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Quarantine is the separation and restriction of movement

of people who have potentially been exposed to a
contagious disease to ascertain if they become unwell so
reducing the risk them infecting others.
This definition differs from isolation which is the
separation of people who have been diagnosed with a
contagious disease from people who are not sick.
Social and physical distancing:
It refers to deliberately increasing the physical space
between people to avoid spreading illness; staying at least
6 feet away from other people.
Working from home instead of at the office
Closing schools or switching to online classes
Visiting loved ones by electronic devices instead of in
Cancelling or postponing conferences and large meetings
Self Quarantine:
 It refers to refrain from any contact with other individuals for a period of

time (such as two weeks) during the outbreak of a contagious disease.

 It involves:

 Staying at home

 Using standard hygiene and washing hands frequently

 Not sharing things like towels and utensils

 Not having visitors

 Staying at least 6 feet away from other people in your

 Household.
Quarantine is often an unpleasant experience for those
who undergo it and affects them as follows:
 Separation from loved ones

 The loss of freedom

 Uncertainty over disease status

 Post-traumatic stress symptoms

 Confusion

 Anger.
Stressors included following:
 Longer quarantine duration
 Infection fears
 Frustration
 Boredom
 Inadequate supplies
 Inadequate information
 Financial loss
 Stigma.
Stressors during quarantine:
1)Duration of quarantine:
Three studies showed that longer durations of quarantine
were associated with poorer mental health. The duration
of quarantine was not always clear, one study showed that
those quarantine for more then 10 showed significantly
higher post traumatic stress symptoms then those
quarantined for less then 10 days.
2)Frustration and boredom:
Confinement, loss of usual routine, and reduced social and
physical content with others were frequently shown to
cause boredom, frustration, and a sense of isolation from
the rest of the world.
3)Inadequate supplies:
Having inadequate basic supplies( e.g., food, water, cloths,
or accommodation) being unable to get regular care and
prescription also appeared to be a problem for some
Financial loss can be a problem during quarantine, with
people unable to work and having to interrupt their
professional activities with no advanced planning the
financial loss as a result of quarantine created serious
socio economics distress and was found to be a risk factor
for symptoms of physiological disorders and both anger
and anxiety several months after quarantine.
Stigma from others was a major theme through out the
literature, often continuing for some time after quarantine
even after containment of an outbreak. Quarantined
people were significantly more likely to report
stigmatization and rejection from people in their local
1)Overall, this presentation suggest that the sociological
impact of quarantine is wide ranging, substantial, and can
be long-lasting. This is not to suggest that quarantine
should not be used; the sociological effects of not using
quarantine and allowing disease to spread might be worse.
2)We need to tell people what is happening and why,
explaining how long it will continue, providing
meaningful activities for them to do while in quarantine.

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