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BY – Anushka Jadhav

The topics which are mainly useful in daily life are:

 Commercial mathematics .
 Algebra
 Statistics
 Calculus
 Number theory
 Graph theory
 Geometry
 Mechanics
For more than thousand years mathematics has been a part of the
human search for understanding.Mathematical discoveries have
come both from attempt to describe the natural world and the desire
to arrive at a form of inescapable truth from careful reasoning .These
remain fruitful and important motivations for mathematical
thinking ,but in the last century mathematics has been successfully
applied to many other aspects of the human world : voting trends in
politics , the dating of artifacts,the analysis of automobile traffic
patternsn and long term strategy for the sustainable harvest of
deciduos forests , to mention a few .Today, mathematics as a mode
of thought and expression is more valuable than ever
before.Learning to think in mathematical terms is an essential part of
becoming a liberally educated person.
 Business mathematics OR Commercial mathematics are 
mathematics used by commercial enterprises to record and
manage business operations. Commercial organizations use
mathematics in accounting, inventory management, marketing
, sales forecasting, and financial analysis.
 Mathematics typically used in commerce includes 
elementary arithmetic, elementary algebra, statistics and 
probability. For some management problems, more advanced
mathematics - such as calculus, matrix algebra and 
linear programming - is applied.
 Business mathematics, sometimes called commercial math or consumer math,
is a group of practical subjects used in commerce and everyday life. In schools,
these subjects are often taught to students who are not planning a university
education. In the United States, they are typically offered in high schools and
in schools that grant associate's degrees; elsewhere they may be included
under Business studies. The emphasis in these courses is on computational
skills and their practical application, with practice being predominant.
 A (U.S.) business math course typically include a review of 
elementary arithmetic, including fractions, decimals, and percentages.
Elementary algebra is often included as well, in the context of solving practical
business problems. The practical applications typically include 
checking accounts, price discounts, markups and Markup, payroll
 calculations, simple and compound interest, consumer and business credit,
and mortgages and revenues.

Foreign exchange


Arithematic (profit and loss,

percentage , ratio and proportion

1. Early Life
In the early stages of development, an infant makes use of
algebra to calculate trajectories and you might be surprised
to know how! A 16-week baby is able to assess the direction
of an object approaching and is even able to determine the
position where the object will land. Babies easily estimate
the distance between them and the toy and are also able to
track the objects. What do you think is playing a role here?
Of course, it’s Algebra! Despite the fact that the infants have
no theoretical knowledge of the algebraic operations, yet
they are able to make efficient use of it.
2. Professional Advancement
 In whatever field you want to strive ahead, algebra is going to
be needed. When a student goes from school to college,
chances are that algebra will find a way in whatever subject a
student opts. Most of the times, physical and chemical
sciences employ the basics of algebraic equations. In the case
of computer sciences, the algorithms are based on the
algebraic operations only. Moreover, algebra is involved in
the field of art and architecture to calculate correct
proportions so as to put forth a masterpiece. Basic knowledge
about the algebraic operations also prepares a person for the
work front.
3. Morning Routine
 Right from the time a person wakes up in the morning, algebra
comes into play. Take for example- a person has a meeting in
the morning, what is that person likely to do? He/she will set
up an alarm for waking up in the morning to get ready and
assemble all the essential documents. What actually is
happening here? The person knowingly or unknowingly makes
use of algebra to calculate the time required to bathe, have
breakfast or collect coffee, gather all important paperwork,
and reach the office on time. Now, this particular situation
involves time, money, and distance and their accurate
calculations to make it to the meeting on time.
4.Making It To The Trash Can
 How do you think you make a perfect shot at the trash can?
Yes, you guessed it right! You apply algebra in this case as
well. While aiming at the trash can, you unconsciously
calculate the distance between yourself and trash can, air
resistance, the weight of the trash you want to throw away,
required trajectory, and the force required so that the piece of
trash lands into the trash can. Your application of algebra while
aiming at the trash can does not end here. You also estimate the
strength of the nerve impulse which has to be sent to each
muscle at the right time to contract or relax it. In case, you still
miss your shot, you definitely did not do your algebra well.
6. Sports
 Algebra does not even leave behind sports to make use of
it. If you look closely, the players of almost all the sports,
unintentionally, apply algebra. The cricketers are able to
hit sixes only because they are able to calculate the force
required to hit the ball and basketball players calculate
the trajectory to score a point. In a similar fashion,
footballers calculate the force and distance so as to score
a goal and sprinters estimate the speed required to cover
the distance to reach the endpoint; therefore, each and
every sport involve algebra in one way or the other.
Can boost and Can help you in
bolster logical making significant
reasoning decisions  Can help
students in
deciding on
career goals


