Irfan Presentation Skills

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• An event at which preplanned material is
shown to intellectuals for a specific purpose.
Although a presentation is a verbal form of
communication, it is often supported by other
media, such as computer.
Essential Elements Of
Presentation Skills
• Identify the audience
• Formulate your objective
• Prepare keeping in mind the
time allotted
• Build an audience profile
• Collect material from a
variety of sources
• Arrange points logically and
• Prepare handouts as well



The Body
• People not only listen to you, they also watch
• Displaying good posture tells your audience
that you know what you are doing and you
care deeply about it. Also, a good posture
helps you to speak more clearly and effective.
• Throughout you presentation, display:
• Eye contact: Speakers who make eye contact
open the flow of communication and convey
interest, concern, warmth, and credibility.
• Facial Expressions: Smiling is a powerful cue that
transmits happiness, friendliness, warmth, and
liking. So, if you smile frequently you will be
perceived as more likable, friendly, warm, and
• Gestures: If you fail to gesture while speaking, you
may be perceived as boring and stiff. A lively
speaking style captures attention, makes the
material more interesting, and facilitates
• Proximity: Cultural norms dictate a comfortable
distance for interaction with others.
Make an impression
Rehearse, rehearse &
Use funny quotations
Short and simple
 Prepare more material than
 Practice, practice, practice
 Think positive
 Be comfortable
 Concentrate on your
message and audience
 Keep going
Focus on the questioner
Respond appropriately
Maintain control
Survive the situation
Encourage questions
• We all have a few habits, and some are more
annoying than others. For example, if we say
"uh," "you know," or put our hands in our
pockets and jingle our keys too often during a
presentation, it distracts from the message we
are trying to get across.
• The best way to break one of these distracting
habits is with immediate feedback.
• Don’t agonize over mistakes, and don’t say
you’re sorry. Keep confident and if you mess
up—move on.
• Learn from your mistakes.
• If you’re getting lots of questions, don’t be
afraid to ask the audience member to “hold
that thought” if you’ll touch on the material
later, or find a diplomatic way to say that it’s
an interesting question and then ask them to
ask it again at Q&A time.
• Don’t pay attention to distractions.
• Have complete control on your audience like
you are the leader of them.
• Never argue with any audience.
• Thanks the audience for the patience to listen
Thank You

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