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Chapter 5
Persuasive Presentation

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• a symbolic process in which
communicators try to convince other
people to change their attitudes or
behaviors regarding an issue through the
transmission of a message in an
atmosphere of free choice
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Y Requirements In Presenting Ideas Persuasively 4 4
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1. Pleasing
Pleasing Personal Traits
The listener’s perception of the speaker
significantly affects the way they respond
to the message being conveyed.

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Requirements In Presenting Ideas Persuasively
exudes - defined as to
exudes - defined as to
show a lot of a certain
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1. Pleasing Personal Traits
show a lot of a certain
feeling or to slowly
feeling or to slowly
discharge something
discharge something

a.) Self-confidence – If the speaker

exudes a lot of self confidence, he earns the
confidence of the audience.

b.) Sincerity – The presenter should be

very sincere.

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Requirements In Presenting Ideas Persuasively
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1. Pleasing Personal Traits

c.) Tone – variation in voice pitch while


d.) Friendliness – it’s very important to

smile; be friendly

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Requirements In Presenting Ideas Persuasively
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2. Physical Appearance & Demeanor
Whether the presentation is face-to-face, or
via video or online conferencing, the
listeners will pay attention to the speaker as
well as the surroundings.

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Requirements In Presenting Ideas Persuasively
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2. Physical Appearance & Demeanor
a.) Immediate Environment – The
immediate environment will always be, an
integral part of the presentation.

b.) Personal Appearance – The speaker should make

sure that his clothing is appropriate and that nothing in his
overall appearance may distract the listeners.
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Requirements In Presenting Ideas Persuasively
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2. Physical Appearance & Demeanor
emanate - give out or
emanate - give out or
emit (something
c.) Facial Expression – Facial expression emit (something
abstract but
abstract but
should emanate from within, and is a result perceptible)

of the speaker’s genuine understanding of

his topic.

d.) Posture – The speaker should maintain good posture

because it is a vital part of his overall personality, and it is
even more obvious than his facial expression.
Requirements In Presenting Ideas Persuasively
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2. Physical Appearance & Demeanor
e. Walking – The audience also tends to
judge a speaker based on the way he walks.

f.) Gestures – Gestures are strong means of supporting

the ideas laid down by the speaker.

Requirements In Presenting Ideas Persuasively
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3. Voice and Manner of Self-Expression
A speaker should constantly work on
having a pleasant voice that is interesting
to his listeners.

Requirements In Presenting Ideas Persuasively
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3. Voice and Manner of Self-Expression
a.) Voice Quality – Some voices may be more
pleasant than those of the other people. A speaker
who is businessman may resort to voice therapy if
he needs to.
Observing and listening to professors, television
hosts, professional speakers, trainers will help in
being able to improve on voice quality.
Requirements In Presenting Ideas Persuasively
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3. Voice and Manner of Self-Expression
b.) Vocal Emphasis – Varying the manner
of speaking is a great way to achieve vocal

c.) Pitch Variation – Variation in pitch

keeps the audience from being bored and
helps the speaker avoid talking in monotone.

Requirements In Presenting Ideas Persuasively
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3. Voice and Manner of Self-Expression
d. Variation in Speaking Speed – The easy
part of a speaker’s message should be
presented at a fairly fast speed while the
difficult parts or the parts that need to be
emphasized should be delivered at a
moderate speed, so the listeners can catch up
or thoroughly understand the message.
Requirements In Presenting Ideas Persuasively
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3. Voice and Manner of Self-Expression
e.) Language Register – This is the level of
formality with which a person speaks.
Different situations and different people call
for different registers. These are language
frozen, formal, consultative, casual, and
Requirements In Presenting Ideas Persuasively
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4. Awareness of Audience Context
A speaker or presentor should be fully
aware of his audience and of the
perspective from which he is going to
deliver his presentation
The speaker should use language that is

Requirements In Presenting Ideas Persuasively
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Requirements In Writing Persuasive Messages
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1. Determine the audience.
It is important to evaluate the request or
proposal from a reader’s point of view.

The writer of the message should be able to

manipulate the reader’s emotion and
opinions, so he can achieve a particular
purpose or desired outcome
Requirements In Writing Persuasive Messages
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2. Identify targeted reader benefits.
It is easier to persuade a reader when the writer highlights
both the tangible and intangible benefits that the reader or
the company he represents will get from his approval of a
particular request or proposal.

The writer should be able to focus on, and clearly explain the reader
benefits or provide enough details so the reader can understand how he
can benefits from what the writer is requesting him to do.
Requirements In Writing Persuasive Messages
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3. Employ the three kinds of appeals.
Aristotle’s famous modes of persuasion are those that are
based on:
a.) Character of the writer (ethos) – Ethos is a Greek word which
means “character”. The writer’s integrity tend to make a reader believe
or agree with what the writer’s proposes.

b.) Logic (logos) – Logos is a Greek word which means “word”. Mentioning facts
and statistic, using historical analogies, and citing names of trusted authorities on the
subject of discussion, and developing logical arguments are significant to being able
to make the reader agree with the writer. 2222
Requirements In Writing Persuasive Messages
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3. Employ the three kinds of appeals.
Aristotle’s famous modes of persuasion are those that are
based on:
c.) Emotion (pathos) – Pathos is a Greek word which means
“suffering” and “experience”. Touching the heart of the reader is a
proven technique to succeed in persuading an audience.

Begging for sympathy from the readers, drawing pity from the audience, inspiring
anger from the listeners in order to call for action, use of meaningful language,
emotional manner of writing, and use of implied meanings all bank on the
effectiveness of pathos as a mode of persuasion. 2323
Requirements In Writing Persuasive Messages
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4. Make it easier for the readers to comply.

The writer should always remember that audience and

purpose are two very important aspects of a persuasive

Requirements In Writing Persuasive Messages
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Writing a
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Writing a Persuasive Request
Persuasion should be planned and put
forward at the beginning of the letter, long
before the writer actually states the request.

Indirect Approach – tried and tested

strategy in guiding the audience through
the process of approving the request.
Writing a Persuasive Request
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1. Strategy to be used.
For the best persuasive approach, the writer
a.) determine what he wants
b.) figure out the reader’s possible reactions
c.) decide on the best persuasive strategy
• to eliminate reader objections, and
• To evoke a favorable response Writing a Persuasive Request 2727
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1. Strategy to be used.

Common-ground persuasion technique –

where the writer thinks of a problem that
the reader and the writer both have.

Writing a Persuasive Request
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2. Attention-grabbing statement at the beginning.

The primary goal of the beginning

statement in a persuasive message is to
gain attention.

Writing a Persuasive Request
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3. Making the appeal.
After the opening statement and once the reasoning has been
developed by the writer, he can now start convincing the reader
using any of the modes of persuasion which have been previously
mentioned. The speaker should remember that the presentation of
the reasoning should be logical and orderly. The details should be
very convincing, and the expressions should be very clear.

Writing a Persuasive Request
4. Click to editthe
Expressing Master titleclearly
request style and in positive manner.

This call to action may be positioned at the

end of the letter, but by all means, should
be very clearly stated.

Building goodwill is always a significant part of the

persuasive message, so it is imperative that the writer
use word choices that will make the reader feel good
about taking the action being asked for.

Writing a Persuasive Request
4. Click to editthe
Expressing Master titleclearly
request style and in positive manner.

Indirect Approach – best strategy to use

in a persuasive attempt, whether oral or
This should be carried out with convincing reasoning,
call to action and promotion of goodwill.

Writing a Persuasive Request
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Men cannot survive without
cheating, it is in their
—M.F. Moonzajer 3333
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Thank You!

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