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Advertising Trans


• Advertising plays a huge role in marketing and
economics. Advertising is also closely associated
with the media, which act as the carrier of
specific advertising slogans.
• The study of this topic is relevant due to the high
prevalence of advertising slogans. Advertising is
mass communication, and since most advertisers
in Kyrgyzstan are foreign companies, the
problem of translating the original slogan and its
adaptation in Russian often arises.
• According to the purpose that they
pursue, the slogans are divided
1) Image;
2) Commodity.
• Image slogans express the meaning of a
company’s philosophy, brand, product or
service and usually have more “serious
• Commodity slogans are aimed at
increasing sales as soon as possible, and,
therefore, more often appeal to the
product’s unique selling proposition.
The slogan should have the following characteristics:
•  ease to remember;
•  uniqueness;
• the ability to arouse interest.
• The effectiveness of the entire advertising
company largely depends on the language
design of advertising, and its success
directly depends on how the slogan will
affect the consumer’s attitude to the brand
or product.
A distinctive feature of successful
advertising or its translation is the
harmonious combination of the main
advertising idea with those means of
expression that are most appropriate.
English is an analytical language, Russian is
When translating English advertisements, in
some cases we don’t translate the original
sentence, but we give its “semantic
• Ask For More — Бери от жизни все (Pepsi)
However, the greatest difficulties in
translating English advertisements into
Russian are caused by imperatives. Despite
the fact that the percentage of use of
imperative verbs is high in Russian
advertising, the use of verbs such as to have
or to love (or even to like) in Russian
analogs will not be entirely correct. For
harmony and in order to avoid ambiguity in
such cases, it is preferable to look for a
replacement depending on the meaning of
the slogan:
The use of stylistic figures and paths when translating
English slogans helps to create a certain tonality:

Our jeans fit your genes (омонимы);

Maybe she’s born with it. Maybe it’s Maybelline —

Ты от Мейбилин (аллитерация);

Sharp minds, sharp products — Идеи Sharp

в изделиях Sharp (повтор).
• Some English advertisements are
becoming so popular and recognizable
that they sound in the original, the
consumer does not need to translate
• «Wake up & Stay Alert»

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