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Milestones of

Gracy Espino
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Gestational Age
• Measured in:
a. Trimesters (3 month periods)

First Trimester : 1-3 months

Second Trimester: 4-6 months
Third Trimester: 7-9 months
Gestational Age

• Measured in:
b. Lunar months
(4-week periods)
1st Trimester: period of organ dev’t
First Month (4 weeks)

• Length: .75 cm to 1cm

• Weight: 400 mg.
• Amniotic sac & placenta
• Head folds forward and is
• The backbone is bent, which
makes the head almost
touch the tail.
• Buds of arms and legs begin to
• Rudiments of eyes, ears & nose
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Second Month (8 weeks)
• Length: 2.5 cm (1in)
• Weight: 20 gm.
• heart already developed a
septum and valves and is
beating rhythmically.
• All vital organs are formed
• Facial features are noticeable.
• The Ext. genitalia starts to
form but is not yet
• Placenta is developed
• Fetal intestine is rapidly

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Third Month (12 weeks)
• Length: 7 to 8 cm
• Weight: 45 g
• Placenta is complete
• Kidneys are functional
• Fetus begins to swallow
amniotic fluid
• Sex is distinguishable
• FHT audible via doppler @ 10
– 12 weeks
• The toes and fingers already
have nail beds.
• Faint fetal movements are

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2nd Trimester : continuous growth and
development (focus  length of fetus)
Fourth Month (16 wks.)
•Length: 10 to 17cm
•Weight: 55 to 120g
•Head is erect
•Lanugo begins to appear
•Buds of permanent teeth appear
•Actively swallows amniotic fluid
•Urine is present in amniotic fluid
•Ultrasound could determine the
sex of the fetus.

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Fifth Month (20 wks.)
• Length: 25cm.
• Weight: 223 g.
• Quickening : 1st fetal movement
• Lanugo covers the body
• There is hair formation on the
head until the eyebrows.
• The upper intestine contains
• Wakes & sleeps at regular
• FHT audible via stethoscope

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Six month (24 weeks)
•Length: 28 to 36 cm
•Weight: 550 g.
•Meconium is present at the rectum.
•Eyebrows and eyelashes
• are distinguishable.
•Eyelids can now open.
•Pupils react to light.
•Responds to sudden sounds.
•Skin is red and wrinkled
•Vernix caseosa covers the
• skin
•Exhibits startle reflex*
•Lungs develops

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Seventh Month (28 weeks)

• Length: 35 to 38 cm
• Weight: 1,200g
• Surfactant development
• Male: the testes begins to descent
into the scrotal sac
• Female : clitoris is prominent
and labia majora are small
doesn’t cover the minora
• Retinal blood vessels start to
form but are highly susceptible to

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Eight Month (32 weeks)
• Length: 38 to 43cm
• Weight: 1,600 g
• Active moro reflex
• Lanugo begins to disappear
• Subcutaneous fats deposits,*
steady weight gain
• Brain develops
• Fingernails grow to end of
• Fetus responds to sounds
outside the mother’s body
through movements.
• Birth position: Vertex or breech
will be assumed
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Ninth Month (36 wks.)
• Length: 42 to 48 cm
• Weight: 1,800 to 2700g
• Lanugos and vernix
caseosa is evident in body
• Birth position assumed
• Amniotic fluid somewhat
• Sole of the foot has few
Tenth month (40 weeks)
• Length: 48 to 52 cm
• Weight: 3,000 g
• Vernix caseosa is evident in body
• Fetus now kicks very actively and
hard enough to cause discomfort.
• Fingernails extend to the
• The soles of the feet have creases
that cover at least two-thirds of the

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