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Research philosophy

Positivism vs. interpretivism

• Reality is stable and can be observed objectively
• Observations can be repeatable
• ”One factor changes”
• Hypothesis= predictions

• Positivism in social science??

• Subjective interpretations and
• Intervention or interaction between subject and

• Social science and interpretivism??

• 4% of research!!
Research strategy
Scientific/positivist Interpretivist
Lab -Experiments Subjective/argumentative
Field experiments Reviews
Surveys Action research
Theorem proof Descriptive/interpretive
Forecasting Future research
Simulation Role/game play
Case studies Case studies
Survey research
• Questionnaires and interviews
• More variable at a time
• But difficault to establish causes or processes
• Complexity
Case studies
• Three reasons for this approach:
1. Vital to study in natural settings
2. Questions ”why and how” can be answered during research
3. ”First mover situation”

• Multiple methods
• Few entities
• Not very clear boundaries and
• No control is used
The case study methods
• Direct observation in their environment
• Indirect observation of process related phenomena
• Interviews
• Documentation
• Records from previous use of the technology
Case studies vs. Action research
Case study Action research
Observer Active participant
Exploratory, Prescriptive,
explanatory or intervening
”How and why”? Also ”how to?”
Positivist or interpretivist

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