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Listening activity (double period)

Materials: environmental sound, tali rafia, word cards, picture

cards, drawing paper, glue, marker pens

1.Tc asks pupils to listen to sounds around them eg: drop of pencil,
friends voice, teacher’s voice, footsteps , birds chirping
2.Pupils listen and identify those sounds
3.Tc plays sound clips to the pupils and let them guess what those sounds
Alternative: play environmental sound. Pupils guess..pupils make the sound
on clue given. Give them some tali rafia..make a train coach..”cheh” for
the train moving etc..move around the class in their own group aka
‘coach’..each coach move from one station to another to collect word
card and picture cards. 4 stations. Each group takes one set from each
station. They go back to their seat and match the picture with the
sounds. Teacher comes and check their work, if they got them correct,
teacher asks the pupils to organize the picture and words onto the
drawing paper and glue them. They write their group’s name and submit.
ring -
ding -
pon- pon
Reading activity (double periodsFive
) little monkeys (Hold up five fingers.)
jumping on the bed. (Jump up and down.)
Materials : One fell off (Hold up one finger and then roll your hand
down towards the floor.)
and bumped his head. (Tap your head with your fist.)
Mama called the doctor and the doctor said, (Put your
pinky to your mouth and thumb to your ear like a
"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!" (Put one hand on
your hip and wag your index finger.)

1.Teacher brings monkey toy to the class and introduce

him to the pupils
2.Teacher flashes the song lyrics on the board
3.Teacher reads the lyrics and pupils repeat Monkeys
after theOn the Bed
4.Teacher points to words in the lyrics, pupils try
Five to monkeys jumping 
say them out on their own
5.Pupils read out the lyrics until everyone ison able
the bed to
pronounce the words correctly One fell off and bumped 
6.Teacher plays the song, pupils listen for the first
time his head
7.Teacher plays the song, pupils sing togetherMama called the doctor and 
8.Teacher teaches some actions to go with thethesong ,
doctor Said,
pupils repeat after teacher
" No more monkeys 
9.Pupils sing the song and carry out the action
10.Teacher and pupils discuss about the song, jumping
eg: how on the bed!"
many monkeys are they, what are they doing, etc
Four little
11.Pupils substitute the monkey with other animals and monkeys jumping 
sing the song on the bed, three little monkeys jumping on the bed, (and
12.Pupils colour the picture of 5 little monkeys
Language art activity (triple periods)

Materials: Construction paper,Poster board, Printable cat template,

Scissors, Glue

How to make your Cat Craft : Print our template and cut it out.
In order for the cat to stand up, you need to fold a piece of
poster board. The top of the cat body template should be placed
along the fold in the poster board. Cut out your cat body, but make
sure you don’t cut through the fold – you want the piece to have
that top “hinge”. **Note: we tried making this craft using just
construction paper and the cat doesn’t stand so well.
Trace the cat head template onto black poster board and cut it
out. Glue the head to one end of the cat body.
Trace the tail onto either poster board or construction paper and
cut it out. Glue to the other end of the cat body.
Trace the triangles from the template onto construction paper. The
nose and the ears go onto pink paper, while the eyes go onto green
paper. Cut all the triangles out. Glue on the eyes and the ear
Cut 4 thin strips of white construction paper. Glue them to the
cat’s head as whiskers and then glue the nose on top of the
intersection of the whiskers.
Speaking (30 minutes) Writing ( 60 minutes)

Materials: fruits toy, sentence card, sweets for

Speaking Steps:

1.Breaking ice session :teacher asking pupils simple questions about who
they are
2.Pupils respond to teacher’s questions
3.Teacher play a game calls Who’s got what? With the pupils.
4.Secret object is passed around and when the teacher says STOP! ,
pupils who hold the object hold it in his/her hand.
5.Teacher will ask “Who has the (apple)?” and other pupils point to the
pupil they think got the apple and says “He/She does”. If the person
has the apple, he/she says “Yes, I have” or “No, I don’t have”
6.The first pupil to guess correctly should be rewarded
7.Teacher repeats the game for several rounds

Who's Got What?

