Mechanics of A System of Particles: R V P V

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Mechanics of a System of Particles

 Consider a system of n particles Pi, i=1,2,…,n

ri=radius vector of Pi from some given origin
vi=velocity vector of Pi
pi=miviis momentum vector of Pi
Newton’s second law for the ith particle is

Differentiating both sided with respect to t, we have

 According to Newton’s third law of motion

And is the center of mass.


Conservation Theorem for Linear Momentum of a

System of Particles:

If the total external force is zero, the total linear

momentum is conserved.
 Now, the angular momentum of the
particle is

Conservation Theorem for Angular Momentum of a

System of Particles:

The total linear momentum is constant in time if the

applied external torque is zero.
 Considerthe work done by the system of particles
moving from point 1 to point 2 under an external force F.
Then work done by the system is
For constant mass

Therefore work done is

 Again consider

To satisfy the strong law of action and reaction, Vij can be

a function of distance only.

The two forces are then automatically equal and opposite

And lie along the line joining the two particles

  For conservative forces

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