HRHR and Disability

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of}g (Sex)

of}lgstf (Sexuality)
of}g (Sex)
lnËsf] cfwf/df x'g] h}ljs (Biological) u'0fx¿nfO{ of}g
elgG5 .

xfdLn] of}g eGg] ljlQs} of}g ;Dks{, of}g lqmofsnfk,jf

dlxnf / k'¿if aLr x'g] ;+;u{ eGg] j'lem/x]sf 5f}+ . t/ dfgj
hfltsf] of}g Jojxf/, of}g klxrfg rfxgf cflbn] xfdLn] j'‰b}
u/]sf] æof}gÆ sf] cy{df ljjfb l;h{gf ePsf] 5 . To;}n]
of}g :jf:Yosf] jf/]df s'/fsfgL ug'{kbf{ ePsf]
of}gnfO{ lnËsf] cfwf/df x'g] leGgtf eGg] g} j'‰g' k5{ .
dfG5] tyf cGo w]/} k|f0fLx?
nfO{ pgLx?sf] k|hgg sfo{sf] cfwf/df
b'O6f ju{df k'?if / dlxnf afl9Psf] x'G5,
cyjf ;fdflhs olx b'O6f ju{nfO{ lnË
elgG5. lnË n] ;fdfGotof dflg;sf] h}ljs
rl/qnfO{ lrgfpg] ub{5. g]kfnsf]
;Gwe{df lnËsf ltgj6f ju{ klxrfg ul/Psf
;fdflhs lnË Gender
;fdflhs lnËe]b eGgfn] ;fdflhs d'No
dfGotfsf] cfwf/df dlxnf / k¿ifn] lgjf{x ug]
{ a]Unf a]Un} e"ldsfnfO{ a'emfp5 / of]
:yfg, au{, ;do / ;+:s[lt cg';f/ km/skm/s
x'G5 . of] ;dfh åf/f lgdf{0f ul/Psf] x'gfn]
o;nfO{ kl/jt{g ug{ ;lsG5 . of] ;dfhn]
cfˆgf] :jfy{ cg';f/ agfPsf] ;fF]r xf] .
dlxnnfO{ lkQ[;tfTds b[li6n] x]/Lg] k|s[of
klg xf] .
of}lgstf (Sexuality)
of}lgstf eg]sf] dflg;sf] cToGt}
dxTjk"0f{ kIf xf] . of] hLjgsf] s]lGb«o
kIf xf] . of}lgstfn] hLjgsf w]/} kIfx¿nfO{
;d]6]sf] x'G5 . d'Votof M lnË, n}lËs
klxrfg / e"ldsf, of}g cfs{if0f / k|hgg h:tf
ljifox¿sf] ;di6L ¿k g} of}lgstf xf] .
dflg;sf] of}lgstf ljleGg 9+un] k|:t't
x'g] u5{ jf cg'ej ul/G5 .
dflg;x¿sf] ;f]r efjgf, OR5f ljrf/,
wf/0ff, dfGotf, Jojxf/,lhDd]jf/L,
;DaGw cflb y'k|} s'/fx¿ dfkm{t
dflg;sf] of}lgstf k|:t't cleJoQm /x]sf]
x'G5 .
ofb ug'{kg]{ s'/f oL ;j} s'/fx¿df Ps
rf]6L of}lgstf k|:t't x'g] jf cg'ej ug]{÷
ul/g] rflx+ xf]Og .
;du|df of}]lgstf eGgfn] hLjgsf ;fdfGo sfdb]lv
of}g ;Dks{sf] Jojxf/ ;d]tnfO{ ;d]6\5 . o:tf]
j[xt / ljlzi6 k|sf/sf] dflg;s]f u'0fnfO{ ;sf/fTds
9+un] j'‰g] / Jojxf/df k|:t't ug]{ u/]df o;n]
dflg;sf] ;du| hLjgdf ;sf/fTds kl/jt{g NofpF5 .
;sf/fTds ;f]rsf] ljsf; u/fpF5 .
of}g :jf:Yo (Sexual Health)

of}g :jf:Yo eGgfn] of}g ;DaGwL /f]u,

b'j{ntf jf ckfËtf gx'g' dfq xf]Og,
of}lgstf ;DaGwL zf/Ll/s, dfgl;s,efjgfTs
/ ;fdflhs ¿kdf :j:y /xg' eGg] j'‰g' k5{ .
of}g ;DaGw / of}lgstfdf
;DaGwL ;sf/fTds / cfb/k"0f{
;f]r dfq geO{ cfgGbbfoL
tyf ;"/lIft of}g Jojxf/ / cg'ejx¿ k|
fKt ug]{ / of}g hGo lx+;f,
zf]if0f / e]befjsf] cGt ug'{kg]
{ of}g :jf:Yosf] d"n Wo]o xf]
of}g :jf:Yo k"0f{ ¿kdf k|flKt ug{ x/]s
JolQmsf] of}g clwsf/nfO{ k"0f{ ;Ddfg, ;
+/If0f / pkof]u ug{ ;Sg] jftfj/0f tof/ ul/g'
k5{ .
of}g :jf:Yo ;dfh ljsf;;Fu ufFl;Psf] 5 .
jt{dfgdf PrcfOeLsf] ltj| ;+qmd0f, j9\bf]
of}g b'j{ntf, jfFemf]kg / lg;Gtfg h:tf
;d:ofx¿n] dflg;sf] of}lgstf / o;;Fu
hf]l8Psf ;j}vfnsf ;DaGwx¿nfO{ ;+jf]wg
ug'{kg]{ b]lvG5 .
of}g :jf:Yon] of}g k|;fl/t ;+qmd0f, k|hgg
jf o;;Fu ;DalGwt /f]ux¿nfO{ dfq ;d]6\g]
xf]Og, o;n] of}lgstf, hLjg k2lt /
JolQmut ;DaGwx¿sf jf/]df lj:t[t hfgs/L
u/fpFb5 .
of}g tyf k|hgg :jf:Yosf kIfx¿
!= kl/jf/ of]hgf
@= ;'/lIft dft[Tj
#= lzz' tyf afn :jf:Yo x]/rfx
$= c;'/lIft ue{ktg / To;sf b'ikl/0ffdsf
%= k|hgg gnL ;ª\qmd0f, of}ghGo /f]u,
PrcfO{eL / P8;sf] /f]syfd
^= lszf]/fj:yfsf] of}g tyf k|hgg :jf:Yo
of}g tyf k|hgg :jf:Yosf kIfx¿

