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The 2000s

November 7,2000
*George Bush (son of former president)and Vice
President Al Gore hold a virtual dead-heat for the
Presidency *

*A disputed vote in Florida holding off the

naming of winner of the Elections

*Bush succeeded in the elections with the

support from Supreme Court , despite ganing
less popular votes than Gore .
*The 2000 census enumerates a
population of 281,421,906 increasing
13.2% since 1990 so this led to moving
the geographic center of population to
other areas(Phelps county, Missouri)
 2001
January 6,2001
U.S Senate confirms George Bush as the victor

April 8,2001
Tiger woods becomes the first golfer to hold all
four major titles

September 11,2001
Some Muslims are hijack four U.S airliners and
crush them into the Pentagon and the World
Trade Center in New York City .
 The attack of tow planes levels the World Trade
Center and crash of one plans inflicts serious
damage to the Pentagon ,causing 3000 death
the plot attributed to the Al-Qaeda organization
led by Osama Bin Laden.

October 7,2001
( War on Terrorism )in response to the tragedy
of September 11 and to attach Taliban and Al-
Qaeda in Afghanistan in November 12 the
Taliban leaves the capital Kabul .
 2002
July 5,2002- Continuing its pattern of the past several
years, Iraq refuses new proposals from the United
Nations concerning weapons inspections. On
September 12, U.S. President Bush addresses the
United Nations and warns the members that Iraq
presents danger to the world that they must confront,
or that the United States and others will act. On
October 2, 2002, the United States Congress passes a
resolution giving the President of the U.S. the
authority to use the military, forces of the country as
he thinks necessary
 2003
March 19, 2003 - The War in Iraq begins with
the bombing of Baghdad then and the United
States coalition fail to removal of Saddam
Huşsein from power
February 3,2004 -The Central Intelligence
Agency admits that the imminent threat from
weapons of mass destruction

November 2,2004-George Bush wins again

against john kerry

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