Assessing Methodological Valdity of Studies

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Assessing Methodological Validity of

Epidemiologic Studies

Fessahaye Alemseged (MD, MPHE)

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Session objectives

• Explain the purpose of evaluating evidence

• Discuss how to evaluate methodological
validity of epidemiological studies

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• CASP checklists, UK
• JBI checklists, Australia
• STROBE guidelines
• CONSORT guidelines
• Gliner et al. Research Methods in Applied
Settings, 2017.

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• Evidence is used in
– Policy making
– Program planning
– Service provision
– Teaching
– Research
• Types of evidence
– Expert opinion, qualitative study, quantitative study,
systematic review, meta-analysis

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Evaluation of evidence
• Quality (fitness for purpose) of evidence is evaluated
based on its
– relevance, validity and usefulness
• Guidelines for evaluating evidence
– Appraisal guidelines: CASP, JBI, GRADE framework
– Reporting guidelines

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Relevance and applicability of evidence

• Relevance: does the study address issue of interest?

– identify focus of study and evaluate its appropriateness for
intended use
– E.g. disease burden, health risks, health needs, cost-
effectiveness of interventions
• Applicability: can we intervene using the evidence
and bring impact?
– Evaluate strength of recommendations and applicability
considering timeliness, context, cost and acceptability

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Validity of evidence
• Validity: correctness of findings
• Appraising validity of research:
– Level of evidence: systematic review and meta-
analysis in general better than single studies
– Credibility of report
– Methodological validity
• Considering liability to sampling error, bias and

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Assessing Methodological Validity

• Assess degree of error from different sources

• Key methods sections to be assessed
– design
– sampling
– measurement
– analysis
• What questions to raise in each section?
Is the design appropriate to research objective?

• Identify focus/objective of study

• Assess
– appropriateness of design to the objectives
– strength and limitations of the design
Is the sample size adequate?

• Identify sample size determination method and the

• Assess adequacy of the sample size considering
– appropriateness of assumptions
– non-response rate
Is there selection bias?

• Assess representativeness of the selected sample

– Randomness of the sampling technique employed
– Inclusion and exclusion criteria
– Characteristics of non-respondents
Is there measurement error?

• Assess validity of
– operational definitions
– data collection formats
– data collection instruments
– data collection procedures
– data entry and analysis
Is there confounding?

• Assess liability to confounding considering

– whether prevention techniques are employed
during design
– whether confounders are controlled during
– presence of unmeasured confounders
Are statistical analysis appropriate?

• Assess
– Appropriateness of analytic methods
– Fulfillment of requirements for statistical tests
Results and discussion
• Strength of associations and their statistical
• Dose-response relationship
• Consistency with findings of other studies
• Plausibility of associations

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Judging the evidence
• Assess strength of evidence considering degree of
– Sampling error
– Selection bias
– Measurement error and
– Confounding
• Assess practical significance considering
– strength of effect and prevalence of exposure

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Critical appraisal assignment

• Focus of appraisal: methodological validity

• 4 groups
– Gp 1: cross-sectional study
– Gp 2: case-control study
– Gp 3: cohort study
– Gp 4: experimental study

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