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By: Sean Gillmore

Why Work?
■ We work because we want to get money, be successful be great and for
some people they also want to be known all over the world and teach
them the key of how you can be successful in the future. Most people
want to work and get money to get rich and buy maybe jewellery, cars
and also buy their dream mansion. Everyone wants to be successful just
so that they can buy anything they really want but, being successful is not
an easy thing/job to do because you will have many sacrifices through
your journey working just to be successful. You will have some regrets,
some mistakes and failures but those things are the one that really make
you go up again and get inspired so you don’t give up.
People work because…
■ Some people work because their job is fun, some people work just to get money
and get rich. Some people work for their love of the work; others work for
personal and professional fulfillment. Other people like to accomplish goals and
feel as if they are contributing to something larger than themselves, something
important, an overarching vision for what they can create. Some people have
personal missions they accomplish through meaningful work. Others truly love
what they do or the clients they serve. Some like the camaraderie and interaction
with customers and coworkers. Other people like to fill their time with activity.
Some workers like change, challenge, and diverse problems to solve. As you can
see, employee motivation is individual and diverse.
Japan employment problem
■ A big problem for Japanese workers today is on one hand, long work
hours and intense, high stress work is becoming norm for full-time
workers but on the other hand, low wage and short-term contract are
becoming common among temp workers. Unemployed have hard time
receiving their unemployment checks. Many people are cornered to the
cliff where they don’t have a way out. Unemployed people desperately
want to find jobs, temp work or whatever it is. But temp work provides
neither stability nor future career perspectives, so they want to get a full
time job. But once they get a full time job, what’s waiting for them is
long work hours and high stress work. So no matter which path they take,
there is no way out.
Possible Solutions to the Problem

■ People should not need a college degree or a diploma because it doesn’t

really matter what it shows are only letters and numbers and that doesn’t
make you better it only makes you look better. The main objective of
county’s employment policy should be to increase employment
opportunities and productivity of labour. Govt. should adopt a policy that
provides employment to all people. To increase employment, it is
essential to increase production in agriculture and industrial sectors.
Development of small and cottage industries should be encouraged.
We Are All Equal
■ Some people cant even get jobs because of their skin color, It
doesn’t matter if we are white, yellow, brown or black or if we
look like a criminal because what matters is the work we are
putting in or the sacrifice we will do for our jobs that’s what
really matter, some companies care if they are black or have
tattoos which is racist and bad.

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