Have the students sit in a circle and secretly pass a few objects
or flashcards from hand to hand under the table or behind their
backs. Say, "Stop", and ask "Who has the (apple)?" The students should
point to who they think has the (apple) and say "He/She does." The
first student to guess correctly should be rewarded.
eams. Divide the board into two halves and have one student from each team run to the board

Speaking (30 minutes) Writing ( 60 minutes)

Letter cards, colourful chalk, worksheet (random
Writing Steps:
1.Teacher recalls the letter A for apple and so on..
(refer to alphabest letter cards in the class
2.Teacher shows alphabets flashcards to the pupils
3.Pupils say out the sound of the alphabets
4.Teacher asks pupils to write the letters in the air
using their pointer finger. Variation: write the
letters on their friends’ back, on their palm, on
their table or book
5.Teacher checks if the pupils have the letters
written correctly
6.Teacher divides the class into 2 groups and have
them line up
7.Each pupils from each group run to the board, write
‘A’ and run to the back of the line
8.The next pupils writes ‘B’, etc
9.The first team to finish wins
10.Pupils get back to their seats and practice writing
the letters correctly in the worksheet given.
Listening activity week 2 (double period) Hello ----wave Gesture
Goodbye--- wave s
OK ---make the OK sign
No!---- shake your head "no"
Materials: sentence cards Me!--- Touch your chest
Stop --hand up, palm out
Steps: Shhhh ---index finger in front of mouth
Sit down-- lower hand slightly, palm down
Stand up --raise hand slightly, palm up
Come here ----move your index finger
1.Teacher talks about the importance of ears to listen to ----fan your face with hands
It's hot
sounds around us It's cold ---put arms around shoulders
2.Teacher asks pupils how to take care of their ears
I don't know --pull shoulders and hands u
3.Teacher test pupils’ listening skill by saying a group of
numbers and purposely leave out a number from the order
4.Pupils say out the missing number
5.Teacher pastes sentence cards on the board, say it out and
let pupils repeat after the teacher
6.Teacher teaches the gestures for each phrase and pupils
7.Teacher randomly says a phrase and pupils immediately do
the gestures
8.Teacher selects a few volunteers to lead the class. He/she
says out the phrase and other pupils carry out the
9.Teacher divides the class into 2 groups and call
volunteers from each group to play the game.
10.Teacher says out the phrase and pupils do the gestures.
The first pupils to do the correct gestures wins.
Writing activity week 2 (double periods)

Materials: letter cards,



1.Teacher asks pupils to count 1 to 10 in English

2.Pupils count numbers in english
3.Teacher shows a number and ask the pupils to spell
it out
4.Teacher draws some dots on the board and number the
5.Teacher calls pupils to the front to connect the
dots to make a pattern
6.Teacher distributes connect the dot worksheet to the
7.Pupils connect the dots and colour the picture

Connect the dots in the picture below.

Five Little Ducks
Language art activity week 2(triple periods) 5 little ducks went out one day
Over the hills and far away,
Mother duck said quack quack quack,
But only 4 little ducks came back.
Materials: construction paper, puncher,
string, pencil colours 4 little ducks went out one day
Over the hills and far away,
mother duck said quack quack quack,
Steps: But only 3 little ducks came back.
1.Discuss about animals 3 little ducks went out one day
Over the hills and far away,
2.Teacher shows the song lyrics mother duck called quack quack quack,
3.Pupils Sing animal songs “Five little But only 2 little ducks came back.
4. Pupils colour the face mask 2 little ducks went out one day
Over the hills and far away,
5. Pupils role play the song while mother duck said quack quack quack,
wearing their masks. (group performance) But only 1 little duck came back.