^= afF´f]kgsf] /f]syfd / pkrf/

&= lszf]/fj:yfsf] k|hgg :jf:Yo
*= k|f}9 dlxnfx¿sf] k|hgg :jf:Yo
(= n}ª\lustfdf cfwfl/t lxF;f
k|hgg clwsf/ eg]sf] s] xf] <
k|hgg clwsf/n] /fli6«o sfg"g\, dfgj clwsf/ ;DaGwL
cGt/f{li6«o b:tfj]hx¿ / cGo hgdtsf b:tfj]hx¿4f/f kfl/t ul/Psf
dfgj clwsf/x¿nfO{ ;d]6\5 . o;n] x/]s bDklt jf JolQmsf]
clwsf/nfO{ dfGotf lbPsf] 5 . oL clwsf/x¿ ;a} bDklt / JolQm
ljz]ifn] cfˆgf ;Gtfgsf] ;+Vof, hGd cGt/ / ;doaf/] :jtGq /
lhDd]jf/ 9+un] lg0f{o ug]{ cfwf/e"t clwsf/df lglxt /xG5
;fy} To;f] ug{sf nflu cfjZos hfgsf/L / ;fwgx¿ / of}g tyf k|hgg
:jf:Yosf] ;jf]{Qd :t/Lo ;]jf k|fKt ug{] clwsf/ klg o;} cGtu{t
kb{5 . dfgj clwsf/ b:tfj]hx¿df JoQm eP cg';f/ o;df dflg;sf]
of}g tyf k|hgg clwsf/
g]kfn ;+ljwfgåf/f k|hgg :jf:Yo
;DaGwLxsf] ;Ddfg, ;+/If0f /
kl/k"lt{ ug{sf] nflu k|hgg
:jf:Yo ;]jfnfO{ ;'/lIft, u'0f:t/Lo, ;j{;'ne tyf
kx'Fr of]Uo agfpg] ;DaGwdf cfjZos
Joj:yf ug{ ;'/lIft dft[Tj tyf k|hgg :jf:Yo
clwsf/ P]g @)&% NofPsf] 5, To;df Joj:yf
eP cg';f/ of}g tyf k|hgg clwsf/ o; cg';f/ 5g\
;'/lIft dft[Tj tyf k|hgg :jfYo clwsf/ P]g
!= k|To]s dlxnf tyf lszf]/ lszf]/LnfO{ of}g tyf k|
hgg :jf:Yo ;DaGwL lzIff, ;"rgf, k/fdz{ tyf ;]jf k|
fKt ug{] clwsf/ x'g] 5
@= k|To]s JolQmnfO{ k|hgg :jf:Yo ;DaGwL ;]jf
k/fdz{ tyf ;"rfgf k|Kt ug{] clwsf/ x'g] 5 .
#= k|To]s dlxnfnfO{ ;'/lIft dft[Tj / k|hgg :jf:Yo
;DaGwL xs x'g] 5
$= k|To]s JolQmnfO{ ue{ lg/f]wsf ;fwgsf]
;DaGwdf hfgsf/L kfpg] / ;f]sf] k|of]u ug{] clwsf/
x'g] 5
;'/lIft dft[Tj tyf k|hgg :jfYo clwsf/ P]g

%= k|To]s dlxnfnfO{ o; P]g adf]lhd ue{ktg ;]jf

k|fKt ug{] clwsf/ x'g]5 .
^= k|To]s dlxnfnfO{ ue{jtL tyf ;'Ts]/L / k|hgg
:jf:Yo ?U0ftfsf] cj:yfdf kf]if0fo'Qm, ;Gt'lnt cfxf/
tyf zf/Ll/s cf/fdkfpg] clwsf/ x'g] 5

&= k|To]sdlxnfnfO{ k|;'ltsdL{af6 cfjZos k/fdz{,

ue{jtL tyf k|;"tL ;]jf, ;'Ts]/L kZrftsf]
ue{ lg/f]wsf] ;]jf kfpg] clwsf/ x'g] 5
;'/lIft dft[Tj tyf k|hgg :jfYo clwsf/ P]g

*= k|To]s dlxnfnfO{ cfsl:ds k|;"lt ;]jf cfwf/e't

cfsl:ds k|;"lt ;]jf a[xt cfsl:ds k|;"lt ;]jf, gjhft lzz'sf]
nflu cTofjZosLo ;]jf / gjhftlzz'sf] cfsl:ds ;]jf kfpg]
clwsf/ x'g] 5

(= k|To]s JolQmnfO{ cfˆgf]] hLjgrqmsf] ljleGg

cj:yfdf cfjZos kg{] k|hgg :jf:Yo ;]jf ;j{ ;'ne,
:jLsfo{ / ;'/lIft ?kn] kfpg] clwsf/ x'g] 5 .

!)=k|To]s JolQmnfO{ k|hgg :jf:Yo ;]jf 5gf]6 ug{]

clwsf/ x'g] 5 .
शारीरिक बनावट
प्रजनन प्रणालीमा भागलिने अंग हरु

•पुरुष प्रजनन प्रणाली

•महिला प्रजनन प्रणाली

अपाङ्गता भएका महिलाहरुको महिनावारी व्यवस्थापन

• अपाङ्ग तथा अशक्त महिलाहरुलाई महिनावारी व्यवस्थापन गर्न अझै बढी कठिनाई
आउन सक्छ। त्यसकारण विभिन्न अशक्तता भएका किशोरी तथा महिलाहरुलाई
त्यहि अनुसारको सहयोग चाहिन्छ।
नेत्रहिन वा आँखा कमजोर भएका महिला तथा किशोरी

• यस्ता महिला तथा किशोरीहरुलाई महिनावारीको बारेमा जानकारी दिने बेलामा परिवार द्वारा
सक्रिय हुने भावनात्मक परिवर्तनमा जोड गर्नुपर्ने हुन्छ।

