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Group MEMBERS: Andrew Hutson ( CRASS, IDIOT, BEAVER)
Vidur Singh
Randhir Mootoo
Theodosius Velloza
Waveney Charles
Budheshwar Ramsukh
Roy Butcher
Melissa Moore (UGLYYYY)
Ayanna Blair
 Atherosclerosis comes from the Greek word athero
meaning paste or gruel and sclerosis meaning hardness.

 Atherosclerosis: refers to an arteriosclerotic condition in

which artery lumen volume is decreased due to the
building up fibrous plaques beneath the endothelial

 Fibrous plaque: may be made of calcium, fatty

substances, cholesterol and waste products.

 Atheromas: nodes of fibrous plaque.

Aetiology of Atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis is a slow, complicated disease that normally starts in

childhood and often progresses when people grow older. A lot of risk factors
are associated with its development and its precursor is often damage to the
endothelial layer of the artery lumen (tunica intima).
Risk factors for atherosclerosis:
 Smoking
 Diet High in Saturated Fat and cholesterol( associated with increased
LDL(low density lipoprotein) Levels)
 People may be genetically predisposed to developing Atherosclerosis
 Age
 High blood pressure
 Inactivity
 Obesity
 Gender
 Alcohol
Histopathology Of Atherosclerosis
Histopathology Of Atherosclerosis Cont’d
Clinical Pictures of Atherosclerosis

ealthy Artery

Atherosclerotic artery
Clinical Pictures of Atherosclerosis Cont’d

Gangreen of
the foot
Diagnosis of Atherosclerosis
 Patient and Family History
 Physical exam- use of stethoscope to listen to heart –
whooshing or blowing sound occurs in atherosclerosis.
 Tests include:
 Pulmonary angiography
 CT Scan
 Aortic arteriography
 Cardiac stress testing
 Intravascular ultrasound
 Blood tests
 Electrocardiograms
Treatment Of Atherosclerosis
 Diuretics
 Beta Blockers
 ACE Inhibitors
 Plant Statins
 Anticoagulants
 Platelet inhibitory drugs
 Desist from smoking
 Lowering of cholesterol and saturated fat in diet
 Moderate exercise
 Desist from excessive alcohol consumption
Prevention and Prognosis of Atherosclerosis

 Prevention: This disease is almost totally diet and lifestyle related. Poor diets
containing too much sugar, too much refined foods, too much saturated fats, too
much animal products, etc, as well as lack of physical activity are major causes of
all of these ailments. If you wish to prevent atherosclerosis, you must start with
your dietary and lifestyle habits.

 Prognosis: Atherosclerosis can be successfully treated but not cured. Recent

clinical studies have shown that atherosclerosis can be delayed, stopped, and even
reversed by aggressively lowering LDL cholesterol. New diagnostic techniques
enable physicians to identify and treat atherosclerosis in its earliest stages. New
technologies and surgical procedures have extended the lives of many patients who
would otherwise have died
 James, C. Delores, The Gale Group Inc,
Atherosclerosis, Macmillan References 2004.
 Eder, et al.: Laboratory Atlas of Anatomy and
Physiology, Third Edition, The Mc Graw hill
companies, 2001.
 Edexcel AS Biology revision guide.

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