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•A flowchart is a diagrammatic
representation that illustrates the sequence
of operations to be performed to get the
solution of a problem.

• Flowcharts are generally drawn in the

early stages of formulating computer

Basic Flowchart Symbols

Terminal Symbol
Used to denote the start or end of the

Basic Flowchart Symbols

Initialization box
Initializes the variables and constant data
that will be used throughout the flowchart.

Basic Flowchart Symbols

Input box
Used to read inputs.

Basic Flowchart Symbols

Process box
Represents the part of the flowchart
where process is to take place.

Basic Flowchart Symbols

Output box
Used to display outputs.

Basic Flowchart Symbols

Decision box
Used to represent a branch in the

Basic Flowchart Symbols

On-page connector
Symbol that connects parts of the
flowchart in the same page.

Basic Flowchart Symbols

Off-page connector
Symbol that connects parts of the
flowchart in different pages.

Basic Flowchart Symbols

• Create a flowchart that accepts two
numbers, adds them and displays the sum.
• Create a flowchart that will determine if
the average of two numbers is passed or
failed. If average is less than 75 is passed
otherwise is failed.
• Create a flowchart that will print the first n

Sample Problems
Basic Programming Structures:
• Sequential
• Conditional
• Repetitive/Iteration/Looping

Structure of C Program
Runtime Errors are those errors that occur
during the execution of a c program and
generally occur due to some illegal
operation performed in the program.

• Dividing a number by zero

• Trying to open a file which is not created
• Lack of free memory space

Types of Error in C
Compile errors are those errors that
occur at the time of compilation of the
program. C compile errors may be
further classified as:

• Syntax Error
• Semantic Error

Types of Error in C
Logical errors are the errors in the
output of the program.

The presence of logical errors leads to

undesired or incorrect output and are
caused due to error in the logic applied
in the program to produce the desired
Types of Error in C

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