• यी महिला तथा किशोरीहरुले महिनावारी भएको बेला आफ्नो नजिकको भरोसा भएको मान्छेको
मदत लिनु पर्दछ।
कान कम सुन्ने वा नसुन्ने भएको महिला तथा किशोरी

• उनीहरुलाई सांके तिक भाषा द्वारा अथवा फ्लिप्चार्टहरुको प्रयोग गरेर महिनावारी सम्बन्धि
अप्नाउनु पर्ने बिधी, तरिका र सिप सम्बन्धि आवश्यक ग्यान दिनुपर्दछ।

शारीरिक अपाङ्गता भएका महिला तथा किशोरीहरु

• उनीहरुका परिवार भित्रका र सरोकारवालालाई राखी महिनावारी व्यवस्थापन सम्बन्धि

अभिमुखीकरण दिनुपर्दछ।
• शौचालय र स्नान कक्षमा डण्डीको बार राखिनु पर्दछ।

• भित्र भन्दा बाहिर खुल्ने ढोका राखिनु पर्दछ।

• पानीको धारा, कपडा र स्यानिटरी प्याडको भण्डारण भेट्ने उचाइमा गरिनु पर्दछ।
बौधिक अपाङ्गता भएका महिला तथा किशोरी

• त्यस्ता महिला तथा किशोरीका परिवार र हेर्चाह गर्ने ब्यक्तीले संबेदनशील रूपमा
उनीहरुलाई महिनावारी सम्बन्धि ग्यान दिनुपर्दछ।

• उनीहरुका परिवार भित्रका र सरोकारवालालाई राखी महिनावारी व्यवस्थापन

सम्बन्धि अभिमुखीकरण दिनुपर्दछ।
ljleGg k|sf/sf ;DaGwx¿
• /utsf] gftf kg]{x¿df kl/jf/sf ;b:ox¿larsf] ;DaGw
h:t}M afa'cfdf, cleefjsx¿ nufot kl/jf/sf
;b:ox¿larsf] ;DaGw, gft]bf/x¿larsf] ;DaGw
• lzIfs;Fusf] ;DaGw,

• ;fyLx¿;Fusf] ;DaGw,

• l5d]sL tyf ;dfhsf cGo JolQmx¿ / ckl/lrt

JolQmx¿;Fusf] ;DaGw
dfof, ldqtf, df]x tyf of}lgs cfsif{0fdf ljleGg
efjgfx¿sf] ;DaGw
 dfof–k|]d ldqtf, dfof, df]x tyf of}lgs
cfsif{0fx¿df ;dfj]z x'g]
ljleGg efjgfx¿
 ldqtf, • cfTdLotf (Intimacy)
 df]x • ;+j]u (Emotion)
 of}lgs cfsif{0f • /f]dfl~rt ;DaGw
(Romantic Relationship)
:j:ys/ ;DaGwx¿

 :j:ys/ ;DaGw ;Ddfgk"0f{ / ;'/lIft

;DaGw xf]
 s'g} klg kIfdfly s'g} klg k|sf/sf] lx+;f,
b'Jo{jxf/, zf]if0f, cGofo, x]kfO{,
e]befj tyf x]nf h:tf Jojxf/x¿ gePsf],
 s'g} klg kIfsf nflu zf/Ll/s, efjgfTds tyf
dfgl;s, cWoflTds / ;fdflhs ¿kdf hf]lvd
gePsf] ;DaGwx¿
lx+;f tyf b'Jo{jxf/ h:tf c:j:ys/ ;DaGwx¿

 zf/Ll/s tyf dfgl;s ¿kn] oftgf lbg]

 wDsL lbg], ckdfg ug]{, ufnL unf}h ug]{
 x]Kg], 8/ qf; b]vfpg], cjfl~5t ¿kdf cfˆgf]
bjfjdf kfg]{
 of}lgs ¿kn] s;}sf] :jtGqtf lj?4 x}/fgL ug]{
 hah{:tL jf nnfO{ kmsfO OR5f ljk/Lt
of}lgs Jojxf/ ug{ vf]Hg]
 clwsf/ hdfpg] tyf c;dfg Jojxf/ u/L zf]if0f
;fyLaf6 kg{ ;Sg] ;sf/fTds k|efjx¿

• JolQmÎj ljsf; M ldlxg]t ug]{, z}lIfs bIftf, /fd|f]

cª\s Nofpg], j[lQ ljsf; ug]{ cflb
• g}lts Jojxf/, OdfGbf/ x'g], cfTd ljZjf;L x'g]
• :j:yM :j:ys/ of}lgs Jojxf/ nufotsf
:jf:YonfO{ kmfObf x'g] Jojxf/
• ;';+:sf/ / ;Eotfsf] ljsf;
• of}lgs :jf:Yo;DaGwL ;'/lIft Jojxf/x¿sf] hfgsf/L
• cfb/, ;Ddfg kfpg] / ug]{ Jojxf/
• c;n ;fyLx¿sf] ;ª\Vof a9\g] nufotsf
cfk"mnfO{ kmfObf x'g] Jojxf/x¿ cflb
;fyLaf6 kg{ ;Sg] gsf/fTds k|efjx¿
• unt vfnsf sfd h:t} rf]g]{, 9fF6\g], 5Ng] cflb .
• ;dfhnfO{ ckfRo x'g] efiffsf] k|of]u ug]{ vfnsf
afgL l;lsg],
• w"d|kfg, dBkfg / nfu'kbfy{sf] s'ntdf km:g
• afj'cfdfnfO{ 9fF6\g] afgL a:g]], dfg,
dof{bf / ;Ddfgk|lt Wofg glbg]
• c;'/lIft of}lgs Jojxf/df nfUg]
• em}emu8f, rf]6k6s, b'3{6gfdf kg{ ;Sg], sfg'gL
em~em6df kg{ ;Sg]
lx+;f (Violence) s] xf] <

ælx+;f eg]sf] cfkm\g} lj?4, csf{] JolQmsf lj?

