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PSY 101L: Introduction to Psychology Lab

Introduction to the psychological experiment

Ms. Ashma Rahman

Department of History and Philosophy
Report on lab experiment
• Purpose
• Variables
• Hypothesis
• Method
• Findings
• Emotion is any conscious experience characterized
by intense mental activity and a certain degree of
pleasure or displeasure.
• Positive emotion may be considered as any feeling
where there is a lack of negativity, such that no
pain or discomfort is felt. Frederickson (2009)
identifies the ten most common positive
emotions as joy, gratitude, serenity, interest, hope,
pride, amusement, inspiration, awe and love
• Negative emotion or affect is the experience of
feeling negative or unpleasant. such as anger,
frustration, guilt, nervousness and fear.

Function of emotion:
1)Prepares us for action: links the event around us
to our responses
2) Shape our future response: promotes learning
that helps us to make appropriate responses in
the future.
3) Helps us to interact more efficiently:
Components of emotions:
• Physiological, cognitive, behavioral
• Emotional words can either express an
emotional state (angry, happy) or elicit one
(snake, puppy). Such words are characterized
by having high arousal values.
• Neutral words: those words used in our daily
life and do not stir any kind of emotional
• Reaction time:
Ways to measure reaction time
• Latency of response
• Amplitude of response

• Factors that affects reaction time

1) Stimulus characteristics
2) Organism characteristics
Literature Review
Minimum 3 , maximum 5
• Study Problem
Is to investigate whether the reaction time
varies according to the type of words
• Purpose of the study
• Variables
• Hypothesis
• Participants
• Design
• Apparatus
• Procedure
• Result
• Detailing the findings
• Build an argument in favor of the findings
• Draw a precise statement about the findings
• The discrete stand of the study result
APA referencing style should be followed.
• Instruction and consent form
• Data and calculation sheet
• Comment/ feedback of the participant

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