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Job Shadowing Presentation

The Three Careers I Chose to Job Shadow

I chose three different specializations in engineering to research. I plan to earn a degree in

engineering in college. I’m unsure of which specialization to choose, so I chose three different
careers in engineering.

Biomedical Engineer: Biomedical technology has an outlook in the future. I’m interested in
combining knowledge of biology and engineering to solve real-world illnesses and problems.

Aerospace Engineer: Aerospace engineering is closely related to mechanical engineering: a field

I’m currently interested in.

Software Engineer: Software and technology has a large outlook for the future. Becoming a
software engineer would guarantee a stable income (although the road would be difficult).
Biomedical Engineer

● Biomedical engineers combine biology with engineering and mechanics.

● Biomedical engineers will specialize into a specific type of biomedical engineering. A few
examples are: genetic engineering, rehabilitation engineering, biomaterials,
biomechanics, biomechanics, and more.
● Biomedical engineers spend years developing their product.
● I found it interesting that universities hire biomedical engineers.
● I wonder how the job outlook for biomedical engineers compares to software engineers.
Both are growing fields, and I would like to see them compared in terms of growth in the
● The next step in researching biomedical engineering is see the road going ahead to
become a biomedical engineer. This would mean looking at college programs regarding
biomedical engineering (classes I would take)
Aerospace Engineer

● Trevor Jones at NASA Glenn Research Center.

● Aerospace Engineers design space-flight hardware and launch vehicles, and they analyze
them using hardware.
● Co-op programs are a great resource that engineers have that can land them jobs.
● I would like to ask the Trevor Jones if high school students should look for internships during
high school or if they should wait until college. Also, are there any individualized stages of
the process of creating rockets?
● To find out more information, I would have to find more resources and interviews with
aerospace engineers. The field is complicated and may be more difficult tahto get into then
first imagined.
Software Engineer

● The “Job Shadow” is done by the Youtuber “Jedcal.” He works in NYC as a software
● The video showed his daily routine from getting up, working remotely from his projects,
going to his office to work, doing other work, and finishing off his day.
● Jedcal showed how his day functioned. Since most of his work is done in projects, he is
able to work remotely from home. He works as a front end software engineer designing
the interface that is seen on products.
● He was scouted and given a job straight out of college.
● I found interesting that he brushes through his work so casually. He is spending 40 hours
week working at his job along with more hours doing other work. He has a lot of work to
do and that is not covered in the video.
● To find out more information, I would have to learn more about coding and software
design. I wonder at what age did he start learning code? Also, is it ever too late to get
into coding?
How the Careers Could Fit Into My Life

I’m interested in engineering and applying the principles of engineering in the real world. Any of
these potential careers could be one I find myself in. Biomedical engineering could be a path
forward for me. I’m able to work on projects for a long amount of time and consistently make
progress. Aerospace engineering could potentially fit into my life. I’m most interested in
mechanical engineering and aerospace engineering is a related field. I found the job shadow of
a person who worked at NASA to be very interesting. He shows that in order to get a dream
job, you’d have to work your way through school. Software engineering could fit into my life.
Although I don’t know much about coding, I could learn over time and develop into one. I think
that I could find a stable job being a software engineer due to the future outlook of the

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