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Hypodermic Needle Theory

The hypodermic needle theory is a theory that

suggests that the media directly injects its messages
into the brains of the passive audience, this theory
suggests that the media is a lot more powerful than
it claims to be.
Two Step Flow
Two-Step Flow the theory that people will form
there opinion based on the opinion of influential
media members. This means that the media
essentially creates public opinion.
Uses and Gratification 
This theory suggests that people seek out certain
media in order to satisfy their needs, this suggests
that people will look for certain media than will
validate their opinion.
Preferred Readings
This is a theory states that the producer wants the
audience to view the media in a certain way. The
audience will agree to the message if it goes along
with their demographic or their views.
Passive/Active are the two ways an audience can
engage in media. The passive way suggests the
audience is oblivious  to what there being shown.
While active viewing suggests the audience knows
what there being shown and use the media as a tool
to learn

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