4 jf s'g} ;d"x tyf ;d'bfosf lj?4 s;}n] ef}lts
zlQmsf] lgotjz k|of]u ug{] wDsL lbg' jf k|
of]u ug{' xf], h;sf] kl/0ffdn] kLl8t 3fOt]
x'g], p;sf] dfgl;s tyf zf/Ll/s Iflt k'Ug],
JolQmut ljsf;df cj/f]w k'Ug] tyf d[To' x'g]
x'G5 of o:tf vt/fsf] ;DefjgfnfO{ a9fpF5Æ .
– ljZj :jf:Yo ;Ë7g
n}lËs lx+;f (Gender Based Violence)

dlxnf jf k'?if ePs} sf/0f xfd|f] ;dfhn]

5'6\ofO{ lbPsf] sfd, lhDd]jf/L tyf
e"ldsfx¿sf] cfwf/df u/Lg] e]befj jf
lx+;fnfO{ n}ª\lus lx+;f elgG5 .
SGBV is based on gender norms and
unequal power relationships.
of}lgs lx+;fsf :j¿kx¿

s=of}lgs b'Jo{jxf/ (Sexual abuse/

v= anfTsf/ (Rape)
u= xf8gftf s/0fL (Incest)
3= :kz{ jf 5'g' (Touch)
ª of}g zf]if0f (Sexual Exploitation)
xflgsf/s Aojxf/x?
e|'0fsf] lnª\u klxrfg ul/ 5f]/L ePdf
ha/h:tL c;"/lIft ue{ktg u/fpg] h:tf]
xfgLsf/s Jojxf/

dlxgfjf/L gxF'b} 5f]/Lsf] sGofbfg

ul/lbPdf :ju{ hfg] af6f] v'N5 eGg] unt
wf/0ffn] 5f]/Lx?sf] ;fg} pd]/df ljjfx
ul/lbg] rng
of}g lx+;f ;DaGwdf g]kfnsf] sfg'g
!= !^ jif{ d'lgsf gfjflnssf] xsdf lghsf]
d~h'/Ldf u/]sf] of}g sfo{ klg ha/h:tL
s/0fL dflgG5 .
@= ;wjf jf ljwjf dlxnfnfO{ lghsf] d~h'/L
glnO{ ha/h:tL of}g ;Dks{ u/]df
To;nfO{ ha/h:tL s/0fL u/]sf] 7x5{ .
#= 8/, wfs–wDsL jf hf]/h'n'd u/L cg'lrt k|
efjdf kf/L d~h'/L lnP/ s/0fL u/]sf] /x]5
eg] klg ha/h:tL s/0fL u/]sf] 7xb{5 .
dfgj of}lgs Jojxf/ / of}lgs
Sexual behaviour and Sexual orientation
of}lgstfsf cfWoflTds kIf

• ;Gtfg pTkfbgsf] nflu ul/g] of}g ;Dks{

• /dfOnf]sf] nflu ul/g] of}g ;Dks{
• dfof ;f6f;f6sf] nflu ul/g] of}g ;Dks{ -cfWoflTds_
• of}lgs phf{
• dlxnf / k'?ifdf k|fKt x'g] r/d cfgGb (Orgasm)
• of}lgstf;DaGwL k|fs[lts JojwfgnfO{ cfWofTds cEof;af6
;dfwfg ug]{
• dlxnf / k'?iflarsf] km/s of}lgstfnfO{ cfWoflTds ljsf;sf] nflu
cj;/sf] ¿kdf k|of]u ug]{
of}lgs Jojxf/sf] kl/ro
•k|fs[lts tyf s[lqd tl/sfn] of}g cª\unfO{ rnfP/ jf
To;df 3if{0f u/fP/ of sNkgf u/]/ To;af6 cfgGb
k|fKt ug{'nfO{ of}g Jojxf/ elgG5 .
•of}g ;Dks{ nufot of}g ;Dks{ ug{'k"j{ r'Dag
ug{], of}gfª\ux¿ tyf z/L/ ;'D;'Dofpg], dfln;
ug{], v]nfpg], of}g;DaGwL s'/f ug{], dfofk|
Lltsf s'/fsfgL ug{], sNkgf ug]{, of}g;DaGwL
lkmNd, lrq x]g{] lqmofsnfknfO{ of}lgs Jojxf/
(Sexual Behaviour) elgG5 .
of}lgs Jojxf/
•Psn of}lgs Jojxf/
•of}lgs v]nf}gfsf] k|of]u
Sex toys
Sex toys
Sex toys
Sex toys
hf]8Ldf ul/g] of}lgs Jojxf/
•ljk/Lt of}g;Fu ul/g] of}lgs Jojxf/
•;dof}g;Fu ul/g] of}lgs Jojxf/
of}lgs kl/ro
o;n] s'g} klg JolQmsf] zf/Ll/s tyf efjgfTds
cfsif{0fsf] lbzfaf]w ub{5, / Tof] cfsif{0f ljk/Lt
lnª\uLk|lt jf ;dfg lnª\uLk|lt jf b'j} lnª\uLk|lt
x'g ;Sb5 .
• sf]xL klg JolSt cfˆgf] OR5fn] jf c¿sf]
OR5fn] ;dlnª\uL of ljk/Lt lnª\uL aGb}gg\ .
• of] hGdhft lnP/ cfpg] s'/f xf] .
• xfdL ;a}sf cf–cfˆg} of}lgs kl/ro 5g\ .
• xfdLn] ;a} of}lgs kl/ronfO{ ;Ddfg
ug'{k5{ .
dfgj of}lgstfsf] kl/ro qmdzM===

•ljkl/t lnª\uL M o:tf] JolSt hf] zf/Ll/s tyf

efjgfTds ¿kn] cfkm"eGbf ljk/Lt lnª\u ePsf]
JolSt k|lt of}gsf] b[li6sf]0fn] cfslif{t x'G5 .
•;dlnª\uL M o:tf] JolSt hf] zf/Ll/s tyf efjgfTds
¿kn] of}lgs ¿kdf cfkm"h:t} ;dfg lnª\u ePsf]
JolStk|lt of}gsf] b[li6sf]0fn] cfslif{t x'G5 .
;dlnª\uL JolStnfO{ c+u|]hL efiffdf …
xf]df];]S;'cnÚ (homosexual) elgP tfklg …u]Ú
zAb a9L k|of]u ul/G5 eg] dlxnf
;dlnª\uLnfO{ …n]l:jogÚ eGg] rng 5 .
dfgj of}lgstfsf] kl/ro qmdzM===