Alternative: 1 little duck went out one day

Over the hills and far away,
Make animal mask: ducks, cats, bird, cow, mother duck said quack quack quack,
1. But  none of the 5 little ducks came  

Sad mother duck went out one day

Over the hills and far away,
sad mother duck said quack quack quack,
And all of the 5 little ducks came back.
Topic Tag
peaking and reading activity week 2 (triple periods) Give a topic, e.g. fruit. The
students must run around the
room trying to avoid the
teacher's tag. If the student
is tagged, he/she has five
Materials: reading text, fruit picture cards, seconds to name a fruit. If no
Steps reading (30 mins): fruit can be named or the fruit
1.Teacher distributes reading texts to the pupils has already been said, that
student should sit out until
2.Pupils read a loud a simple text on fruits the next round.
3.One pupil is selected to become the lead, other repeats after him/her
4.Teacher asks pupils to say out name of fruits found in the text
5.Selected pupils write them on the board
6.Teacher models the correct pronunciation of the fruits’ names
7.Teacher erases the fruits’ names on the board and let the pupils
match the fruit word cards with their names
Steps speaking (1 hour)
1.Teacher asks pupils other fruits that they know
2.Pupils mention some fruits they know
3.Teacher and pupils play a game calls “Topic Tag”
4.Once the pupils is tagged by the teacher/ lead, the lead should say “
What do you like to eat?” and the tagged pupil would reply “I like
to eat …..(fruit)….”. “I don’t like to eat…(fruit)…”
5.Teacher helps pupils to spell the words during the game
Apples, bananas, papayas, grapes
What do u like?
I like oranges!

Apples, bananas, papayas, grapes
What do u like?
I like papayas!

Apples, bananas, papayas, grapes
What do u like?
I like grapes!

Apples, bananas, papayas, grapes
What do u like?
I like guavas!

Apples, bananas, papayas, grapes
What do u like?
I like strawberries!

Apples, bananas, papayas, grapes
What do u like?
I like peaches!
Language art activity week 3(triple periods) Apples, bananas,
papayas, grapes
Continuation from the reading “Fruits” What do u like?
I like oranges!
Activity: jazz chant
Materiasl: fruit name tag, song lyrics, masking tape,

1.Teacher asks pupils to recall the lesson on fruits.
2.Teacher shows the reading text to the pupils
3.Pupils name the fruits found in the text
4.Teacher and pupils discuss how each fruit tastes like and what
fruits do the pupils like
5.Pupils respond using the sentence pattern used in previous activity
( I like to eat …(fruit)….
6.Teacher teach pupils to chant the text
7.Pupils repeat after the teacher
8.Teacher teaches the action for the chant
9.Pupils sit in their group and teacher assigns each group to
different fruits. Eg: group A:oranges. Group B: strawberries
10.Teacher distributes fruit nametag to each pupil
11.Pupils colour and write down their names on the name tag
12.They wear the nametag and sing the song again
Listening activity week 3 (double period)

2.Teacher introduces the characters in the story using
picture cards/ stick puppets
3.Teacher plays the short story of Princess and the
4.Pupils listen to the story and repeat after the
5.Pupils complete the worksheets given
What’s ur name? x3
Clap hands (2 times)
Speaking activity week 3 (double period) What’s ur name?x3
Clap hands (2 times)
My name is riiiiii…chard.
Steps: x2
1.Teacher starts the class with warm up activity (stand up, sit down, good
night, good morning, cheer (yeay!), stretch ur arms, have a shower, have
breakfast, drink some milk etc)
2.Pupils respond to teacher’s instructions
3.Teacher sing What’s Your Name? song
4.Pupils sing with teacher.
5.Each pupil introduces themselves with the song
6.Alternative: have the class ask questions: What’s your name? the individual
pupil replies “My name is ……”
7.Teacher adds on the lyric with “How old are you?” etc

Brush your hair Swim in the sea

a big hot dog with lots of mustard
ok Fall inWalk
in the World love Be a GenkiEnglish teacher
underwater Eat many ume boshi Walk like a model Sing "ue m
ive into the water Rock climb in the Grand Canyon
smile Walk like an elephant Eat hot noodles
ball Shampoo your hair Walk or run like an upset alligator Train your muscles Play the trombone Towel on the
the Bonodori Dance
Reading and Writing activity week 3 (triple periods)

Reading Steps:
1.Teacher read out the lyrics to the pupils
2.Pupils read the lyrics “I want to sit, sit, sit” together
3.Teacher calls a lead to read out the lyrics. Other pupils
repeat after the lead.
4.Teacher sing the song, pupils listen
5.Pupils sing the song
6.Teacher teach the action for the song
7.Pupils imitate the actions

