notches and weirs

 is an opening in the side of a tank or reservoir, which
extends above the surface of the liquid.
 It is usually a device for measuring discharge.
 A weir is a notch on a larger scale – usually found in rivers.
 It may be sharp crested but also may have a substantial
width in the direction of flow – it is used as both a flow
measuring device and a device to raise water levels.

Subject Matter Expert/Author: Assoc. Prof. Dr Othman A. Karim (OUM) Copyright © ODL Jan 2005 Open University Malaysia
Faculty of Engineering and
Technical Studies

Weir Assumptions
 assume that the velocity of the fluid approaching the weir is
small so that kinetic energy can be neglected.
 assume that the velocity through any elemental strip
depends only on the depth below the free surface.
 These are acceptable assumptions for tanks with notches or
reservoirs with weirs, but for flows where the velocity
approaching the weir is substantial the kinetic energy must
be taken into account (e.g. a fast moving river).

Subject Matter Expert/Author: Assoc. Prof. Dr Othman A. Karim (OUM) Copyright © ODL Jan 2005 Open University Malaysia
Faculty of Engineering and
Technical Studies

A General Weir Equation

To determine an expression for the theoretical flow through a notch we will consider
a horizontal strip of width b and depth h below the free surface, as shown in the
velocity through the strip
V= 2 gh
discharge through the strip, Q  AV  b h 2 gh

Integrating from the free surface, h = 0, to the weir crest, h = H gives the expression
for the total theoretical discharge,
Qtheoretical = 2 g  bh 2 dh

0 25
Subject Matter Expert/Author: Assoc. Prof. Dr Othman A. Karim (OUM) Copyright © ODL Jan 2005 Open University Malaysia
Faculty of Engineering and
Technical Studies

Rectangular Weir
For a rectangular weir the width does not
change with depth so there is no relationship
between b and depth h. We have the
equation, b = constant = B.
Substituting this with the general weir
equation gives:
Qtheoretical  B 2 g  h 2 dh

Figure 4.11 :
A rectangular weir
2 3
 B 2g H 2
To calculate the actual discharge we introduce a coefficient of discharge,
Cd, which accounts for losses at the edges of the weir and contractions in
the area of flow, giving :
2 3
Qactual  C d B 2g H 2 (4.15)
Subject Matter Expert/Author: Assoc. Prof. Dr Othman A. Karim (OUM) Copyright © ODL Jan 2005 Open University Malaysia
Faculty of Engineering and
Technical Studies

Example 4.2
 Water flows over a sharp-crested weir 600 mm wide. The measured head
(relative to the crest) is 155 mm at a point where the cross-sectional area
of the stream is 0.26 m2. Calculate the discharge, assuming that Cd = 0.61.

H = 155 mm

Cross sectional
Area = 0.26 m2

 As first approximation,

Qactual  C d
B 2g H 2
 0.61   0.6 m  19.62 m / s 2 (0.155 m) 2

= 0.0660 m3/s
Subject Matter Expert/Author: Assoc. Prof. Dr Othman A. Karim (OUM) Copyright © ODL Jan 2005 Open University Malaysia
Faculty of Engineering and
Technical Studies

0.0660 m 3 / s
Velocity of approach =
0.26 m 2

= 0.254 m/s
V 2 (0.254 m / s ) 2
 2
 3.28  10 3 m
2 g 19.62 m / s
H + V12/2g = (0.155 + 0.00328) m = 0.1583 m

0.61 19.62 x0.6 0.1583 m 3 / s  0.0681m 3 / s
3/ 2
Second approximation:

Further refinement of the value could be obtained by a new calculation of V1

(0.0681 m3/s  0.26 m2), a new calculation of H + V12/2g and so on. One
correction is usually sufficient, however, to give a value of Q acceptable to
three significant figures.

Subject Matter Expert/Author: Assoc. Prof. Dr Othman A. Karim (OUM) Copyright © ODL Jan 2005 Open University Malaysia
Faculty of Engineering and
Technical Studies

• Chapter 4 emphasized basically on the application of
Bernoulli equation in order to solve problems related
to fluid mechanics and the application of momentum
equation to solve type of flows problem.
• Students should concentrate more on the examples
given in chapter 4 and try to relate the concept in the
real scenario.

Subject Matter Expert/Author: Assoc. Prof. Dr Othman A. Karim (OUM) Copyright © ODL Jan 2005 Open University Malaysia
Faculty of Engineering and
Technical Studies

Thank You

Subject Matter Expert/Author: Assoc. Prof. Dr Othman A. Karim (OUM) Copyright © ODL Jan 2005 Open University Malaysia

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