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Scope , Branches and Opportunity of

mechanical Engineering
• Mechanical Engineering is the evergreen branch among all other branches. It is
also known as the mother of engineering.
• They deal with concept of mechanics, thermodynamics, robotics, kinematics,
structural mechanics, fluid mechanics, structural mechanics, power sector,
refrigeration, air conditioning and aerospace.
• This engineering is mean to cover all the sector .This covers all engineering field
.It is related with all other types of engineering.

• Engineering is spread into wide range .It covers almost all the area. Among all
the engineering mechanical engineering is has also variety of scope. There is a
great scope of mechanical engineering now days .
• There is a great scope of this engineering which are been listed below.
• Aerospace Industry- In aerospace industry engineers are use to do design,
research, manufacture , maintain and operate the aircrafts.
• Automotive industry-In automotive industry mechanical engineers are used to
do designing manufacturing distributes and perform marketing of motor
• Chemical industry-In this field of industry they covers the oil companies,
chemical manufactures and the business to build new chemical plants or to
develop new process technologies.
• Construction industry- In this field of industry the role of mechanical
engineers is to design and build the infrastructures and buildings and its
services like heating and ventilation.

• Defense industry- in this field , they provide the equi and provide support and services to the armed forces.
• Electronic industry- the role of mechanical engineer is to design and manufactures components and
complete equipment for sectors form automotive and military
• Marine industry-in this field of industry , the role is to develop the vessels.
• As the name itself suggest, mechanical engineering mainly related to machines and
mechanics in the broadest sense of term. It is not surprising that there are several arms of
mechanical engineering which deal with different perspectives which are listed below
1. Power plant engineering
Every process requires power and energy and this is generated in power plants which could be
different in their modes of production such as thermal, nuclear, hydro etc. This branch of
engineering mainly utilizes the principles of thermodynamics and uses equipment like
alternator , boilers etc.
2. Marine engineering
This branch of mechanical engineering relates to the operation and maintenance of propulsion
and other machines on board ships .The machinery on a ship ranges from main propulsion
plant , auxiliary generators, boilers, purifiers, pumps and so forth.
3. Aerospace engineering
Like the previous branch which deals with floating vessels, this branch deals with flying
machines in fact this has been further subdivided into two main parts – areoneautical and
astronautical engineering which deal with aeroplanes and spacecrafts respectively.
4. Automotive engineering
• This specialized branch of mechanical engineering deals with vehicles that ply on roads rather than sea or air. Again it
could involved several sub-parameters which in turn require specialized skills of their own such as safety engineer,
design engineer and so on who takes care of different aspects of automotive engineering during its design, manufacturing
or maintenance
5. HVAC engineering
• Climate and weather are natural phenomenon but e can still control the elements at least within a finite and that is what
HVAC engineering is all about . it stands for heating ventilation and air conditioning engineering and includes principles
of thermodynamics , fluid transfer etc.
6. Computer aided engineering
• Known more popularly as CAE and used in combination with cad and cam mainly refers to the use of computers and
relevant software for carrying out design, analysis , simulation of various machine and procedures. It is used in various
disciplines such as automobile design naval architecture etc .
7. Mechatronics
• Mechatronics is a recent addition to the mechanical engineering branch and refers to a combination of mechanical,
computer and electronics engineering. Hence it can said to be a hybrid branch which covers several field at the same time
• A degree earned in the field of mechanical engineering technology prepares the candidate for employment in
various public and private industries. It different field it have different opportunity which are as follows.
1. Mechanical engineering Consultant
Requiring high level of expertise for their chosen discipline within the field of mechanical engineering
consultants are often brought in to solve a particular problem for the company within a limited amount of
time. It will be your job to gain a full understanding of the clients problems and the kind of resolution they
desire , and then use yours skills to bring about a satisfactory conclusion.
2. Product and material testing Technologist
Performing product function inspection as well as monitoring test procedures and regularly checking the
industrial equipment to ensure the highest quality output for company
3. Drafting and Computer Graphics Engineer
Creating visual effects integrated with graphics which will be used for the designing of various software
application, including but not limited to video games and operating systems. Your familiarity with the
computer engineering will be of significant assistance in this particular field.
4. Quality Management Engineer
You need to have deep understanding pf the principles of quality evaluation and control of products and services according to
whichever quality management standard your company follows. Work is usually found in manufacturing plants, where every step
of the production process takes place under the quality engineers supervision.
5. Industrial Engineer
You will develop to join evaluation programs, which will be use to eliminate waste in production process. Also devising system
that increase the efficiency of workers, machine, materials information and energy by providing them with an integrated platform
of operation for the purpose of making a product or providing a service .
6. Production Manager
It will be your job to ensure that the production process which is responsible for the creation of the product is an efficient as
possible, in order to reduce costs and improve time of production while minimizing the operation of wasteful by products. Various
principles of engineering and management science is required to be used for this job. You will be in charge pf analyzing and
planning work flow, space requirements and equipment layout.
7. Power and Energy Engineer
Your job will require your involvement in the production of energy through natural and renewable means. You will be in charge of
dealing with the energy efficiency of the system, management of the facility and energy equipment .

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