Writing steps:

1.Teacher asks pupils to list down all the words start with
s sound
2.Teacher puts up the story and reads out the story to the
pupils @ tell the story orally, pupils help holding the
characters in the story
3.Once in a while, teacher stops and asks questions to the
4.Pupils enjoy the story and respond to teacher’s questions
5.Pupils complete the worksheets given
In ant
An the to s
On d s sun it, s
a S ing , su it, s
Iw un som n, s it, s
In ant da e un it
y sim , s
An the to s ple un
On d s un it, s so
o w , it
su , s ng
t he s n s
Iw sa om , s it,
In ant nd e s un
ma , su
An the to s ll s n
On d p sun it, s
l ee
a , s it , ds
as y
un with n, it,u s
Iw su
In ant ny so
da ft n, s
Th e o s t y sa un
e s
On n un t, s i nd
the I se , su it, s
gre e a n, s it
en slim un,
gr y s su
as na n
s! ke
Language games
Organization: group
alphabet, days of the week, or month flashcards in order. Have them try again to s

d prompt the correct vocabulary. Gesture the student to throw it back to you and

Hello ----wave No!---- shake your head "no"
Goodbye--- wave Come here ----move your index finge
's cold ---put arms around shouldersMe!--- Touch your chest

's hot ----fan your face with hands OK ---make the OK sign
don't know pull shoulders and hands upSit down lower hand slightly, palm down
Stop hand up, palm out Stand up raise hand slightly, palm up
Shhhh index finger in front of mouth
Use animal / fruits that have been
Shoot The Basket
This can be done in teams or individually. Ask a student a
question and if the student answers correctly then he/she gets
a shot at the basket. Variations include rolling a ball
between 'posts', throwing a ball to knock a stuffed animal off
a box, bouncing a ball into a bucket, etc. Award points.
Topic Tag
Give a topic, e.g. fruit. The students must run around the room trying
to avoid the teacher's tag. If the student is tagged, he/she has five
seconds to name a fruit. If no fruit can be named or the fruit has
already been said, that student should sit out until the next round.

Who's Got What?

Have the students sit in a circle and secretly pass a few objects
or flashcards from hand to hand under the table or behind their
backs. Say, "Stop", and ask "Who has the (apple)?" The students should
point to who they think has the (apple) and say "He/She does." The
first student to guess correctly should be rewarded.
Dance Of The Ostriches
Pair up students and attach a flashcard to their backs. The object
of the game is to look at the other student's flash card and yell
out the word before they see yours
Alphabet Writing Relay
Divide and line up the students into two teams. Divide the board into
two halves and have one student from each team run to the board, write
'A', then run to the back of the line. The next student writes 'B',
etc. The first team to finish wins.
Alphabet Sculptures
Divide the students into teams and call out a letter of the
alphabet. Award a point to the first team that can form the letter
with their bodies.
What you'll need :
Heavy construction paper or light
Disposable paint brush (can use your
finger instead)
Pastina pasta (small, star-shaped
Starfish Template
How to make your kids starfish
craft : Print out our Starfish template.
Cut the template out, trace onto your
heavier paper or cardboard and cut out
your starfish.
Cover the starfish in glue.
Sprinkle with pastina, pressing down
slightly to make sure that the surface
is covered. **Tip: place the starfish
onto a jellyroll pan or a baking dish
with sides before allowing your
children to sprinkle on the pasta.
This helps contain the unused pasta
and keeps your house cleaner!
What you'll need :
Small brown paper bag
Two googly eyes
Blue marker
How to make your kids octopus
craft : Crumple up enough newspaper to
fill the bottom of the paper bag.
Gather the paper bag together above
where it is filled and tie the bag
shut with string. This will create the
head. (**Tip: if you have everything for
this craft but the string, dental
floss will work in a pinch!). Paper Bag Octopus
Glue the two googly eyes onto the
octopus. Use your marker to draw a
smile on under the eyes.
Cut the loose part of the bag into
strips so that you end up with eight
Use your marker to draw circles onto
each of the legs.
Cotton Ball Sheep
What you'll need :
White and black construction paper
Cotton balls
White crayon
2 googly eyes
Red yarn
Sheep template 1  Sheep template 2
How to make your cotton ball sheep
craft : Print our template(s) and cut out the pieces.
Trace the faces and legs onto black construction
paper using a white crayon and cut out the pieces.
Cut the body of the sheep out of white paper.
Cover the sheep’s body piece with glue.
Stick the 4 legs onto the bottom of the body.
Cover the rest of the sheep with cotton balls.
Glue the sheep’s head onto the body (on top of the
cotton balls).
Glue the googly eyes on the head. Glue the red yarn
on the sheep’s face to make a smiling mouth.
Cut a small triangle out of black construction paper
and glue it to the face as a nose.
What you'll need :
Construction paper
Poster board
Printable cat template
How to make your Cat Craft : Print our template and cut it out. In
order for the cat to stand up, you need to fold a piece of poster
board. The top of the cat body template should be placed along the
fold in the poster board. Cut out your cat body, but make sure you
don’t cut through the fold – you want the piece to have that top
“hinge”. **Note: we tried making this craft using just construction
paper and the cat doesn’t stand so well.
Trace the cat head template onto black poster board and cut it out.
Glue the head to one end of the cat body.
Trace the tail onto either poster board or construction paper and cut
it out. Glue to the other end of the cat body.
Trace the triangles from the template onto construction paper. The
nose and the ears go onto pink paper, while the eyes go onto green
paper. Cut all the triangles out. Glue on the eyes and the ear
Cut 4 thin strips of white construction paper. Glue them to the cat’s
head as whiskers and then glue the nose on top of the intersection of
the whiskers.
Whale word search

