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David Gauntlett- Theory of Identity The

construction of identities will oppose common

ideas of ‘perfect male or female’ and be open to
diversity as well as the representation of
minorities Mode of Address

MEDIA AUDIENCE Formal mode of address, the topics

chosen are somewhat sensitive and
require a level of formality to justify what
MOODBOARD is written. There will still be room for
some informality however to avoid
harshness in tone

Van Zoonen- Feminist Theory Jean Baudrillard- An attempt

Attempts to counteract the gender to counteract this idea of a
norms and oppose common expectations media simulation by offering
of gender e.g. clothing and language some authenticity and
Language realness to the article

Steve Neale- Genre Theory The

genre will be characterised by
repetition but also difference in
Audience language, representation,
images etc.

Clay Shirky- End of Audience The

magazine will be available on the
internet and have several social
medias in order for viewers to
express their own opinions and Stuart Hall- Reception Theory
Preferred Reading is encouraged
views with each other
as the topic is more of appealing
to a contemporary audience
(teenagers) and covers issues that
they would support or agree with
in terms of viewpoint

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