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Preservation of

Isabella Quiroga
Andrea López

Foto de Pfly / Public domain

• Background and rationale
• Research topic
• main objective
Content • Travel plans
• Equipment request
• Follow-up plans
and rationale
• The Amazon, is a large region
of the central part of South
America and has never been so
threatened before. The
expansion of agriculture,
livestock, mining concessions
and an increase in hydroelectric
power plants are just some of
the pressures that threaten the
world's largest forest.
Research Topic
• We want to travel to the
Amazon to investigate
the problems and
possible solutions to the
deterioration of the forest
and collect information
about the ecosystems
who are in danger.
• Search the information
to create the bases for
the implementation of
actions for the
conservation of
ecosystems, species,
and natives
Travel plans

Our travel plans are:

• Travel from El Dorado International Airport to the General Alfredo Vásquez Cobo International Airport, first visit
the Amacayacu ecological park that is seven kilometers from Leticia, this reserve is the first connection with a
part of the jungle.
• Then hire a community guide, who makes the tour of the indigenous tribe of the Amazon to know their culture.
During the tour observe different types of animals. To understand the territory we have to know how to listen,
open our minds and heart to discover what is behind each indigenous tribe and its culture.
• The next stop is in Puerto Nariño and then in the community of Mocagua. There ecotourism has been a tool to
improve the quality of life, preserve the culture and make live incredible moments for its visitors.
• Then go to the Natural Reserve Tanimboca, which is 11 kilometers from Leticia. take a walk into the jungle. In
each of these reserves observe the environment and the problems it has, make inquiries about what is damaging
the forest and its ecosystems.
Equipment request
• vaccination certificate
• rubber boots
• comfortable clothing since the heat and humidity is
very intense.  
• a raincoat
• a light suitcase: as you visit different places, you will
walk, ride a boat and travel in different means of
• Water resistant footwear
• sunscreen and repellent
• Camera
Follow-up plans

• With this project we want to raise

awareness about the damage that our
jungle is suffering because of the hand
of man.
• We want to make brigades of
restoration and protection of natives
species of both plants and animals and
create research centers on the process
and progress of this campaign.
References aje-vip/amazonas-un-viaje-que-estremece-la

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