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Machine Design and

Drawing (ME / MF F241)

BITS Pilani
Pilani | Dubai | Goa | Hyderabad
Dr. Nitin Kotkunde
BITS Pilani
Pilani | Dubai | Goa | Hyderabad

Welding, Bonding, and the Design of

Permanent Joints
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C o n te n t

• Welding Symbols

• Butt and Fillet Welds

• Stresses in Welded Joints in Torsion

• Stresses in Welded Joints in Bending

• The Strength of Welded Joints

• Static Loading

• Fatigue Loading

• Resistance Welding

• Adhesive Bonding

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I n t r o d u cti o n

• Whenever parts have to be assembled or fabricated, there is usually good cause for considering
different joining processes in preliminary design work.

• Different joining processes: welding, brazing, soldering, cementing, and gluing.

• Particularly when sections to be joined are thin, one of these methods may lead to significant

• The elimination of individual fasteners, with their holes and assembly costs, is an important

• Also, some of the methods allow rapid machine assembly, furthering their attractiveness.

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We ld i n g S ym b o l s

• Welding symbol standardized by American Welding Society.

• Specifies details of weld on machine drawings

The circle on the weld symbol indicates that the welding is to go all around

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We ld i n g S ym b o l s

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We ld i n g S ym b o l s

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We ld i n g S ym b o l s
• Arrow side of a joint is the line, side, area, or near member to which the arrow points.
• The side opposite the arrow side is the other side.
• Shape of weld is shown with the symbols below.

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We ld i n g S ym b o l Exa m p l e s

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We ld i n g S ym b o l Exa m p l e s

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We ld i n g S ym b o l Exa m p l e s

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We ld i n g S ym b o l Exa m p l e s

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Bu t t a n d F il l e t We ld s

• Where, h is the weld throat and l is the length of the weld.

• Note that the value of h does not include the
• Reinforcement adds some strength for static loaded joints.
• Reinforcement adds stress concentration and should be
ground off for fatigue loaded joints.

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Sh e a r Bu tt Jo i n t

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Tr a n sve r se fil l e t w e l d

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Tr a n sve r se fil l e t w e l d

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Tr a n sve r se fil l e t w e l d

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Tr a n sve r se Fi l l e t We l d S im p li fi e d M o d e l

• No analytical approach accurately predicts the experimentally measured stresses.

• Standard practice is to use a simple and conservative model.

• Still, in the absence of robust analysis, weldments must be specified and the resulting joints must
be safe.

• By ignoring normal stress on throat, the shearing stresses are inflated sufficiently to render the
model conservative.

• By comparison with previous maximum shear stress model, this inflates estimated shear stress by
factor of 1.414/1.207 = 1.17.

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Pa r a l l e l Fi l le t We l d s
• Same equation also applies for simpler case of simple shear loading in fillet weld

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U n d e r ci r cu m sta n ce s o f co m b i n e d l o a d i n g

• Examine primary shear stresses due to external forces.

• Examine secondary shear stresses due to torsional and bending moments.

• Estimate the strength(s) of the parent metal(s).

• Estimate the strength of deposited weld metal.

• Estimate permissible load(s) for parent metal(s).

• Estimate permissible load for deposited weld metal.

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St r e sse s i n We l d e d Jo i n ts i n To r si o n

Cantilever welded to a column by two fillet

welds each of length l.

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Ex a m p l e o f F in d i n g A a n d J

• The rectangles represent the throat areas of the welds.

• Weld 1 has a throat thickness t1 = 0.707h1

• weld 2 has a throat thickness t2 = 0.707h2

• Note that h1 and h2 are the respective weld sizes.

• The throat area of both welds together is

• The x axis passes through the centroid G1 of weld 1.

• The second moment of area about this axis is

Figure shows two welds in a group

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Ex a m p l e o f F in d i n g A a n d J

• The distance r must be measured from G and the moment M computed about G.

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Ex a m p l e o f F in d i n g A a n d J

• Setting the weld thicknesses t1 and t2 to unity leads to the idea of

treating each fillet weld as a line.

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C o m m o n To r si o n a l Pr o p e rti e s o f Fi ll e t We ld s

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C o m m o n To r si o n a l Pr o p e rti e s o f Fi ll e t We ld s
( Ta b l e 9 – 1 )

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Ex a m p l e

• A 50 kN load is transferred from a welded fitting into a 200 mm steel channel as illustrated in
below figure. Estimate the maximum stress in the weld.

