Emotional Intelligence PPT 18.11.2019

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Emotional Intelligence

Richard Koisok

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• Definition of emotional intelligence
• “What” and “Why” of emotional intelligence
• The Four Essential Competencies of Emotional Intelligence
• Daniel Goleman’s EQ Model
• Emotional Intelligence Skills
• Steps to develop Emotional Intelligence
• Types of Emotions
• Recognizing individual Physical Hints
• Personal and Professional Benefits of Emotional Intelligence
• Emotional Intelligence Exercise
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What is Emotional intelligence?

Formal Definition:
• The ability to use your emotions to form an optimal relationship
with yourself and others.

Daniel Goleman Definition:

• The capacity for recognizing our own feelings and those of
others, for motivating ourselves and for managing emotions
well in ourselves and others.

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What is Emotional intelligence?...
• Is the ability to understand, use, and manage your
own emotions in positive ways to relieve stress,
communicate effectively, empathize with others,
overcome challenges and defuse conflict
Segal, J. et al , 2019

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Why Emotional Intelligence?

Anyone can become angry —that is easy. But to be

angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the
right time, for the right purpose, and in the right way —
this is not easy.

ARISTOTLE, The Nicomachean Ethics
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Why Emotional Intelligence?...

“Emotional intelligence is much more

powerful than IQ in determining who
emerges as a leader. IQ is a threshold
competence. You need it, but it doesn’t
make you a star. Emotional intelligence
…Warren Bennis
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Why Emotional Intelligence?...

of top performers have high EI 7
Why Emotional Intelligence?...


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The Four Essential Competencies of
Emotional Intelligence
• Self-Awareness
Relate to Ourselves
• Self-Management

• Social Awareness
Relate to Others
• Relationship Management
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Goleman’s EQ Model

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Key Questions To Ask Yourself:
Personal Competence Social Competence

Self-Awareness Social Awareness

Can I accurately identify my Can I accurately identify
What I See own emotions and tendencies others’ emotions and
as they happen? tendencies as I interact with

Self-Management Relationship Management

What I Do Can I manage my emotions Can I manage the interactions I
and behavior to a positive have with others constructively
outcome? and to a positive outcome?

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Emotional Intelligence Skills
Personal competence: Focuses Self-awareness: is your ability to stay aware of your
more on you individually than emotions and manage your behaviour and tendencies.
on your interaction with other A high degree of awareness requires a willingness to
tolerate the discomfort of focusing on feelings which
people. may be negative.
Self-management: is your ability to use your awareness
of your emotions to stay flexible and direct your
behaviour positively.

Social competence: Is your Social awareness is your ability to accurately detect

ability to understand other emotions in other people and understand what is really
people’s moods, behaviours, going on with them.
and motives in order to improve Relationship Management is your ability to use your
the quality of your relationships. awareness of your own emotions and those of others
to manage interactions successfully.
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1. Self Awareness
• Is the ability to perceive your emotions
at the moment and understand your
tendencies across situations
• It is good to understand yourself, the
good and the bad.
• Ask yourself…..
• What am I feeling?
• Why am I feeling it?
• Reflect on your behaviors.
• Know your triggers.
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2. Social Awareness
• Is the ability to recognize others’ emotions.
• Showing empathy enables you to have more positive
relationships and minimize unproductive conflict.
• Ask yourself…..
• Am I listening?
• Did I ask questions?
• Did I adjust my body language, facial expressions, tone of
voice to meet their needs?

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3. Self-Management
• Self-management, which is like an
on-going inner conversation, is the
component of EQ that frees us from
being prisoners of our feelings.

• People engaged in such a

conversation…find ways to control
(emotional impulses) and even to
channel (emotions ) in useful ways…

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Actions to Build Self-Management
• Develop constructive inner dialogs
• Derail counterproductive behavior
• Sarcasm
• Avoidance
• Boastfulness
• Use humor
• Redirect your emotional energy
• Take time out to relax
• Plan your day well
• Delegate so assignments
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4. Managing Relationships
• Relationship Management includes the identification, analysis, and
management of relationships with people inside and outside of
your team as well as their development through feedback and

• It also incorporates your ability to communicate, persuade, and lead

others, whilst being direct and honest without alienating people.

• The competencies associated with relationship management

include: influence, leadership, communication, conflict
management, teamwork, and collaboration.
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Managing Relationships
People with high skill levels of managing relationships:

• Can count on a wide circle of colleagues during difficult times

• Find the “common ground” among differing views

• Effectively leads teams

• Achieve change initiative objectives

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Steps to develop Emotional Intelligence
• 1. Watch your stress levels

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Steps to develop Emotional Intelligence…

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Steps to develop Emotional Intelligence…
• Classify your emotions

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Types of Emotions

• Anger

• Happiness

• Sadness

• Fear

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Types of emotions

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Recognize Your Physical Cues
• Increased heart rate

• Butterflies

• Flushed skin

• Tense muscles

• Sweating

• Voice rising, getting louder

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Personal Benefits of Emotional Intelligence
• Greater career success
• Stronger personal relationships
• Increased optimism and confidence
• Better health

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Professional Benefits of Emotional
• Effective leadership skills
• Improved communication
• Less workplace conflict
• Better problem solving skills
• Increased likelihood of promotion

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Emotional Intelligence Exercise!

• Evaluate each statement as you actually are, rather than as you think
you should be.
• When you've finished, Calculate your Total score

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Thank you

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