;dlnª\uLsf k|sf/
•dlxnf ;dlnª\uL (Lesbian/Gay
Womam): dlxnf eO{ dlxnfx¿k|lt g}
efjgfTds ¿kn] cfslif{t x'g] / dlxnf;Fu} k|]d tyf
of}g ;DaGw /fVg] dlxnfnfO{ dlxnf ;dlnËL
elgG5 .
•k'?if ;dlnª\uL (Gay/Gay Man): k'?if eP/
k'?ifk|lt g} efjgfTds ¿kn] cfslif{t x'g] / k'?
if;Fu} k|]d tyf of}g ;DaGw /fVg] k'?
ifnfO{ k'?if ;dlnËL elgG5 .
dlxnf ;dlnª\uL (Lesbian or Gay woman)
k'?if ;dlnª\uL (Gay or Gay Man)
dfgj of}lgs kl/ro qmdzM===

•b'O{ lnª\uL (Bisexual): s'g}

klg JolQm hf] dlxnf tyf k'?if
b'j}k|lt efjgfTds tyf of}lgs
¿kn] cfslif{t x'G5 / b'j};Fu
of}lgs ;DaGw /fV5 .
dfgj of}lgstfsf] kl/ro qmdzM===
•b]xfGt/ (Trans Sexual) 6«fG;;]S;'cnx¿ o:tf
JolQm x'g\ hf] zf/Ll/s jf b}lxs -hGdbf_ ¿kdf
dlxnf jf k'?if eP tfklg cfˆgf] zf/Ll/s lnª\u
eGbf ljk/Lt Jojxf/ ub{5g\ . h:t} – b}lxs
-zf/Ll/s_ ¿kdf dlxnf eP k'?if h:tf] Jojxf/ ug{]
k'?ifsf] h:tf] klx/g nufpg], k'?ifsf] h:tf] ;[ª\uf/
ug]{ ub{5g\ eg] b}lxs -zf/Ll/s_ ¿kdf k'?if eP
dlxnf h:tf] Jojxf/ ug{] / dlxnfsf] klx/g
nufpg], dlxnfsf] h:tf] ;[ª\uf/ ug]{ ub{5g\ .
k/flnª\uL (Trans-sexual)
o:tf JolQm cfˆgf] lnª\uLeGbf ljk/Lt lnª\uL x'g dg k/fpF5g\ / zNolqmof
u/L lnª\u kl/jt{g ;d]t ug]{ u5{g\ .
dfgj of}lgstfsf] kl/ro qmdzM===

• cGt/ lnª\uL (Intersexual): cGt/lnª\uL Pp6f o:tf]

