Gec 8 Lesson 7 Globalization and Religion

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At the end of this lesson, students should be
able to:
1. Explain how globalization affects religious
practices and beliefs;
2. Identify the various religious responses to
globalization; and
3. discuss the future of religion in a globalized
What is Religion?
Ole Preben Riis in "Methodology in the
Sociology of Religion" (2011) says religion is "a
world view, an ideology, an organization, an
attitude, a set of values, as moods and
motivations, or as an ethical disposition.

Religion is difficult to describe and realize,

because human belief structures are varied and
complex. Religion is strongly connected to culture.
Religion Definition
• The belief in and worship of a superhuman
controlling power, especially a personal God
or gods.
• Religion, then, consists of beliefs, actions, and
institutions which assume the existence of
supernatural entities with powers of action, or
impersonal powers or processes possessed of
moral purpose.”
Many definitions of religion
have been attempted but
many fall foul of being too
narrow, or too wide.
Religious Actors
• Individuals or groups, who act on consistent messages
regarding the relationship between religion, politics and
• Religious actors are among the oldest of transnationals –
carrying words and praxis across vast spaces
The spread of religion
• Pilgrimage and tourism is a major force in the
globalization of culture
• Christians often pilger to holy sites (e.g. Jerusalem)
• Muslims should travel to Mecca to undertake the
haji at least once in their life, connecting also to the
Islamic communes around the world .

Cultural exchange, missionary activity and

pilgrimages are important sectors, which promoted
the process of globalization.
World Religions
The “world religions”
can be interpreted as
responses to deep
insecurities produced
by radical social
• How does it change
with globalization?
How Religions Crossed Barriers?
• Globalization began already 3000 years ago as
the Silk Road facilitated trade and cultural
exchange (textiles, spices and even religions
were all exchanged along the Silk Road starting
around 1,000 B.C.)
• The Silk Road presented religious communities
with the most efficient way to spread their
beliefs  Missionaries often joined caravans
and traders.
How Religions Crossed Barriers?
• Buddhism was the first great missionary faith
spreading from Northern India to Afghanistan
and Bengal and finally to China, Korea and
Japan and back to Tibet
• Silk was extensively used in Buddhist
ceremonies stimulating the demand and
facilitating trade along the Silk Road enhancing
How Religions Crossed Barriers?
• Islam was the dominant religion among Silk
Road traders for most of the time
• Islamic scientific and medical advancements
also had significant impact on Silk Road
travelers  Chinese Buddhist traders adopted
Islamic medical knowledge in wound healing
and urine analysis
Globalization and Religion
• Religious actors have been agents of
globalization for centuries.
• Globalization is often associated with spreading
same ideas and views (universalists)
Globalization and Religion
 Samuel Huntingtion sees the universalists vs.
individualists as “clash of civilizations” between
the West and the Rest.
 Globalization does not lead to identical
responses from all religious actors, but
sometimes globalization is actively pursued by
religious actors (Paradox)
Impacts of Globalization on Religion
Globalization has diverse, even paradoxical
implications for religion. 

Globalization may have implied on faith in the

following three possible impacts:
1)Religion is being eroded.
2)Religion is being strengthened.
3)Religion is declining but it has developed new
identities of hybridity.
Cultural homogeneity/destruction vs.
Cultural pluralism
The distinct norms, different
cultures and different worshiping
ways and practices will be wiped
out by globalization which
promotes homogeneity.

Threat to traditions of religions,

disintegrate traditional social
norms and values by the invasion
of consumerism, cyber culture and
Cultural homogeneity/destruction vs.
Cultural pluralism
Human rights are becoming
the main issue in global
• Status of women
• Ritual killings and human
Spread of Religion vs. Secularization
• The inner nature of religions and the purpose to be
embraced and practiced by people all over the world
prompts it to spread throughout all the world’s geographical

• In order to emerge and spread, therefore, religions make

good use of the technologies of globalization.

• Having geographical boundaries and frontiers blurred and

dissolved, religions find it easy to spread and reach every
part of the world. 
Spread of Religion vs. Secularization

• Information technologies, transportation

means, and the media are deemed important
means on which religionists rely in the
dissemination of their religious ideas.

EX: countless websites providing information

about religions have been created.  
Spread of Religion vs. Secularization
• The increase of industrialization, urbanization and
rationalization would bring about the decrease of religious

• Religion would become less important factor in human life

of modern society and a modern secular system would be a
dominant force as theological system was falling down.

• Religion would eventually vanish from the lives of modern

secular society.
Homogenization as Threat for Religions
• Homogenization might wipe out cultural diversity
– For example: Languages are dying at an alarming rate.
• Friedman suggests that the break-down to only 8
unique civilizations is the result of globalization.
• Muslim dominance and control of trans-Asian
trade was the primary factor leading to the
homogenization of Central Asia and the Silk Road.
Connectiveness of Globalization and
• Religion always sought to spread its message beyond frontiers
 impact on globalization
• Globalization with its homogenization can disturb cultures, so
that some religions oppose it
• Some people might seek protection from globalization impacts
and foster opposition

• But, globalization does not lead necessarily to a

homogenization of groups and the rise of a universal
community, because there is the desire for esteem within a
Religion in Globalization
Mark Juergensmeyer – “Why global religious
- Nation-state provided a secure sense of identity,
and security for stable society. However, nation-states
have lost its role.
1. Transnational economic systems undercut national
structures of authority and control.
2. New communication networks made instant
contact possible across the world.
3. Massive demographic shift everywhere.
 The idea of a homogenous national cultural identity
became a relic of the past.
 People started to regard that religious community
can provide identity, accountability and security
Religion in Globalization
Samuel P. Huntington – The clash
of civilizations
- The end of Cold War (ideology
has gone)
- Different civilizations (based on
different religions) confront
each other
- Religion is a main cause of the
fault line between civilization
Religion in Globalization
Harald Müller – The coexistence of civilization
The impact of globalization → Huge change in
every aspect → The impact to Identity → diverse
responses to unfamiliarity
1. Aggressive responses (religious fundamentalism,
2. Receptive responses (attention and adaptation,
- Communication and cooperation are the keys to
Religion in Globalization
Common perceptions :
① Respect for human right and dignity
② Improvement based on peace
→ Cultural exchange ,peaceful relationship

Methods for mutual trust

1. Government : Summit meeting, IGOs (more
2. Economy : Trade relation (interests by
3. Society : The role of NGO ( Mediator between
Religion in Globalization
Müller’s view on religion and globalization
• Different religion is one of important elements making
different culture.
• Ignorance and repulsion on different culture make
• Communication and understanding other culture is
important for peace
Religion in Globalization
• Globalization includes the evolution of
communication, transportation, and migrant.
→ More chances of communication.
• Globalization also intensifies the economic
interdependence among actors → People will
perceive the economic benefit from
• Globalized NGO can hold “merciless global
capital (Neo-liberalism)” in check

• As a result, these networks will help to make

common values in the globe. (Humanity,
Mutual Respect, Peace)

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