Can use
algebra for
understanding Indispensable for
other The versatility of pursuing higher
mathematical algebra comes in handy education
branches in every sphere of life
1. Predictions
 The figures help us make predictions about something that is going to
happen in the future. Based on what we face in our daily lives, we make
 How accurate this prediction will depend on many factors. When we make a
prediction, we take into account the external or internal factors that may
affect our future. When they apply statistical techniques to estimate an event,
the same statisticians use it.
 Doctors, engineers, artists, and practitioners all use statistics to make
predictions about future events. For example, doctors use statistics to
understand the future of the disease. They can predict the magnitude of the
flue in each winter season through the use of data.
 Engineers use statistics to estimate the success of their ongoing project, and
they also use the data to evaluate how long it will take to complete a project.
2. Quality testing
 Quality testing is another important use of statistics in every
area of life. On a day-to-day basis, we conduct quality tests to
ensure that our purchase is correct and get the best results
from what we spend.
 We do a sample test of what we expect to buy to get the best.
If the sample test that we have done passes the quality test, we
want to buy it.
3. Weather Forecasts
 Have you ever seen weather forecasting? Do you know how
the government does the weather forecasting? Statistics play a
crucial role in weather forecasting.
 The computer use in weather forecasting is based on the set of
statistics functions. All these statistics function to compare the
weather condition with the pre-recorded seasons and
conditions. This helps the government.
4. Emergency Preparedness
 Statistics is also helpful in emergency preparedness.
With the help of statistics, we can predict any natural
disaster that may happen shortly. It will help us to get
prepared for an emergency. It also helps the rescue
team to do the preparation to rescue the life of the
people who are in danger.
5. Predicting Disease
 Statistics is even playing a role in the medical field.
Statistics help us to know how many numbers of people
are suffering from the disease. It also helps us to
understand how many have died from the same disease.
 But the best part of statistics is that it also helps you to
find out how much you affected from the deceased. For
example, a study has shown that more than 75% of
people are infected with a disease that is caused by
mango. In that case, you might avoid mango to avoid
this disease.
6. Political Campaigns
 Statistics are crucial in a political campaign. Without
statistics, no one can run a political campaign with
perfection. It helps the politicians to have an idea about
how many chances they have to win an election in a
particular area.
 Statistics also help the news channel to predict the winner
of the election. It also helps the political parties to know
how many candidates are in their support in a particular
voting zone. In contrast, it helps the country to predict
the future government.

