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Efectuat : Zaharia Dumitru

Native American Indians
The Native American Indians are an important part of the
culture of the United States. While their people have lived on
this land for thousands of years, today their numbers are

One race: 2,932,248 are registered.

In combination with one or more of the
other races listed: 2,288,331.
Total: 5,220,579.
The struggle for land
Europeans thought that the majority of Indian lands free. The
Indians are not "improved land" fences, wells, buildings and
cities. Many settlers believed that the Indians - savages and
that their life is of no value. They believed that they had a right
to plow Indian lands.
On the island of Manhattan, where now is New York, it had a
lot of beavers, deer, foxes, wild turkeys and other game.
Shinnecock Indians used the island for fishing and hunting,
but they did not live there. they did not have the concept of
private property.
The Indians believed that the land should be equally available
to all. They worshiped the ground, which gave them food,
clothing and shelter. And they took her just what needed.
They did not understand why the settlers kill animals in the
forests surrounding the city, to make them safe. They do not
like the road and the town that marred the face of the earth.
For Europeans, the game there to kill her, the land - to possess
it and handle it.

The First Anglo

- Powhatan War
Small Indian tribes and clans could hardly have a serious
resistance to well-armed and determined the colonists, but
united, they were often quite a powerful force.
In 1817, President James Monroe wrote: "Hunters and wild
tribes need much more territory to meet their needs than is
compatible with the progress and the just demands of
civilized life, and so they must comply with these
requirements. Abundantly clear that if Indian tribes do not
come from the state of savagery and become civilized, they
begin to degenerate and die. "

The good indian is dead indian

Indian removal was a policy pursued intermittently by
American presidents early in the nineteenth century, but more
aggressively pursued by President Andrew Jackson after the
passage of the Indian Removal Act of 1830. The act led to the
creation of Indian territory, the general borders of which were
set by the Indian Intercourse Act of 1834.

In 1924, Congress passed the Indian Citizenship Act, which
declared the citizens of all Indians born within the territorial
limits of the United States.
The United States began to be proud of the diversity of its
population. There was a desire to recognize indigenous
Americans and try to compensate for the unfair treatment to
which they had been before.
While black Americans protested against the violation of
their civil rights, the Indians also appealed to the American
people to protest. In the mid-1960s they began to call for the
creation of the movement "The power of the Indians' by
analogy with the movement of" Black Power. "In 1972, the
American Indian Movement (MDI) and other groups fighting
for the rights of Indians went to Washington with a protest
march, which was called "Path of breach of contract."
Today, most Indians are hoping to get the best out of what is
in both worlds. Here is what Fred Kadazinn, great-grandson
of the famous Apache warrior, who was educated at the
college: "My generation has spent all of his time to the study
of the customs of white. We learned them, but we lost a lot
of their Indian heritage. We are trying to restore what was
Navaho language was used by Marines in World war two,
after japan force deciphered the US cod conversation Navajo
Code Talkers
The indians are impressed by men on horse riding a horse, and
the gun takes soul
Gallup, New Mexico is the largest city in USA where 43.8%
are Native American
There are people who do not go beyond the reservations and
they make it rain.
someone asked when the Indians built a monument, a
monument built when the warrior is over, but the warrior is
not over.
The part of indians do not recognize today government

The high crimes in the native reservation.

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