JolSt xf] h;sf] hlGdg] a]nfd} dlxnf / k'?if eg]/ lnª\u
5'6\ofpg ;lsFb}g / o:tf] JolStdf dlxnf / k'?if b'j}sf]
h}ljs s|f]df]hf]d (Biological Chromosome)
x'G5 . o:tf] JolStdf XXY Chromosome ePsf]
kfOG5 . pbfx/0fsf nflu dflg; hGdbfv]l/ k'?if /
dlxnf b'a}sf] hgg]lGb|o cyf{t lnª\u, c08sf]if,
of]lg / kf7]3/ ;lxt hGd]sf] x'g' .
• o:tf JolQm hf] hGdbf g} of}g cª\usf] lx;fan]
;fdflhs ck]Iff cg'¿k jfns jf jflnsf 5'l§b}gg\ .
ue{ktg ;DaGwL sfg'gL
 @)%* ;fn kmfu'gdf d'n'sL P]gsf] !! cf}
+ ;+zf]wgaf6 g]kfn klg sfg'gL ?kdf
ue{ktg ug{ kfpg] d'n's ePsf] lyof] .
 ue{ktg ;]jfnfO{ ;'rf? ugf{sf nflu
@)^) ;fndf ;'/lIft ue{ktg ;]jf k|lqmof k|
sflzt ul/of] .
 @)^) ;fn r}qb]lv k|;"tL u[x yfkfynLaf6
g]kfndf ;'/lIft ue{ktg ;]jf ;+rfng ul/of] .
d'n'sL P]gsf] !! cf}+ ;
+zf]wg cg';f/ ue{ktg
ug{ kfpg]
ue{jtL dlxnfsf] cj:yfx?
dGh'/L ePdf
s_ !@ xKtf;Ddsf] ue{
v_ hj/h:tL s/0fL jf xf8gftf s/0fLaf6 /xg uPsf] !
* xKtf;Ddsf] ue{
u_ ue{ktg gu/fPdf ue{jtL dlxnfsf] Hofgdf vt/f
kg]{ ePdf jf zf/Ll/s jf dfgl;s ?kn] :jf:Yodf
c;/ kg]{ ePdf jf lasnfË aRrf hGdg ;Sg] cj:yf
ePdf of]Uotf k|fKt lrlsT;ssf] /fon] h'g;'s}
d'n'sL P]gsf] !! cf}+ ;
+zf]wg cg';f/ ue{ktg
 ue{jtL gkfpg] cj:yfx?
dGh'/L lagf -s/sfk,
wlDs nnfO{kmsfO{, em'SofO{ jf
k|nf]eg lbO{_
 ue{ktg ug]{ pb]Zon] e'|0fsf] lnË
klxrfg u/L jf ;f] sf] cfwf/df
 ue{ktg ug{ sfg'gn] tf]s]sf] cjlw /
cj:yf afx]s cGo cj:ydf
;'/lIft / a}w ue{ktg ;]jf sf] /
sxf+af6 k|fKt ug{ ;lsG5 <
 ;'/lIft ue{ktg ;]jf ;~rfngsf nflu
g]kfn ;/sf/df ;'lrs[t -cg'dlt jf
dfGotf k|fKt lrlsT;s jf
 ;'/lIft ue{ktg ;]jf ;~rfngsf nflu
g]kfn ;/sf/ ;'lrs[t -cg'dlt jf
dfGotf k|fKt_ c:ktfn jf :jf:Yo ;
oL b'O{ cj:yfdf k|bfg ul/Psf] ;]jf dfq ;'/lIft / sfg'gL dfGotf k|fKt
xf] . ;'lrs[t lrlsT;s jf :jf:YosdL{n] klg ;'lrs[t :jf:Yo ;+:yfdf dfq
of] ;]jf lbg ;S5g\ .
-s_ ue{jtL dlxnfsf] d~h'/Ln] afx| xKtf;Ddsf] ue{ktg
-v_ ue{ktg gu/fPdf ue{jtL dlxnfsf] Hofgdf vt/f k'Ug
;S5 jf lghsf] zf/Ll/s jf dfgl;s :jf:Yo v/fa x'g ;S5 jf ljsnfË
aRrf hGdG5 egL Ohfht k|fKt lrlsT;ssf] /fo eO{ To:tL
dlxnfsf] d~h'/Ln] ue{ktg u/fPsf]df,
-u_ hjh{:tL s/0fL jf xf8gftf s/0fLaf6 /xg uPsf] c7f/
xKtf;Ddsf] ue{ ue{jtL dlxnfsf] d~h'/Ln] ue{ktg
u/fPsf]df, -3_ /f]u k|lt/f]ws Ifdtf pGd'lQm ug]{ lhjf0f'
-Pr=cfO{=eL=_ jf To:t} k|s[ltsf] cGo lgsf] gx'
 ;'lrs[t lrlsT;s jf :jf:YosdL{sf] cefj x'g'
 ;]jf z'Ns dxFuf] x'g'
 ;'/lIft ue{ktg ;]jfsf] nflu ;'rLs[t ePsf c:ktfnx?
n] xfn;Dd ;]jf pknAw gu/fpg'
 ue{ktg ;DaGwL clwsf/ / ;'/lIft ue{ktgsf
cj:yfx?jf/] hg;d'bfo;Dd kof{Kt hfgsf/L
gk'Ug' -cem klg w]/} dlxnfx? hfgsf/L gePs}
sf/0fn] c;'/lIft ?kdf n'lsl5lk ue{ktg u/fpg
afWo 5g\ .
 ue{ktg ug{ vf]Hg] dlxnf k|lt gsf/fTds wf/0ff
;dfwfgsf pkfox?
 ;a} hg;d'bfonfO{ ue{ktg ;DaGwL sfg'gL kIfsf
jf/]df ;lx hfgsf/L lbP/
 ;d'bfonfO{ ;'/lIft / c;'/lIft ue{ktgsf jf/] hgr]tgf
hufpg'sf ;fy} ;'/lIft ue{ktg ;]jf k|fKt x'g] :yfgsf
jf/]df hfgsf/L k|bfg u/]/
 kl/jf/ lgof]hg ;]jfnfO{ cem Aofks / k|efjsf/L
agfpb} nu]/
 cfsl:ds ue{lg/f]wnfO{ k|efjsf/L ?kdf k|j{4g u/]/
 ue{ktg ;DaGwL ;]jf lng cfpg] s'g} klg
dlxnfnfO{ ;]jf k|bfg ug]{ lrlsT;s jf
:jf:YosdL{ n] ;+j]bglzntfsf ;fy Aojxf/ u/]/
अपाङ्गताको बारेमा भएका सामग्रीहरु
अधिकांश अपाङ्गता भएका बालबालिका, किशेरकिशोरीहरु र बयस्क
महिलाहरु धेरैजसो साङ्ग व्यक्तिहरुबाट यौन हिंसाको सिकार भएका
हुन्छन् ।

साङ्गहरु भन्दा अपाङ्गता भएका महिलाहरु २० गुणाले बढी यौन

हिंसाका कारण असुरक्षित भएको एक अध्ययनले बताएको छ ।
मानिसहरुमा यौन तथा प्रजनन स्वास्थ्य र अधिकारको बारेमा सचेतना
नभएका कारण अपाङ्गता भएका महिला तथा बालबलिकाहरु बढी जोखिममा
परेका छन्
अपाङ्गता भएका व्यक्तिहरु पनि यौनिक हुन्छन् । प्रजननका लागि सक्षम हुन्छन् ।

• अपाङ्गता भएका व्यक्तिहरुको यौन तथा प्रजनन् स्वास्थ्यलाई कम महत्वको दृष्टिकोणले

हेरिएको पाइन्छ । तर उनीहरुको पनि यौन चाहना र प्रजनन् क्षमता साङ्गहरुको जस्तै हुन्छ

• कतिपय परिवारमा अपहेलित हुनपरेका अपाङ्गाता भएका व्यक्तिहरुलाइ विभन्न प्रलोभन

देखाएर र मन पर्ने उपहार दिएर असुरक्षित यौनसम्पर्क गर्नेगरेको विश्वव्यापी तथ्याङ्क छ ।
तथ्यहरूका अनुसार विश्वमा अपाङ्गता भएका महिला र वालिकाहरु उनीहरुको
परिवारका सदस्य, आफन्त, स्याहार सुसार गर्ने व्यक्तिहरु र साथीहरुवाट नै सबै
भन्दा बढी यौनशोषणमा परेका हुन्छन
प्रजनन् स्वास्थ्य सेवा पुर्याउन अपाङ्गताको प्रकृ ति, उनीहरु वस्ने ठाउँ, अपाङ्गताको स्तर

र उनीहरुको ज्ञान तथा सीपको अवस्थामा निर्भर हुन्छ । त्यसैले सेवा दिने व्यक्तिले सवै