1.Search Engines
 Algorithms are used every day by major search engine companies
to help refine searches for the person behind the keyboard.
Algorithms are calculations used to compile a large amount of data
and variables into an equation, spitting out the best possible
answer. These algorithms are what makes search engines so adept
at finding the precise answer quickly. They take into account
variables such as the user's geographic location, web history and
how useful other users have found similar webpages to create an
appropriate search result. All of these variables are utilized to
define the rules and constraints of sequent calculus equations that
produce the most logical and effective results.
2.Weather Models
 Weather is more accurately predicted than ever before. Part of the
improvement is thanks to technology, such as computer modeling
that uses calculus and is able to more meticulously predict upcoming
weather. These computer programs also use types of algorithms to
help assign possible weather outcomes in a region. Much like in the
computer algorithms, weather forecasts are determined by
considering many variables, such as wind speed, moisture level and
temperature. Though computers do the heavy lifting of sifting
through massive amounts of data, the basics of meteorology are
grounded in differential equations, helping meteorologists determine
how changes in the temperatures and pressures in the atmosphere
may indicate changes in the weather.
3.Improving Public Health
 The field of epidemiology -- the study of the spread of
infectious disease -- relies heavily on calculus. Such
calculations have to take three main factors into account: those
people who are susceptible to a disease, those who are infected
with the disease and those who have already recovered from it.
With these three variables, calculus can be used to determine
how far and fast a disease is spreading, where it may have
originated from and how to best treat it. Calculus is especially
important in cases such as this because rates of infection and
recovery change over time, so the equations must be dynamic
enough to respond to the new models evolving every day.
 Calculus is used to improve the architecture not only of buildings but
also of important infrastructures such as bridges. Bridges are complex
constructions because they have to be able to support varying amounts of
weight across large spaces. When designing a bridge, one must take into
account factors including weight, environmental factors and distance.
Because of this, maths such as differential calculus and integral calculus
are often used to create the most robust design. The use of calculus is
also creating a change in the way other architecture projects are designed,
pushing the frontier of what sorts of shapes can be used to create the
most beautiful buildings. For example, though many buildings have
arches with perfect symmetry, calculus can be used to create archways
that are not symmetric along with other odd shapes that are still able to
be structurally sound.
 Number theory was labeled the "Queen of Mathe matics" by
Gauss. For many years it was thought to be without many
practical applications. That situation has changed significantly
in the twentieth century with the rise of computers.
 Prime and composite numbers play an important role in
modern cryptography or coding systems. Huge volumes of
confidential information (credit card numbers, bank account
numbers) and large amounts of money are transferred
electronically around the world every day, all of which must
kept secret. One of the important applications of number
theory is keeping secrets.
 Using Fermat's theorem, a computer can quickly compute if a number-
even a large number-is prime. However, once a computer finds out that a
number is not prime, it then takes a long time to find out what its factors
are, especially if the number is a large composite (say 120 digits long). It
can take years on a supercomputer to find the prime factors of large
composite numbers.
 This time gap between finding out if a number is prime and factoring the
primes in a composite number is useful to cryptographers. To create a
security system, they invent numerical codes for the letters and characters
of a message. Then they use an encoding algorithm (a series of steps to
solve a problem) to turn a message into a long number. If the message is
more than a certain length, say 100 characters, then the cryptography
program breaks the message into blocks of 100 characters. Once the
message is translated into a number, the program multiplies the number of
an encoded message by a certain prime (which could be a 100 digit
number) and by a composite number.
 The composite number is the product of two prime numbers, which
have been randomly selected and which must be in both the
encoding algorithm of the sender and the decoding algorithm of the
receiver. The prime numbers making up the composite number are
usually quite long (100 digits and longer).
 When the message is transmitted from the sender to the receiver,
some of the numbers are made public, but the primes that make up
the composite number are kept secret. They are only known by the
decoding algorithm of the authorized person who receives the
message. Anyone who is eavesdropping on the transmission will
see a lot of numbers, but without the prime numbers from the
encoding and decoding programs, it is impossible to decode the
message in any reasonable time.
1 .Graph Enumeration Technique:
 Graph enumeration technique is used to identify the computerized
chemical identification. All structural formulas of covalently
bounded compounds are graph; they are therefore, called molecular
graphs or better constitutional graphs. From the chemical
compounds described and indexed so far, more than 90% are
organic or certain organic ligands in whose constitutional formulas
the lines (the edges of graph) symbolize covalent two – electron
bonds and the points (the vertices of graph) symbolize atoms or
more exactly atomic course excluding the valence electrons. Graph
theory provides the basis for definition, enumeration systemization,
codification, nomenclature, co-relation and computer programming
2 .Graph Theory used in Computer Science:
 The major role of graph theory in computer applications is the
development of graph algorithms. Numerous algorithms are
used to solve problems that are modeled in the form of graphs.
These algorithms are used to solve the graph theoretical
concepts which in turn used to solve the corresponding
computer science application problems. Some algorithms are as
1. Shortest path algorithm in a network.
2. Finding graph planarity.
3. Finding a minimum spanning tree.
4. Algorithms to find connectedness.
3. Graph theory in OR:
 Graph theoretical concepts are widely used in Operational
Research. It is used in modeling, transport networks, activity
networks and theory of games. The network activity is used to solve
large number of combinatorial problems. The most popular and
successful applications of networks in OR is the planning and
scheduling of large complicated projects. The best well known
problems are PERT (Project Evaluation Review Technique) and
CPM (Critical Path Method). Next, game theory is applied to the
problems in engineering, economics and war science to find optimal
way to perform certain tasks in competitive environments. To
represent the method of finite game, a bigraph is used. Here, the
vertices represent the positions and edges represent the moves

