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O politica maritima integrata
World trading Fleet by ship types
As at January 1st 2005, the world trading fleet was made up of 46,222 ships, with a combined tonnage of
597,709,000 gross tonnes.
Figures in brackets are numbers of ships. Source: Lloyd's Register Fairplay January 2005
General Cargo ships (18,150)
Tankers (11,356)
Bulk Carriers (6,139)
Passenger ships (5,679)
Container ships (3,165)
Other (1,733)

Transportul maritim in UE
totalizeaza 47% din PIB-ul
Sectoarele cu cel mai mare potential de crestere sunt vasele
de croaziera, energia reciclabila, telecomunicatiile marine si
biotehnologia marina.
Existenta unui mediu marin sanatos este o conditie “sine qua non” pentru utilizarea
durabila a resurselor noastre marine.
The Danube Delta shelters over 3400 species of vertebrates and invertebrates, many of them unique in the country, in
Europe and even in the world.

The bird population of the Delta totals more than 300 species, 70 of which extra-European.

The area of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve is of 591,200 hectares (approximately 2.5% of Romania’s territory).
This area was declared of national and international importance, from the ecological point of view. Besides the
Danube Delta, it also includes the Razim-Sinoe lagoon, the maritime Danube up to the Cotul Pisicii, the Isaccea-
Tulcea sector and the coast of the Black Sea from the Chilia Branch to the Cape Midia.

Within the Biosphere Reserve 50,228 hectares are strictly protected regions, natural reserves such as the Letea and
Caraorman forests, the Periteasca-Bisericuta Portita, Rosca-Portita, Sahalin-Zatoane, Grindul Lupilor and other

Fauna Flora

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