कु रा बुझ्ने र यौन शोषण वा यौन अपराधको सिकार नहोऊन भन्ने कु रामा सदैव चनाखो

बौध्दिक र मानसिक रुपमा अपाङ्गता भएका व्यक्तिहरुमा पनि यौन तथा प्रजनन्

क्षमता र सक्रियता साङ्गको जस्तै हुने तर सुरक्षित यौन सम्पर्क को बारे

जानाकारी नहुने हुँदा अत्यान्तै जोखिममा हुन्छन्

• परिवारनियोजन सम्बन्धी सेवा उनीहरु मध्ये धेरैलाई पुग्न नसके को अध्ययनहरूले बताएको
छ । त्यसैले उनीहरुलाई परिवार नियोजनको साधन प्रयोगका बारेमा पूर्ण जानाकारी पाउने
प्रवन्ध मिलाउन र उपयुक्त किसिमको विधिको प्रयोग गर्न सक्ने वनाउनुपर्छ वा वातावरण
तयार गरिदिनु पर्छ । जसको लागि आफ्नो अपाङ्गताको अवस्था र प्रकार अनुसार
विधिहरुको छनौट गर्न पाउनुपर्छ । तर उपयुक्त विधिका बारेमा भने अध्ययनहरू नपाइएको
भनिन्छ ।
उनीहरुका लागि यौन तथा प्रजनन् स्वास्थ्य सम्बन्धी परामर्श र स्वास्थ्य सेवा अरुलाई भन्दा
बढी आवश्यक छ तर अधिकांश स्वास्थ्य सेवाका निकायहरुमा अपाङ्गता भएका व्यक्तिहरुको
पहुँचमा सहज छैन वा भौततिक रुपमा सहज भएतापनि ती संस्थाहरुका सेवा प्रदायकहरू नै
मैत्री छैनन
कतिपय मानसिक अपाङ्गता भएका र बौद्धिक अपाङ्गता भएका व्यक्तिहरु ठीक र गलत छु ट्टाउने जीवनोपयोगी
सीप कम्जोर हुनेहुँदा यौनशोषणको कारण उनीहरुसँग योनशोषण हुँदा असुरक्षित यौनसम्पर्क हुनसक्ने हुँदा
अनिच्छित गर्भधारण हुने, यौन संक्रमण बढ्ने लगायत विभिन्न किसिमका यौनजन्य समस्याहरू हुने सम्भावना
हुन्छ । त्यसैले उनीहरुलाई यौन तथा प्रजनन स्वास्थ्य सम्बन्धी उपचार पाउँन र सम्भावित यौन
शोषणहरूबाट बचाउन अभिभावक तथा स्याहारकर्ताहरुले त्यसबारे जानाकारी लिने र होसियारी अपनाउन
आवश्यक छ ।
के हि मननीय महत्वपूर्ण कु राहरु

• साङ्ग जस्तै अपाङ्गता भएका व्यक्तिहरु पनि यौनिक प्राणी हुन् ।

• अपाङ्ता भएका व्यक्तिहरुको यौन तथा प्रजनन् अधिकार र भावनाको सम्मान गर्नुपर्छ ।

• अपाङ्ता भएका व्यक्तिहरुले देखाउने विविध खाले यौन व्यवहारहरु प्रति चिन्ता गर्ने होइन्, उचित
व्यवस्थापनको लागि सम्भावित सहयोग गर्नुपर्छ, सकारात्मक भावना दर्शाउनु पर्दछ ।

• कहिलेकाहिँ सुस्तमनस्थिति भएका व्यक्तिहरुलाई (विशेषगरी बालिका तथा युवतीहरू) लाई चोटपटक
लाग्नेसम्मका हिंसात्मक यौन व्यवहारहरुमा संलग्न गराईएका हुन्छन्, त्यसैले उनीहरु खेल्ने र डु ल्ने ठाउँमा
निगरानी हुने व्यवस्था मिलाउनुपर्ने हुन्छ
• अध्ययनहरू अनुसार साङ्गभन्दा अपाङ्गता भएका व्यक्तिहरू धेरै नै यौन हिंसा वा जोखिमपूर्ण यौनसम्पर्क मा
पुर्याइएका हुन्छन र त्यसमा पनि सुष्तमनस्थिति भएका व्यक्तिहरु माथि साङ्गहरुको दाँजोमा बढी यौन हिंसा
हुनेगरेको पाइएको हुनाले उनीहरुलाई यसबाट बचाउन सवलाङ्गहरुलाई भन्दा सानो उमेरमा नै यौन तथा
प्रजनन् स्वास्थ्यका जीवनोपयोगी सीप सिकाउँन बढी ध्यान दिनुपर्दछ र परिवार तथा समुदायमा यसका
बारेमा जानाकारी गराउँनु पर्दछ ।

के ही अन्तराष्ट्रिय कार्य हरु
• Shared SRHR information in Kenyan Sign
Language to Deaf Community. Encourage

• Lack of access to smart phones by some Deaf

• Inconsistent SRHR information in KSL
• Lack of resources
What does this mean for sexuality
education for and by people with
disabilities in China?

•Establishment and development of digital

•A big community network

•A new norm and more acceptable than before

•More accessible
There are various myths and misconceptions
on disability and sexuality as disable people
• asexual, physical disable people are unable to
have sex,
• disable people have more important things to
worry rather than sex,
• disable people do not face sexual assault,
There are various myths and misconceptions
on disability and sexuality as disable people are

•disable people do not need sex education,

• disable people should not have children,

•disable people should marry with other

disable to have sexual relationship
sexual and reproductive health needs
of young people with disabilities
•It was found that 47 percent of them were sexually active at that time,

•88 percent of them know from where they can obtain family planning

•Only 18 percent of them know about legal status of safe abortion

services, 54 percent perceived that the nearest SRH related health
facility was not disabled friendly.

•One-fifth of them reported they were facing difficulty with service

Sunaulo Pariwar Nepal
Still, there is the taboo in the society
that disabled people are asexual and do
not have a sexual desire
Knowledge about sexual health service:
Unmet need for sexual health services
Sexual desire after disability
Sexual Arousal after disability
Sexual Desire and its management
The idea of people with disabilities as asexual
beings who have no need for love, sex or
romantic relationships is ridiculous. However,
it is one that has a stronghold in most people’s
Nidhi Goyal, Author, Sexuality and Disability
A child with a disability needs sex education as much as a child
without a disability. In addition to a general sex education approach,
sex education for a child with a disability should also cover: 

• the fact that people with a disability can have fulfilling sex lives

• sexual issues that may be associated with their disability

• social rules such as public and private behaviours, and personal


• Sex education for a child with an intellectual disability should be

delivered in a way that the child can understand.
Sex education
• If you’re a parent of a child with a disability, it may be helpful to
have appropriate information about puberty, menstruation (a
disability doesn’t affect when a girl starts menstruating) and sexual
relationships on hand for your child. 