1. Nature
 The most important example of geometry in everyday life is
formed by the nature surrounding humans. If one looks closely,
one might find different geometrical shapes and patterns in
leaves, flowers, stems, roots, bark, and the list goes on. The
organisation of the human digestive system as a tube within a
tube also ascertains the role of geometry. The leaves on the
trees are of varying shapes, sizes, and symmetries. Different
fruits and vegetables have different geometrical shapes; take
the example of orange, it is a sphere and after peeling it, one
might notice how the individual slices form the perfect sphere.
 Looking closely at a honeycomb, one will see hexagonal
patterns arranged tandemly. Similarly, examining a snowflake
under a microscope will enable the examiner to be the guest
of beautiful geometrical patterns.
 The next interesting example of the role of geometry in nature is formed
by the pattern popularly known as “Six-Around-One.” The flowers exhibit
the “six-around-one” patterns, also called “Closest Packing of Circles,”
“Hexagonal Packaging,” and “Tessellating Hexagons.”
2. Technology
 The most common example of geometry in everyday life is technology. Be
it robotics or computers or video games, geometry is applied to almost all
the underlying concepts. The computer programmers are able to work
because the concepts of geometry are always at their disposal. The virtual
world of video games is created only because the geometric computations
help in designing of the complex graphics of the video games. Raycasting,
the process of shooting, employs a 2-D map for stimulating the 3-D world
of the video games. Ray casting helps in increasing processing as the
calculations are carried out for the vertical lines on the screen.
3. Homes
 Geometry does not leave even a single chance to play a significant in
homes as well. The windows, doors, beds, chairs, tables, TV, mats, rugs,
cushions, etc have different shapes. Moreover, bedsheets, quilts, covers,
mats, and carpets have different geometric patterns on them. Geometry is
also important cooking. The chef needs to add all the ingredients in
accurate proportions and ratio to put forth a delicious dish. Also, while
organising a room, each and every space is utilised to make the room look
more appealing. A house is made to look more presentable by using vases,
paintings, and various decorative pieces, which are of different geometric
shapes and have different patterns made on them.
4. Architecture
 The construction of various buildings or monuments has a close
relationship with geometry. Before constructing architectural forms,
mathematics and geometry help put forth the structural blueprint of
the building. The theories of proportions and symmetries shape the
fixed aspects for all kinds of architectural designs. Pythagoras’
“Principles of Harmony” along with geometry were employed in
the architectural designs of sixth century BC. Not only were the
basics of mathematics coupled with geometry helped in increasing
the aesthetics, harmony, and the religious value of large structures
but also aided in mitigating various hazards resulting from high-
speed winds.
 Moreover, the staircase in all the buildings take into
consideration the angles of geometry and are constructed at
90 degrees.
5. Art
 What does art include? Art encompasses the formation of figures &
shapes, a basic understanding of 2-D & 3-D, knowledge about
spatial concepts, and contribution of estimation, patterns &
measurement. From the aforesaid, it is evident that there is a close
relationship between art and geometry. The formation of shapes is a
result of the use of geometrical forms like circle, triangle, square,
mandala, or octagon. Moreover, the contents of paintings or
sculptures are largely affected by the choice and shape of frames.
Not to forget that the principles of projective geometry form the
basis of perspective, which is used in most of the painting.

1. Alarm Clock
 Physics gets involved in your daily life right from you wake up in the
morning. The buzzing sound of an alarm clock helps you wake up in the
morning as per your schedule. The sound is something that you can’t see,
but hear or experience. Physics studies the origin, propagation, and
properties of sound. It works on the concept of Quantum Mechanics.
2. Steam Iron
 Right after you wake up in the morning and start preparing for your
school/office, you need an ironed cloth, and that’s where Physics comes
into play. The steam iron is such a machine that uses a lot of Physics to
make it go. The foremost principle of Physics used in the steam iron is
“Heat.” Heat, in Thermodynamics, is a type of energy transfer from a
warmer substance to a colder one. Ironing works by having a heated metal
base- the soleplate.
3. Walking
 Now, when you get ready for your office/school, whatever medium of
commutation is, you certainly have to walk up to a certain distance. You
can easily walk is just because of Physics. While you have a walk in a
park or on a tar road, you have a good grip without slipping because of a
sort of roughness or resistance between the soles of your shoes and the
surface of the road. This resistance, which is responsible for the grip, is
called “Friction” or “Traction.” However, when a banana peel comes
under your foot, you suddenly fall. Now, what makes you fall? Well, it’s
due to the reduced friction between your shoes and the surface of the road
because of the slippery banana peel.
4. Ball Point Pen
 Whether you are at your workplace or in your school, a Ball Point Pen is
your weapon. Had Physics not been there, you would not have able to
write with a Ball Point Pen on a paper. In this case, the concept of gravity
comes into play. As your pen moves across the paper, the ball turns and
gravity forces the ink down onto the top of the ball where it is transferred
onto the paper.

Mathematics is all around us and how much

we hate it during our academic years ,it is a
crucial part of our daily life.

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