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Ex a m p l e

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Ex a m p l e

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Ex a m p l e

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St r e sse s i n We l d e d Jo i n ts i n Be n d i n g

• The shear force produces a primary shear in the

welds of magnitude

• The moment M induces a horizontal shear

stress component in the welds.
• Treating the two welds as lines we find the unit
second moment of area to be
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Be n d in g Pr o p e r ti e s o f F i ll e t We l d s

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Be n d in g Pr o p e r ti e s o f F i ll e t We l d s

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St r e n g th o f We l d e d Jo i n ts

• Must check for failure in parent material and in weld

• Weld strength is dependent on choice of electrode material

• Weld material is often stronger than parent material

• Parent material experiences heat treatment near weld

• Cold drawn parent material may become more like hot rolled in vicinity of weld

• Often welded joints are designed by following codes rather than designing by the conventional
factor of safety method

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M in i mu m We l d - M e ta l P r o p e r tie s

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St r e sse s P e r m i tte d b y th e AISC Co d e fo r
We ld Me ta l

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F a ti g u e S tr e ss- C o n ce n tra tio n Fa cto r s

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Ex a m p l e
• A specially rolled A36 structural steel section for the attachment has a cross section as shown in
Figure and has yield and ultimate tensile strengths of 36 and 58 kpsi, respectively. It is statically
loaded through the attachment centroid by a load of F = 24 kip. Unsymmetrical weld tracks can
compensate for eccentricity such that there is no moment to be resisted by the welds. Specify the
weld track lengths l1 and l2 for a 5/16 inch fillet weld using an E70XX electrode. This is part of a
design problem in which the design variables include weld lengths and the fillet leg size.

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Ex a m p l e

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Ex a m p l e

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Ex a m p l e

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Ex a m p l e

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Ex a m p l e

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Ex a m p l e

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F a ti g u e L o a d i n g
• In fatigue, the Gerber criterion is best for welding problems.
• However, it is found that the modified Goodman criterion is in commonly used for fatigue loading
of welding problems.
• All corrections factors are appropriately used to correct the actual endurance limit of weldment
• Surface factor (ka) plays a more predominant role.
• For the surface factor, as-forged surface should always be assumed for weldments unless a
superior finish is specified and obtained.

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Ex a m p l e

• The AISI 1018 HR steel strap shown in figure has a repeatedly applied load of 2000 lbf (Fa = Fm =
1000 lbf). Determine the fatigue factor of safety for fatigue strength of the weldment.

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Ex a m p l e

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Ex a m p l e

 𝑛 𝜏 𝑎 2 𝜏𝑚
Now using Gerber fatigue failure criteria
( )
=1 n = 5.85 = 6

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Ex a m p l e

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Ex a m p l e
From Table 9-1,

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Ex a m p l e

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Ex a m p l e

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Ad h e siv e Bo n d in g

• The use of polymeric adhesives to join components for structural, semi-structural, and
nonstructural applications has expanded greatly in recent years.

• Adhesives are also being used either in conjunction with or to replace mechanical fasteners and

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Ad h e siv e Bo n d in g
• In well-designed joints and with proper processing procedures, use of adhesives can result in
significant reductions in weight.

• Eliminating mechanical fasteners eliminates the weight of the fasteners, and also may permit the
use of thinner-gauge materials because stress concentrations associated with the holes are

• The capability of polymeric adhesives to dissipate energy can significantly reduce noise, vibration,
and harshness (NVH), crucial in modern automobile performance.

• Adhesives can be used to assemble heat-sensitive materials or components that might be damaged
by drilling holes for mechanical fasteners.

• They can be used to join dissimilar materials or thin-gauge stock that cannot be joined through
other means. BITS-Pilani, Hyderabad Campus
Typ e s o f A d h e si ve s

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M e ch a n ica l Pe r fo rm a n ce o f Va r io u s Typ e s o f
Ad h e siv e s

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Pe e l str e n g th o f a d h e s i ve j o i n t

• Peel strength is a measure of the adhesive strength of two or more materials that have been
bonded together.

• A peel test is used to calculate the peel strength, which is then used to determine how effective
an adhesive will be when joining certain types of materials.

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St r e ss Di str i b u tio n s

• Good design practice normally requires that adhesive joints be constructed in such a manner that
the adhesive carries the load in shear rather than tension.

• Lap-shear joints represent an important family of joints used in mechanical engineering.

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St r e ss Di str i b u tio n s

• Lap joint is test using ASTM D1002 test.

• Generally, the “apparent shear strength” as the breaking load divided by the bond area is
considered as a design parameter for adhesive lap joints.

• In 1938, O. Volkersen presented an analysis of the lap joint, known as the shear lag model.

• It provides valuable insights into the shear-stress distributions in a host of lap joints.

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St r e ss Di str i b u tio n s

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Ad h e siv e Jo i n t D e si g n Gu i d e l i n e s

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D e si g n Id e a s fo r Im p ro ve d Bo n d i n g

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D e si g n Id e a s fo r Im p ro ve d Bo n d i n g

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