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Data Migration in S/4 HANA(On-Premise)

What is Data Migration?

Data migration is the process of transferring data between data storage systems, data formats or computer systems.
Data migration project is done for numerous reasons, which include replacing or upgrading servers or storage equipment,
moving data to third-party cloud providers website consolidation, infrastructure maintenance, application or database
migration, software upgrades, company mergers or data centre relocation.

Transition to SAP S/4 HANA Scenarios

 New System installation: Example: New or existing SAP customer implementing a new SAP S/4HANA system with
initial data load (Data Migration).

 System Conversion: Example: Complete conversion of an existing SAP Business Suite system to SAP S/4HANA.

 Lands cape transformation: Example: Consolidation of current regional SAP Business Suite landscape into one global
SAP S/4HANA system.

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High Level Data Migration Solution Architecture

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High Level Solution Architecture Description
 Legacy System
Represents the systems that contains structured in-scope migration data.

 Data Migration Platform(IS & BODS)

The Data Migration Execution Platform will be used to conduct all technical data activities including interfacing to source
and target systems; scheduling activities; integrating data; cleansing data; loading data; data reconciliation; KPI reporting;

Information Steward
Provides analysis and reporting on data profiling and quality, and development of cleansing packages.

Extract Zone
All in-scope migration source data will be extracted in the staging area for Data Migration. This will consist of a file system
to land and archive any data received as flat files, as well as database schema that will contain the data in its source

Transform Zone
Based on the mapping and cleansing rules defined by the functional teams, the data from each respective source system
will be converted into the target format.

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High Level Solution Architecture Description
Load Zone
The Load Ready zone will contain all data that is ready to be loaded into their respective target systems.

 Target Systems
Represents the target applications for respective in-scope migration data.

S/4 HANA will contain all Master and Transactional data loaded via Various Migration tools like LSMW, BODS, Migration

SAP MDG will provide business data SME’s the ability to create new and update existing master data objects (customer,
material, vendor) into S/4.

Historical finance and non-finance transactions from source systems will be loaded into the BW data warehouse following
translation via the mapping tables.

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Deep Dive into S/4 HANA Migration Solution
Data Migration was able to fix current problem of managing multiple system and reducing resource cost ,But alone it
could not help business to grow as there was a need of Real-Time data replication in CFin which gets created on day to
day activity and that could help Stakeholder and Decision-makers to achieve their vision of business Growth by Analysing
Profit-Loss, Growth in Customer and Consumer reports etc. and SLT plays a crucial role in achieving this goal.

Using Data Migration we could load, Cleansed and enriched data as golden records into S4 Hana System but to Safe
Guard Master data and S/4 HANA from becoming Inconsistent and Non-Conform over a period of time which would have
high impact on business growth by producing In-appropriate reports and could lead Stake Holder to bring ambiguity into
their decision and future plan, This brings a need of Master Data Governance Solution so that Transaction could be made
very Confidently on those master records.

 Provide Consistent and Conformed data in One System which can help in mitigating Poor Data Quality issue.
 To reduce infrastructure\resource cost occurred due to multiple System.
 Data quality Dashboard to analyze periodically Business impact.
 Data Cleansing solution to Enrich data which help in growing Business.
 A proper Data Governance solution to safeguard Data Quality for Future.

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Best Practices Data Migration Tools for S/4 HANA
 Rapid Deployment Solution with Data Services
SAP Rapid Data Migration with SAP Data Services enables you to migrate your data, ensuring your data can be trusted
by the users and is ready for business process execution within SAP systems.

Merits of RDS
 Detailed documentation for technical set-up, preparation and execution of migration for each supported object and
extensibility guide. 
 SAP Data Services (DS) files, including IDoc status check and Reconciliation jobs. 
 IDoc mapping templates for SAP S/4HANA (in MS Excel). 
 Lookup files for Legacy to SAP S/4HANA value mapping. 
 Migration Services Tool for value mapping and lookup files management. 
 WebI Reporting content for SAP Business Objects BI platform.

Merits of Data Services over other ETL tools for S/4 HANA Migration
 Easily Integrated with SAP compared to other ETL tools for extraction and Load.
 Pre defined contents available with SAP Data Services which reduces cost and time.
 As Data Services is a SAP product, We have only one single point of contact for any service request.

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