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ISO (the International Organization for Standardization)

is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies).

The work of preparing International Standards is

normally carried out through ISO technical committees.
Each member body interested in a subject for which a
technical committee has been established has the right
to be represented on that committee.
The adoption of a quality management system is a strategic decision for an
organization that can help to improve its overall performance and provide a
sound basis for sustainable development initiatives.

The potential benefits to an organization of implementing a quality

management system based on this International Standard are:

- The ability to consistently provide products and services that meet

customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements;
- Facilitating opportunities to enhance customer satisfaction;
- Addressing risks and opportunities associated with its context and
- the ability to demonstrate conformity to specified quality management
system requirements.
This International Standard is based on the quality
management principles described in ISO 9000. The
descriptions include a statement of each principle, a
rationale of why the principle is important for the
organization, some examples of benefits associated with
the principle and examples of typical actions to improve
the organization's performance when applying the
The quality management principles are:

— Customer focus
— Leadership
— Engagement of people
— Process approach
— Improvement
— Evidence-based decision making
— Relationship management
ISO 9001:2015
Las ventajas y beneficios de la implementación de la NTC ISO 9001:2015 La
implementación de la NTC ISO 9001:2015, asegura que los objetivos del negocio se
alimenten del sistema día a día, favoreciendo las mejores prácticas de los trabajadores y
de los procesos. De acuerdo a (BSI Group, 2014), esta adopción e implementación permite:

- Ser un competidor más sólido en el mercado

- Mejora la gestión de la calidad que ayuda a cumplir con las necesidades del cliente
- Mejora el rendimiento operativo, reduce errores y aumenta los beneficios
- Motiva y compromete el personal con los procesos internos más eficientes
- Busca clientes más relevantes con un mejor servicio al cliente
- Amplia las oportunidades de negocio al demostrar cumplimiento
Common Market
-Countries remove all barriers to trade and the
movement of labor and capital between themselves,
but erect a common trade policy against nonmembers.

-Adds the free movement of important factors of

production such as people and cross-border
investment. Requires cooperation in economic and
labor policy, so is very difficult to attain.
Economic Union
-Countries remove barriers to trade and the movement
of labor and capital, erect a common trade policy
against nonmembers, and coordinate their economic

-Requires members to harmonize their tax, monetary,

and fiscal policies, create a common currency, and
concede a certain amount of sovereignty to the
supranational organization.
Full economic and political union
- Countries coordinate aspects of economic and political

- Members accept a common stance on economic and

political policies regarding nonmember nations.
Nations are allowed a degree of freedom in setting
certain political and economic policies within their
What is the WTO?
The WTO’s main aim is to promote free trade by lowering tariffs and other
barriers. It does this through agreements negotiated and signed by most of
the world’s trading nations.

The WTO then polices these agreements to make sure all nations stick to the
When trade disputes between governments flare up, it steps in as mediator
and, if necessary, arbitrator.

And when member countries don’t play by the agreed rules, the WTO can
impose trade sanctions against them

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