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Evolution Of

Management Thought
Kanika Sofat
 Father of scientific management
 Insisted that management itself would have

to change scientifically
 he introduced incentive system
 His theory state that labor productivity could

be improved by scientifically
 Determine fair day task for each worker

through scientific methods(including best

ways of doing a job)
 Associated with Taylor developed Gantt Chart
 It is a bar graph that measured planned and

complete work along each stage of

production by time elapsed.
 He called for scientific selection of workers

and “harmonious cooperation” between labor

and management.
 He also emphasized on the need for training.
 Scientific selection and training for workers.
 Standardization of raw materials, tools and

working conditions.
 Functional Foremanship
 Different piece rate system of wage payment

i.e. workers who produce standard output or

exceed the standard are paid higher rate for
all units produced by them and who are
unable to come upto standard are paid
 Frank Gilbrenth pioneered time and motion
 Stressed efficiency and focus on “one best

way” to work.
 Lillian Gilbrenth focused on human aspects of

work and understanding of workers

personalities and needs.
 He is known as “Father of modern management
 His most significant work is in General and
Industrial management.
 He discussed 14 general principles of
management such as authority and
responsibility, unity of command, scalar chain,
division of work etc.
 He divided industrial activities into 6 groups:
technical, commercial, financial, security,
accounting and managerial.
 He believed that organization based on
rational authority would be more efficient and
adaptable to change
 According to him rationality in organization
meant employee selection and advancement
based on competence rather that whom you
 He worker on bureaucratic model.
Weber’s bureaucratic model features:
 High degree of division of work/specialization
 Rules, regulations and procedures; which govern

the work behavior of job holders.

 Hierarchy of authority.
 Record keeping i.e. administrative acts and
decisions are recorded.
 Technical competence; of people for selection and

 Impersonality i.e. there is no place for emotions,

sentiments and personal attachment.

Elton Mayo
 Undertook experiments at Hawthorne plant of
Western Electric Company.
 He determined the effect of illumination and
other conditions on workers and their
 According to him money was not the cause of
increased output.
 He found that social factors such as morale,
satisfactory interrelationships between members
of a work group (a sense of belonging) and
effective management lead to improve in
 He noted that employees perform better when
managers treated them in a positive manner.
Chester Bernard
 His significant contribution was the concept of
informal organization.
 He argued that organizations are not machines
and informal relationships are powerful forces
that help organization if properly managed.
 Acceptance theory of authority: people have
free will and can choose whether to follow
management orders. and managers should
treat employees properly because acceptance
of authority is critical to organization success
 He formulated theory X and theory Y
 He believed that classical perspective was

based on Theory X.
 He believed that organizations can take

advantage of the imagination and intellect of

theory Y employees.
 Employees will exercise self control and will

contribute to organizational goals.

Peter F. Drucker
 He worked on the concept of decentralization
 He asserted that organizations work best when they
are decentralized.
 He challenged both business and labor leaders to
search for ways to give workers more control over
their work environment.
 He also argued that governments should turn many
functions over to private enterprise and urged
organizing in teams to exploit the rise of a
technology-astute class of "knowledge workers.“
 Drucker believed that employees are assets and not
M.E. Porter
 His core field is competition and company strategy.
 He is generally recognized as the father of the
modern strategy field, and his ideas are taught in
virtually every business school in the world.
 His work has also re-defined thinking about
competitiveness, economic development,
economically distressed urban communities,
environmental policy, and the role of corporations
in society.
 One of his most significant contributions is the five
Thank you….

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