Label parts of body

Label part of a car/ bicycle

using word card
Ten Fingers
A fingerplay
I have ten fingers    hold up both hands, fingers
songs spread
And they all belong to me,  point to self
Monkeys On the Bed
I can make them do things-
Five little monkeys jumping  Would you like to see?
on the bed I can shut them up tight   make fists
One fell off and bumped  I can open them wide    open hands
his head I can put them together   place palms together
Mama called the doctor and  I can make them all hide   put hands behind back
the doctor Said, I can make them jump high   hands over head
" No more monkeys  I can make them jump low   touch floor
jumping on the bed!" I can fold them up quietly   fold hands in lap
Four little monkeys jumping  And hold them just so.
on the bed, three little monkeys
jumping on the bed, (and so on).
Five Little Ducks
5 little ducks went out one day
Over the hills and far away,
Mommy (daddy) duck called quack quack quack,
But only 4 little ducks came back. 4 little ducks
went out one day
Over the hills and far away,
Mommy (daddy) duck called quack quack quack,
But only 3 little ducks came back.
3 little ducks went out one day
Over the hills and far away,
Mommy (daddy) duck called quack quack quack,
But only 2 little ducks came back.
2 little ducks went out one day
Over the hills and far away,
Mommy (daddy) duck called quack quack quack,
But only 1 little duck came back.
1 little duck went out one day
Over the hills and far away,
Mommy (daddy) duck called quack quack quack,
But  no little ducks came wondering  back.
No little  ducks went out one day
Over the hills and far away,
Mommy (daddy) duck called quack quack quack,
And 5 little ducks came wandering back.
This Is The Way Thumbkin
This is the way we wash our hands, Where is Thumbkin?
Wash our hands, wash our  Where is Thumbkin?
hands. Here I am. Here I am.
This is the way we wash our hands How are you this morning?
So early in the morning. Very well I thank you.
substitute: Run and play.  Run and play.
....Brush our teeth Where is Pointer
...Comb our hair ...Tall Man
...Give a hug etc. ...Ring Man
Hokey  Pokey ...Pinky
In a circle ...the whole family
You put your right hand in
You put your right hand in
You put your right hand in
And shake it all about,
You do the Hokey Pokey  wiggle
And you turn yourself about,
That's what it's all about.
Continue by putting in all the other parts of
the body, and finish up with your whole self!

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