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The end! Thank you for listening! If M
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If only it was that easy, but we gotta get those he

points anyways so I guess we shall continue…

So stop scrolling on Instagram or watching Youtube

and give us just 8-10 minutes of your time. Thank
you very much.
What is Limitation of Sight?
Sight limitation is where our naked eyes fail to see beyond
its limit.
Limitation of sight include :
(a) Inability to see extremely small objects
(b) Inability to see distant objects
(c) Optical illusions
(d) Blind spot
Certain devices can help in seeing the shape, color and size of
an object to a certain extent.
What is Optical Illusion?
 Optical Illusions- Uses colour, light and patterns to create images
that deceives or misleads our brains into seeing things that may or
may not be real.
 The brain processes the information received from the eye,
creating a perception that in reality, doesn’t match the true
 Perception- Interpretation of what we take in through our eyes.
 Optical illusions occur because our brain is trying to interpret what
we see and make sense of the world around us.
Optical Illusion

Are the pinwheels moving? Which side of inset bar is darker? Count all the black dots you can see
Answer: No, the wheels are not Answer: They are both the same shade! There are no black dots.
turning. The Moiré effect can (If you focus directly on each dot,
produce interesting and you'll see that all of them are white.) 
beautiful geometric patterns.
Blind Spot
 At a certain distance from the eye, some objects that you
previously could see may disappear, after certain movement, it will
reappear again.
 This phenomenon occurs because the image of the object has
fallen onto the blind spot in your eye.
 This blind spot doesn’t have any photo receptors. As a result, the
image that falls on this spot can’t be detected, causing you to be
unable to see it.
Devices that can overcome the limitation of sight

Used to see objects that are too small to
be seen by the naked eye. They’re tubes
packed with lenses, curved pieces
of glass that bend (or refract) light rays
passing through them which enlarges the
image of an object.
It uses convex lens
(convex= outwardly
curved) to refract or bend
parallel light rays into our
eyes. It applies the
principle of refraction
(bending of a light ray
when entering a medium
of different density).
Commonly used in submarines to
look out for dangers above the
sea. There are mirrors which are
attached inside the periscope
parallel to each other at a 45
degree angle that reflect the light
into your eyes.
Most telescopes, work by using
curved mirrors to gather and focus light from
the night sky. Telescopes focus light by using
pieces of curved, clear glass, called lenses.
The bigger the lenses, the more light the
telescope can gather. Light is then
concentrated by the shape of the optics.
That light is what we see when we look into
the telescope.
What is Limitation of Hearing?

The limitation in the ability of hearing.

The range of hearing of human is between 20 Hz to 20 000 Hz.

Limitation of hearing include :
(a) Being unable to hear certain sounds from a distance.
(b) Being incapable of hearing really soft sounds i.e.
Factors to The Limitation Of Hearing
1. Children have eardrum that are more elastic
2. As people age, their hearing deteriorates, their
eardrums become less elastic
3. People that are exposed to constant loud noises can
experience loss of hearing range higher than normal
people. This especially affects those that are
construction workers, rock stars and even flight workers.
Devices that can overcome the limitation of hearing

A megaphone increases the volume of
sound by increasing the acoustic
impedance seen by the vocal cords,
matching the impedance of the vocal
cords to the air, so that more sound
power is radiated. It also serves to direct
the sound waves in the direction the horn
is pointing.
Used to transmit low-volume
sounds such as a heartbeat (or
intestinal, venous, or fetal
sounds) to the ear of the
listener. It works when the
diaphragm collects vibrations
and sends it through the hollow
tubes and into the earpiece.
It shows that sounds are
produced by vibration.
As the electricity flows back and
forth in the cables, the
electromagnet either attracts or
repels the permanent magnet. This
moves the coil back and forward,
pulling and pushing the
loudspeaker cone. It implies that
sound can be reflected.
Ways to protect your hearing
1) Use hearing protection around loud sounds such as foam earplugs to reduce
the sound levels at loud areas or events.
2) Lower the volume of electrical devices i.e. TV, radio, music, etc.
3) Avoid and limit loud or noisy activities/places, when possible (e.g. speakers,
fireworks, etc.).
4) When listening to loud sounds (e.g., music, concerts), take breaks from the

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