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L 3 – ocei?- who/ evei- where/ ivei (towards where?

Practice asking and responding to questions: Ocei ?/ ivei? / evei? yacaqu/yacamu/yacana

a) Q: O cei o iko? / O cei na yacamu? Who are you? / What is your name ?
R: Na yacaqu o Joji/ Mere My name is Joji/ Mere
b) Q: O cei na yacaqu ? Who am I? / What is my name?
R: Na yacamu o Tomu/ Leba/…Your name is Tomu/Leba
c) Q: O cei na yacana ? Who is he/she?/ What is his/her name ?
R: Na yacana o Tomasi/Mereoni His/her name is Tomasi/Mereoni
Yacaqu yacamu yacana

Na yacaqu o Joji Na yacamu o San. Na yacana o Sunil

  Na yacaqu o San. Na yacamu o Sunil Na yacana o Ram
 Na yacaqu o Sunil Na yacamu o Nafeez.
Na yacana o John
Na yacaqu o Nafeez Na yacamu o Merline
Na yacana o Jack.
  Na yacaqu o Merline Na yacamu o Haroon.
Na yacana o San
Here-eke This-oqo
There-ekea That – oya
Where- evei or ivei)
• Evei o Haroon? Where is Haroon?

• Oya o Haroon Haroon is over there.

• Haroon in here E tiko eke o Haroon

E tiko eke okoya
E vica oqo ? How many/how much is this?
E vica na peni e tiko oqori?

Oqo here with me Oqori – that with you

E dua, e rua, e tolu, e va, e lima, …
Oqori e rua na peni. Those are two pens
Oqori e dua na matailoilo That is one pair of eyeglasses

 E vica na peni oqo ? How many pens are here with me?

E vica na peni oqori ? How many pens are there with you? 

Oqo e tolu na peni. Here are three pens

E vica na peni oya? How many pens are there with him?

Tutorial 2 - Innovation
• Innovate the “Butterfly” poem
• Choose a different animal for your topic
• Create a new job description
• Describe the job
• Explain how creative the job is.
Instruction: Neatly type the poem. Insert a
picture that depict the topic. Border the
poem. Include your group id. at the bottom
Na boto
Ratu Raboto
• Ratu Raboto na manumanu yaga
• Kau mai ki Viti me mai cakacaka
• Sucu vakadua
• Udolu vakacaca
• Tiko e tabana na paisoni gaga
1a O cei na yacana? Ratu Raboto
1b Na cava okoya?
1. Na cava nona cakacaka?
ANS: E veitaqomaki mai na mate mv mosi, kenisa
3. E manumanu vakacava? E manumanu yaga
4.E vica na luvena? E udolu vakacaca
5.E tiko evei na paisoni gaga? E tiko e tabana
6.A cava na kena yaga? Me sucu vakadua, udolu vakacaca
7.E vica na yavana? E va.
Frog benefits for the natural world and
1. Predators and prey in the ecosystem
Frogs and toads are right in the middle of the
food chain and provide a very efficient transfer
of solar energy.  They play an important role in
consuming insects and are an important food
source for birds, snakes, and other animals
throughout the food web.
2. Pest control- They help control insects that
may be agricultural pests or carry diseases
such as West Nile virus - a mosquito-borne
disease that can cause encephalitis, or a
brain inflammation
3. Medicine- Frogs have been used extensively
in medical research, and many Nobel prizes in
medicine and physiology have involved frog

4. Education and research- The chemical
compounds found in the skin secretions of
frogs and toads are being studied:
• for their human benefits – everything from
non-addictive pain killers to cancer cures. 

• Frogs have been an important part of biology

education for centuries, and the African
Clawed Frog (Xenopus laevis) is the modern
day “lab rat.”

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