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Improving Brand Awareness and Brand Penetration by reach to the Mass Audience.


Pan India


Reach to over 40 million Consumers through this Promotion
Free Online Banner Space worth 1 lakh INR .
Emailers to over 11 million customers
Separate Micro Site for the activity ( Logo Presence) promoted through SEO.
Futurecom logoPresence in all Communication Across Media ( TVCF, Print, Radio, Outdoor, Retail POP/POS)

Quick Cam for Notebooks and Optical Mice to be given to the Lucky Draw Winners of the contests.

July 5th-Aug 15st 2010

V is the process by which companies create customer interest in
goods or services.
V It is an integrated process through which companies build
strong customer relationships and creates value for their
customers and for themselves.
V Marketing is not about providing products or services it is
essentially about providing changing benefits to the changing
needs and demands of the customer.
V Marketing is based on identifying, anticipating and satisfying
customer needs effectively and profitably. It encompasses
market research, pricing, promotion, distribution, customer
care, your brand image and much more.

It is a process by which..
*one identifies the needs and wants of the people
*one determines and creates a product/service to meet the needs
and wants. [PRODUCT]
*one determines a way of taking the product/service to the market
place. [PLACE]
*one determines the way of communicating the product to the
market place. [PROMOTIONS]
*one determines the value for the product.[PRICE].
*one determines the people, who have needs/ wants. [PEOPLE]
*and then creating a transaction for exchanging the product
for a value. and thus creating a satisfaction to the buyer's
Name, Term, Sign, Symbol, Design, or
Combination of These.

›  ›  


Legal rights
Vocalized Part Symbol, reproduced
Part of the
of the Design, Color, Publish and
brand given
brand͙͙ Letters͙ sell the
Chevrolet, Pillsbury, Matter and
protection to
Disneyland, MGM Lion, K from a
brand mark
AMEX on Kodak literary
Brand Positioning
M Brand positioning is all about identifying the
M optimal location in our customers͛ minds for
M Brand and our competitors
M Proper positioning makes it easier to facilitate
M understanding of our Brand
M Proper positioning
ʹClarifies what the Brand is all about
ʹHow it is both unique and similar to
competitive brands
ʹWhy customers should purchase and use the
Pepsi One
M Millions in R&D for ingredient Ace-K (artificial
M sweetener)
M 37,000 hours to design the can
M 100 Million Marketing budget
M Original Target Market
ʹ20-30 yo Males who did not like taste of diet
In order to Position a Brand͙

M ͙you must decide

ʹWho the Target Consumer is
ʹWho your main competitors are
ʹHow the Brand is similar to your competitors
ʹHow the Brand is different from your

M Where do you get this information?





Growth rate familiarity
of the market with the

Size of the




M (IMC) is the coordination and integration of all marketing
communication tools, avenues, functions and sources within
a company into a seamless program that maximizes the
impact on consumers and other end users at a minimal cost.

M Integrated marketing communications aims to ensure

consistency of message and the complementary use of
media. The concept includes online and offline marketing
channels. A company develops its integrated marketing
communication program using all the elements of the
marketing mix.

*÷      &
1. E-marketing campaigns or programs
2. search engine optimization (SEO)
3. pay-per-click
4. Affiliate
5. Email
6. banner to latest web related channels for webinar
7. Blog
8. micro-blogging
9. RSS
10. , podcast
11. Internet Radio and Internet TV

*÷!!      &
1. Traditional print (newspaper, magazine)
2. Mail order
3. Public relations,
4. Industry relations
5. Billboard
6. Traditional radio
7. Television

Brand equity is the intangible value of a particular company or

product based on consumer perception in the marketplace.
Many different factors contribute to brand equity including
advertising, consumer reviews, and publicity. A brand with
strong equity tends to be well-known and thought of positively
by many consumers.











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V Born in November 17, 1961 in Jodhpur,


V She completed her Bachelor of Arts degree

from Jai Hind College, Mumbai. Later, she
joined the Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of
Management Studies for the Masters Degree
in Management Studies.

V She has two children, a son and a daughter.

How she became ÷, +
V Joined ICICI as a       after her Masters in
the year 1984.

V After 9 years of hard work, Kocchar was appointed as part of

  to set the ICICI bank.

V She got promotion in 1994 & 1996 as   # 

   and then "( #     respectively.

V In 1998, she was promoted as the #     with role

of handling relationships with ICICI`s top 200 clients.
V In April 2001, she was promoted as -" 
heading the retail business in ICICI Bank.

V In April 2006, Chanda Kocchar was appointed as "(

 of ICICI Bank.

V in May 2009 Chanda Kocchar was appointed as  !

. /

V Bank won the Best Retail Bank in India award in 2001, 2003,
2004 and 2005 and Excellence in Retail Banking Award in
2002; both awards was given by the Asian Banker.

V Kocchar personally was awarded Retail Banker of the Year

2004 (Asia-Pacific region) by the Asian Banker, Business
Woman of the Year 2005 by The Economic Times and Rising
Star Award for Global Awards 2006 by Retail Banker

M Kocchar has also consistently figured in Fortune`s list of Most
Powerful Women in Business since 2005. She climbed up the
list debuting with the 47th position in 2005, moving up 10
spots to 37 in 2006 and then to 33 in 2007. In the 2008 list,
Kocchar features at the 25th spot.

!  $

  2 " CEO, Of
Shahnaz hussian Group of


V She comes from a royal Muslim family

and her father was a very powerful

V She did her schooling from the Irish

convent. Since a very young age, she
had an interest in poetry and English
V She grew up in a traditional family, but was privileged to
receive modern education.

V She got married, when she was only fifteen years old. The
next year after her marriage, she became a mother.

V When she went to Teheran along with her husband, she

developed a keen interest in beauty treatments. Eventually,
she decided to study the cosmetology course. She wanted to
be self independent and so she began writing articles for the
Iran Tribune on varied subjects.
$ 
V While pursuing studies, she learnt about the harmful effects
of chemicals on human body. She studied Ayurveda and
believed that it is the best alternative to chemical cosmetics.

V After leaving Teheran, she took an extensive training in

cosmetic therapy for a long period of 10 years from the
leading institutions of London, Paris, New York .

V She returned to India in the year 1977 and established her

first beauty salon in her abode. Unlike other salons, she did
not use chemical cosmetics. Rather, she made use of
Ayurvedic products that are absolutely safe on the human
body. She has ushered an era of herbal cosmetics.

V The products launched by her Company head their way to
leading global stores such as Blooming Dales (New York),
Harrods and Selfridges (London), Seibu (Japan), Galleries
Lafayette (Paris), and La Rinaeccente (Milan).
V Her beauty products are very skin friendly and give a
beautiful glowing look. She has not only been able to tap the
markets of India, but made her presence felt in international
market too.
V She has launched more than 400 different kinds of beauty
V She has dominated the market from the USA to Asia. During
1990s, the average growth rate of her company, which is
based in New Delhi, was nearly 19.4%. In the year 2002, her
Company touched $100 million. Her works are real
praiseworthy and have been appreciated all over the world.

V She has received many awards such as "The Arch of Europe

Gold Star for Quality", "The 2000 Millennium Medal of
Honor", "Rajiv Gandhi Sadbhavana Award" and many more.
V Now, her aim is to set her foothold in the space. People who
go to space usually suffer from skin problems. At present,
Shahnaz Hussain is focusing her attention on creating
products that can prove to be beneficial for the astronauts.
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How Brands Work

M Brand personalities
M Branding
M Trust
M Brand image
M Brand relationships
M Brand equity


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