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Analytic Number Theory

MTH 435

Dr Mohib Ali
Review of Lecture 5

 Positive solutions of Diophantine equation

 Definition of Congruences

 Divisibility and Congruences

 Multiples, addition and multiplication of congruences

Review of Elementary Properties
Elementary Properties

  Let be a positive integer and and are arbitrary integers.

i. If and then

ii. If then for any positive integer .

iii. If is any polynomial with integer coefficients and then .

Elementary properties

Before going to the further properties of congruences we revisit one important

property of l.c.m.

Theorem: The least common multiple of two integers divide any other common
multiple of two integers.

Elementary properties

  Let be a positive integer.

i. Suppose and If then

ii. If and then

Divisibility Test

  Let is the decimal expansion of the integer then

i. is divisible by if and only if number consisting of last digits is divisible by

ii. is divisible by if and only if
iii. is divisible by if and only if
iv. is divisible by if and only if

Linear Congruences

Linear Congruences
Review of Lecture 6

 Multiplication of Congruences

 Congruences with polynomials

 Congruences with divisors and least common multiples

 Divisibility Test

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