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Subimmited By:-

second Year (Civil)
Enrollment: 186910306503
Faculty: Prashant sir


 Introduction
 Objectives
 What is rain water harvesting?
 Necessity of rain water harvesting.
Advantages of rain water harvesting.
 Conclusion.
• RWH is an outcome of awareness among
the people regarding the water scarcity.
Typical features of Rain Water Harvesting :-
• Reutilization of waste water.
• As RWH - neither energy-intensive nor
• It can be a cost-effective alternative to
other water-accruing methods.
• With the water table falling rapidly, & concrete surfaces and landfill dumps taking
the place of water bodies, RWH is the most reliable solution for augmenting
groundwater level to attain self-sufficiency

The main objectives of rain water harvesting are :-

1. Promote rain water harvestig by creating awareness
among the people.
2. increasing the avaibility of ground water during periods
of requirement.
3. preventing depletion of ground water reserviour in
areas of over exploitation
4. Decreasing menace of flood on local and regional scale
5. reducing pressure on storm drains in urban areas
6. enhancing the quality of environment.
What is Rain Water Harvesting?
Rain water harvesting is simply collecting, storing and
purifying the naturally soft and pure rainfall that falls
upon your roof.
Rain water may be utilized for both potable and non-
potabke requirements such as…
• Drinking, cooking, bathing(potable water)
• swimming pool
• toilet flushing
• Laundary
• Landscape and Irrigation
• Livestock and Animals
Necessity of Rain Water Harvesting
• Water is one of the most important natural
resource, it is the most basic need for all living
beings as well as a very valuable national asset.
• surface water source fail to meet the rising
demands of water supply in ueban areas
• water is being taken out from sub-surface
water source on large scale, while on
contamprary, input to it is not being matched
How To Harvest Rain Water?
The six basic components of a rain water harvesting system
1. Catchment: Roof surface to collect rain.
2. Conveyance: Pipes from roof area to storagre.
3. Roof Washing: ‘First flush’ diverter to filter and remove
4. Storage: Tanks where collected rain water is collected and
5. Purification: Includes artificial filters, sand filters to remove
suspended impurities
6. Distribution: System that delivers the rain water, usually
including small pump and pressure tank.
Roof Top Rain Water Harvesting
Rooftop Rainwater Recharging
• Following are the methods of recharging
Ground Water Table:-
1. Well Recharging Method
2. Borewell Recharging Method:-

Other minor methods are:-

• Farm Pit Method
• Farm Trench Method
Costs and Economic Viability of
Roof Water Harvesting System
• Two types of systems:
– Rooftop water harvesting
– Rooftop rainwater

• Rooftop water harvesting

– Rs.50/m3 for 20-year life
– Rs.25 for a 40-year life

• RWHS won’t replace public

systems in most physical and
climatic conditions.
When Does RWHS Work?
Conditions Suitable for Conditions Unsuitable for
High mean annual rainfall with low Low mean annual rainfall with
inter-annual variability high inter-annual variability

Rainfall spread over large number Intense rainfall in few rainy days
of rainy days with little gap between two wet
Hilly areas with scattered Plains with dense settlements

Houses with large per capita roof Houses with small per capita roof
area in cities area like multi-storey apartments

The Dangs, Western Ghats Kachchh, Saurashtra

Rain Water Harvesting– Advantages

• 1.Provides self-sufficiency to water supply

• 2.Reduces the cost for pumping of ground water
• 3.Provides high quality water, soft and low in minerals
• 4.Improves the quality of ground water through
dilution when recharged
• 5.Reduces soil erosion & flooding in urban areas
• 6.The rooftop rain water harvesting is less expensive &
easy to construct, operate and maintain
• 7. In desert, RWH only relief
• 8. In saline or coastal areas & Islands, rain water provides good
quality water
• Conservation of water.
• since we cannot produce energy, but we can
save it by preventing wastage.
• In the same way we cannot produce water,
but save it and protect our future

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