• Children and teenagers with an intellectual disability, such as that

associated with autism, may need longer to get used to the idea of the
changes that come with puberty. You can help them by preparing
before puberty starts (from age eight to 13 in girls, and nine to 14 in
Day 2
 सुरक्षित मातृत्व तथा प्रजनन स्वास्थ्य अधिकार ऐन, २०७५
परिच्छेद-८ विविध

• अपाङ्गतामैत्री सेवा प्रदान गर्नु पर्ने : यस ऐन अन्तर्गतका परिवार

नियोजन, प्रजनन स्वास्थ्य, सुरक्षित मातृत्व, सुरक्षित गर्भपतन,
आकस्मिक प्रसूति तथा नवजात शिशु, प्रजनन स्वास्थ्य रुग्णता
लगायतका सेवा प्रदान गर्दा किशोरी तथा अपाङ्गता मैत्री हुनु पर्नेछ।
बिवाह सम्बन्धी व्यवस्था
मुलुकी देवानी संहिता
Human Right
International human rights
•state that people with disabilities are
entitled to health services, including those
for sexual and reproductive health, on an
equal basis with others, and to have control
over their fertility
•In particular, sexual health information and
education should be made available in
accessible formats.
International human rights
•People with disabilities are entitled to the
support and time they require to make
informed decisions about matters of sexual
and reproductive health

•People with disabilities should not be subject

to involuntary and/ or forced interventions
such as sterilization
Promoting sexual and reproductive health for persons with
disabilities WHO/UNFPA guidance note

• the time for action concerning SRH of persons with

disabilities. On 3 May 2008 the Convention on the
Rights of Persons with Disabilities came into force.

• It is intended for SRH experts and advocates within

UNFPA and WHO as well as those in other
development organizations and partners. Those
who address issues of family planning, maternal
health, HIV and AIDS, adolescence, and gender-
based violence (GBV)
Recommends action in five
• Establish partnerships with organizations of persons
with disabilities. Policies and programmes are
consistently better when organizations of persons
with disabilities take part in their development.

• Raise awareness and increase accessibility in-

house. Attention to the needs of persons with
disabilities should be an integral part of current
work. Separate or parallel programmes usually are
not needed.
Recommends action in five areas:
• Ensure that all SRH programmes reach and serve persons
with disabilities. Most persons with disabilities can
benefit from inclusion by SRH programmes designed to
reach the general community.
• Address disability in national SRH policy, laws, and
budgets. UNFPA, WHO and other reproductive health
partner organizations’ staff should work with
organizations of persons with disabilities to make sure
that all legislation and regulations affecting SRH reflect
the needs of persons with disabilities.
• Promote research on the SRH of persons with disabilities.
A stronger evidence base will help improve SRH
programmes for persons with disabilities.
The Convention on the Rights of Persons with
Disabilities addresses sexual and reproductive

The 61st United Nations General

Assembly adopted the Convention on the
Rights of Persons with Disabilities on 13
December 2006. The Convention entered
into force on 3 May 2008.
articles of the Convention have direct
relevance to SRH
• Article 9 calls for accessibility, including access to medical
facilities and to information.

• Article 16 requires states parties to take measures to

protect persons with disabilities from violence and
abuse, including gender-based violence and abuse.

• Article 22 asserts the equal rights of persons with

disabilities to privacy, including privacy of personal
health information.
articles of the Convention have direct
relevance to SRH
• Article 23 requires states to eliminate
discrimination against persons with disabilities in
all matters relating to marriage, family,
parenthood, and relationships, including in the
areas of family planning, fertility, and family life.

• Article 25 requires that states ensure equal access

to health services for persons with disabilities,
with specific mention of SRH and population based
public health programmes.
barriers to health services include:

• Lack of physical access, including transportation and/or

proximity to clinics and, within clinics, lack of ramps,
adapted examination tables, and the like;
• lack of information and communication materials (e.g.
lack of materials in Braille, large print, simple language,
and pictures; lack of sign language interpreters);
• health-care providers’ negative attitudes;
• providers’ lack of knowledge and skills about persons
with disabilities;
• lack of coordination among health care providers;
• lack of funding, including lack of health-care insurance.
International Disability Alliance (IDA)
• Arab Organization of Disabled People
• Disabled Peoples’ International (DPI)
• European Disability Forum (EDF)
• Inclusion International (II)
• International Federation of Hard of Hearing People (IFHOH)
• Rehabilitation International (RI)
• The World Blind Union (WBU)
• World Federation of the Deaf (WFD)
• World Federation of Deafblind (WFDB)
• The World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry
• Having a physical or intellectual disability doesn’t
change your sexuality and your desire to express it.

• Your disability may affect your ability to have a regular

sex life – you may have to approach sexual activity
differently, and you may have questions and concerns
relating to your physical or emotional health.
• You have the right to make your own informed
choices about the method of contraception you
use, but your disability may narrow the range of
contraception options available to you.

• Talk to your doctor or a counsellor about your

concerns about your disability and sexuality.
Way Forward
• It would be more beneficial if the organization
assisting the PWD could provide certain education to
them regarding sexual and reproductive health as it
was found that participants had a high urge to learn
about the related field.

• More than half the participants had reported that

SHS was not accessible to them, unmet need of
contraceptive devices was also high and hence
attention from concerned authority should analyze
the sexual health need of people with disabilities.
Way Forward
• More than four-fifth reported there was a lack of disable
friendly sexual health services and the environment to
seek the services. It would be beneficial if steps could be
forwarded from all the concerned authority as
Government, working organization, community etc. to
make the infrastructure around them disable friendly in

• Participants also have multiple sex partners hence; they

should be made aware regarding the implications of
having multiple sex partner and safe sexual behavior
should be promoted.
Anup Adhikari

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