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• Yes, that’s right. The creator of the Nazi party,
the man responsible for mass genocide during
World War II, was indeed a great ruler.
Germany was in bad times when Hitler rose to
power, and Hitler was the charamistic leader
that the Germans could look up to. This one
man blamed all of Germany’s problems on a
scapegoat: the Jews living in Germany at the
time, and somehow managed to convince the
entire country of Germany that it really was the
Jews’ fault for all of Germany’s problems. Even
if it was a terrible thing to do, it was no mean
feat and required the skills and prowess of a
great leader.
• HE Is Known for his brutal and
legendary military tactics,
Alexander was probably one of
the best if not the best military
commanders of all time. He was
definitely one of the most
successful, however, conquering
much of the world at the time and
sometimes making entire cities
surrender to him without killing a
single person.
• Caesar, also known as Augustus,
became the first emperor of the
Roman Empire and ruled from 27
BC until his assassination in 14 AD.
His rule established an era of
unfamiliar peace and quiet, known
as the Pax Romana, a feat that had
never before been accomplished.
Caesar managed to acquire total
power but he didn’t have to use any
false promises and lies like rulers
before him.
• Genghis Khan was perhaps the most
brutal leader the world has ever
seen, but he was one of the most
successful. He founded the Mongol
Empire, one of the most powerful
forces in the world at that time.
Genghis Khan’s brilliant military
strategies and tactics puts him on
this list. He conquered most of the
world during his prime and united
many nomadic tribes in Asia.
• Napoleon I of France, later known as
Emperor Napoleon, was a prominent
military and political leader of France and
he heavily influenced European politics
in the early 19th century. He basically
dominated continental Europe through
superior military tactics and intelligence.
He continued to prosper until the French
invasion of Russia in 1812, and his
success steadily declined. But his
establishment of the Napoleon code laid
the administrative and judicial
foundations for much of Western Europe.
• Abraham Lincoln was the 16th
president of the United States and led
the country through its greatest
internal struggle, the Civil War. He
successfully preserved the union; if
not for Abraham Lincoln, the United
States would probably be divided into
two countries right now. He also
signed the Emancipation
Proclamation, abolishing slavery in
America. Abraham Lincoln is widely
considered one of the greatest US
presidents, if not one of the greatest
leaders in history.

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